You’re browsing Facebook one day when a post about a hot-yoga, silent-except-for-chanting, green-juice-sipping-from-mason-jars retreat in a secluded area of the Appalachian Mountains pops up into your feed.
“Oh how lovely!” you think to yourself (as you do when these things pop up), “I’ve always wondered about retreats like this one!”
You click the link to find out more when, lo-and-behold, you land on a page featuring nothing but a giant red flashing BUY NOW button.
You close your browser as quickly as you can hit the X button never to return to anything that has to do with yoga or mason jars, ever again.
That nightmarish page with the giant red flashing button? That wasn’t a landing page or a sales page. That was a scare-off page.
And you never want to use those in your business. Unless you never want to sell anything, in which case, by all means....
Now, before we dive into how to structure a successful long-form sales page that draw your visitors to your offer rather than send them away screaming, let’s first establish some important distinctions about the terms we’ll be using throughout this tutorial and their application in the world of marketing.
Sales Pages and Landing Pages: The Long and Short of It
You’ve probably heard of landing pages and sales pages before, even if in passing. But what are these pages really and what’s the difference between the two?
Landing Pages: Smooth Intro To Your Business
As the name suggests, a landing page is a page on which a visitor “lands” when directed to your business website from an external link, such as an advertisement, a byline in a guest post, or something you share on social media.
Instead of directing people to your homepage or any other page on your website where they might get lost and overwhelmed by all the information, you create a landing page for them that introduces them to your business through a specific channel.
This specific channel consists of some valuable information (in the form of an ebook, a video lesson, a series of posts, or various other means) that the visitor can receive along with a subscription to your regular mailing list in exchange for something else, usually their name and email address.
Ramit Sethi’s landing page for his I Will Teach You To Be Reach website is a good example of a simple, tight, and effective landing page. When visitors click on the yellow “Get the Best of My Book for Free” button they’re asked for their name and email address to receive the book for free. That’s it. Exchange over. Landing successful.
The purpose of the simple landing page is to create a connection with a potential customer by delivering some valuable information to them right now but without “selling” them anything yet. The landing page aims at converting casual visitors to email subscribers that may become customers further down the line. Nothing more, nothing less.
In the rest of this tutorial we’ll be focusing on sales pages rather than landing pages (difference and definition explained below). But if you want to learn how to create killer landing page for your free offers to introduce more people to your business, you should have a look at the following series of tutorials:
Landing Pages
How to Write Landing Page Copy That Converts
David Masters
Landing Pages
How to Optimize Your Landing Page for Conversion
David Masters
Landing Pages
Fundamentals of Effective Landing Page Design
David Masters
Sales Pages: The Seal of the Deal
There’s no bigger commitment a visitor can make to your online business than the one that’s sealed with money. At the end of the day, unless people commit to your offers with money, you don’t really have a business—just an advice column or a blog.
And the best way to promote a specific offer is through a dedicated sales page that explains everything a potential customer would want to know about that offer and that offer only!
No extra information about your other offers, no distracting messages about your blog posts or other material, not the entire story of your business or life—only material relevant to the offer at hand.
In a way, sales pages are also a type of landing page because your visitors will land on those page from external links you share outside your website. But because of their very specific and crucial purpose (that of selling) and because of their evolution from the pre-internet “sales letter” that companies used to send in the snail-mail, we distinguish this type of landing pages by calling them sales pages.
A sales page aims at converting visitors into paying customers. To achieve that, your sales page has to do more convincing and employ persuasion techniques more extensively than your simple landing page that only asks for visitors’ email.
That’s why sales pages tend to be longer than simple landing pages. But how much longer should they be?
Not All Sales Pages Are Created Equal
This isn’t to say that some sales pages are by nature superior that others—that depends entirely on the content and shape you give your sales page. (And you’ll learn how to create and structure powerful sales pages later in this tutorial, so fear not!)
That’s rather to say that not all sales pages are created equal in length. Some sales pages are short, almost resembling the simple landing page type, some are longer, and some are super-long, running well into the thousands and even tens of thousands of words in length!
But the quality and effectiveness of your sales page has nothing to do with its length but only with its overall conversion rate. If it sells, it’s successful; if it doesn’t sell, it’s not.
So what’s the right length for your sales page?
How Steep in Your Price Tag?
A simple analogy can run like this: If you consider that sales pages are a type of landing pages, as we mentioned earlier, imagine that the steeper the price of your offer the greater the “fall” to the landing dock it is for your visitor.
If you’re selling a $5 ebook, your visitors need only take a minor leap into their wallets to land your offer. Not much padding needed there; a simple explanation of your offer will suffice for a $5 purchase.
But if you’re selling a $500 service package, then you’re asking visitors to take quite a substantial jump into their wallet to land your offer. And you need to provide sufficient padding on your page to ensure a soft landing.
That “padding” represents the length of your sales page. The steeper your price tag the more information and persuasion you’ll need in order to convert your visitor into a buyer.
And if your offer asks visitors to plunge into their savings account for a $5,000 purchase, you better be ready to pad that sales page with some serious cushioning to avoid having visitors bouncing off your sales page without buying. Or breaking any bones (and the deal) immediately upon reaching your price tag.
How Aware is Your Audience?
Your price tag plays an important role in the length of your sales page, but that’s not the only consideration you need to take into account before hitting the writing desk. It’s not like you can create a direct correlation where you say that $5 offers need a 500-word sales page and $5,000 offers need a 50,000-word novel to be sold.
There’s no magic number of words that once hit will automatically quadruple, quintuple, or 10X your conversion rates.
What matters is the exchange of value.
If your audience feels that the value you offer them is worth the value you place on it in dollars, they’ll take the leap. If they don’t, they’ll bounce away.
So the other important consideration to take into account when creating your sales page is your audience’s awareness of your business and the value of your offer. The awareness, in other words, your audience has of the problem you’re trying to solve through your offer, of the existence of your offer, and of your positioning as an expert for providing that offer.
The legendary copywriter Eugene Schwartz explained the concept of audience awareness in his book Breakthrough Advertising. When it comes to the marketplace, Schwartz wrote, awareness runs in five stages (and I present them here as they have been nicely summarized by Brian Clark of Copyblogger):
The Most Aware: Your prospect knows your product, and only needs to know “the deal.”
Product-Aware: Your prospect knows what you sell, but isn’t sure it’s right for him.
Solution-Aware: Your prospect knows the result he wants, but not that your product provides it.
Problem-Aware: Your prospect senses he has a problem, but doesn’t know there’s a solution.
Completely Unaware: No knowledge of anything except, perhaps, his own identity or opinion.
The more aware your audience is of the solution you offer and with your brand, the less “selling” you need to do. The less aware they are, the more you need to convince them that they should buy from you.
Apple, for example, hardly needs to do any convincing to get us to buy the new version of their latest gadget. All they have to do is announce the release date and we’re all lining up in files around entire city blocks for miles on end and days in advance. Deal sold. (But they still build beautiful long-form sales pages. Just in case.)
Unless you’re already a superstar in your industry and specific niche, you’ll probably need to do a lot more convincing than Apple to sell your product or service that comes in at the same price as the newest iPhone. You’ll have to show people the benefits of your offer, establish your authority, explain why you’re their best option, show how their lives can improve, prove that the lives of others have improved through your solution, and then get to the part where you ask for the sale.
So How Long Should Your Sales Page Be?
As long as it needs to communicate your value and make the sale.
Did you ever receive a similar (and equally frustrating) answer from a college professor when asking how long your paper should be?
“As long as it needs to prove your argument.”
Well, the really frustrating part about that answer is that it’s true.
There are no hard and fast rules about how long your sales page should be. It should be as long as it needs to make your argument, to persuade your visitors that you’re the one, and to seal the deal with some cold hard cash dropped onto your buy button.
In other words: it should be as long as it needs to be to prove that the value provided through your offer equals (and even exceeds) the value requested in amount of dollars.
But… a cautionary note: it needs to be as long as necessary to make the sale and not a word longer.
Long-form sales pages are not necessarily better than short-form sales pages, or vice versa. You need to gauge the appropriate length for your offer based on your price, on your audience’s awareness, and on the space you need to communicate your value. No fillers, no muddle, no extra words just because.
So before you sit down to write the next great American novel that will sell your $19 graphics package or video editing email course, think about how your price tag compares to similar products in your industry and how aware your audience is of your solution and your authority in the business.
And don’t worry too much about how you’ll actually build the page with the appropriate length. There are many great landing page templates that allow great flexibility in length and design that can help you get the technical job done. All you have to do is pick your favorite one!
How much value does your offer have for your audience?
How to Make Magic: Or, Crafting a Successful Sales Page
Regardless of length, all sales pages utilize the same basic elements in making their argument and achieving conversions. Longer pages expand more on some of these elements to get their message across, while the shorter ones simply mention the basics and move on.
Once you master these elements and understand their function, you’ll be able to write sales pages of the appropriate length for your offer by elaborating on the areas where you need to offer more information and do more persuading and staying succinct where just a few words will do the trick.
For ease of conversation, we’ll separate these basic sales page elements into three main categories: Content, Structure, and Design.
First, we’ll talk about Content, what you need to say on your sales page, then Structure, how you need to say it and when for greater conversions, and finally we’ll discuss the basics of Design because aesthetics matter more than you may think in making buying decisions.
At the opening of this tutorial, we imagined the unlikely scenario in which an intriguing offer on the web takes you to a revolting landing page featuring one giant red flashing button screaming “BUY NOW!” in your face without further explanation or persuasion.
Of course, we all know you’ll need to write more on your sales page to actually convince people to buy. But what should you write? Where do you start? What should you include and what should you leave out?
The following sections will guide you through gathering all the necessary information for your sales pare and to start writing. Give them a shot and start writing out your answers without censoring yourself or wondering if you’re doing it right.
Nothing of what you write in response to the prompts below must appear “as is” on your sales page. But it will form the main text you’ll use as the structural elements on your page, which we’ll discuss in the next section. The point, for now, is to get you writing so you can edit your flow later.
Step 1: Identify Your Audience and Their Level of Awareness
Who are the people you’re trying to reach on your sales page? And what’s your purpose in talking to that particular audience? Do they know who you are? Are most of them return customers? Are they all new customers?
Let’s pretend for a minute that you’re a personal trainer. Here are two different scenarios:
Scenario 1
You’ve already established a pretty large fan base through your free exercise advice and $5-19 training videos you’ve been publishing over the last year. You have about 500 people in your returning customers list and another 1500 in your email subscribers list.
You’re now writing a sales page for a new online training program you’re releasing where people can work out with you through exclusive videos every single day for a month to get in shape for the summer. The program will also include personalized meal plans and private online meetings with you for the duration of the program. You set your price at $199.
How much convincing do you need to do? Some, to be sure. Your current price of $199 is far above your highest-priced $19 video of the past. So this new sales page will naturally (because of the information contained) run longer than any sales page you created in the past. But, you feel confident that your core audience is aware of your band and your results, since they’ve already put their trust in you by buying from you in the past. So you don’t need to dwell too much on establishing yourself. Just a few testimonials and a few success stories should be convincing enough for the sale.
Scenario 2
In an alternative universe, you’re still the same personal trainer with the same skills and knowledge, but you’re just starting out online and have an email list of about 300 people. No one on this list has even bought anything from you because you’ve only been publishing your blog and some free videos so far.
The $199 month-long exercise and nutrition program you’ve created is the first offer you’ll release into the world. Besides your own audience, you’re also planning to do a series of guest posts and free exercise videos for others in order to attract new potential clients to your offer.
How much convincing do you need to do now? Quite a bit more, right? Even though you have an audience that’s shown an interest in your work, they’ve never bought from you yet. They’re aware of you, but not specifically aware of the effectiveness of your solution. Plus, you’re hoping to attract new visitors to your sales page who’ve never heard of you or seen anything substantial by you. And you’ll really need to prove yourself to them, your credentials, and the benefits of buying from you.
You can already see that this version of sales page, for the exact same program, will run longer in order to convince visitors of your value and convert them into paying customers.
Dialing In
Of course, your audience may fall under more than one categories, but you should still be able to identify the main core and majority of your audience and know how aware they are of your business and of the solution you offer before you get going.
Here’s an example of a long-form sales page for a fitness diet book that does a great job at identifying its ideal audience and gauging their level of awareness.
Notice that the copy doesn’t talk to anyone who wants to lose weight or people who’ve just recently gained a few pounds. The copy is geared towards the seasoned fitness dieter who’ve tried every trick in the book to get lean and muscular. That’s why the page talks about ending “the confusion” and busting the “myths” of fitness dieting. In order to sell this new diet, the page needs to reject advice that the audience has heard before and establish new rules.
When you identify your audience, you’ll know how to talk to them and why. Where does your audience stand on the awareness scale? How much persuading do you have to do?
Step 2: List Your Features “So That” You Can Sell the Benefits
One of the biggest mistakes of sales pages is that they focus too much on the features of the product or service and too little on the benefits to the client. That’s not because business owners don’t know how to sell their products or how to reach their audience. It’s rather a symptom of being “too close” to you offer.
From the day you start building a new product or service for your audience, you’re doing so to provide some benefit to them, even if you don’t consciously realize that that’s what you’re doing.
You offer web design to help them set up and increase their business; you offer video editing services to help them grow their business through visual storytelling; you offer wedding photography to help them capture life’s important moments for posterity.
But as you start building your offer, you begin focusing on its features. Because these features will make your offer different and help you stand out from the competition.
You build the coolest, most original websites the interweb has even seen. Or you build websites fast. You offer Hollywood-quality films for an extra wow factor. Or, you offer affordable video editing that helps even the smallest of businesses profit from the widespread use of video messages.
But those features aren’t what you’re customers are buying.
What they’re buying (and what will convince them to buy) are the results of those features, which in copywriting we call benefits.
What good will your quick turn-around time provide me? Doesn’t everyone offer this sort of timing? What good will your highest-quality video provide me? Why should I pay more for it? What good will your innovative design offer me? Is it worth the price tag?
The best way to get to the heart of your argument and uncover the benefits that you need to communicate to your audience in order to sell them on your offer is to begin with a list of all the features you can think of. This should be easy to do. It’s the list of all the things that make your product or service special, different, unique, and worth the money.
Once you have your bullet list of features, go back to the beginning and tag at the end of each one the bullets the phrase “so that.” The explanation you give following “so that” will lead you to uncover the true benefits to your customer.
A new website in 5 business days so that...
you can start working right away
you can make your investment back tenfold by the end of the month
you don’t lose any precious business of idle redesign periods
The highest quality wedding photography so that...
you can preserve your most treasured family memories as beautifully as you live them
you can always see the smile on your loved one’s face as clear as the day they smiled
The highest quality business video editing so that...
the look of your business can match the degree of its professionalism
you establish authority with new clients, at first sight
your indisputable professionalism and authority will close you higher contracts on first sight
As you can see from the examples above, you can use more than one “so that” on each feature. This will help you articulate all the benefits in various ways so you can communicate them effectively to potential customers. You may not want to use these sentences as they are (although you can use “so that” clauses in a sales page), but these will form your basic line of argument for explaining the real value of your offer to visitors.
The Crazy Egg sales page does a wonderful job of communicating the benefits to visitors (what the app will do for them) without overwhelming them with all the technical features of the app yet (how exactly it will do it for them). They’ll learn all the necessary details of functionality once they sign up.
Step 3: Find the Objections and Answer Them
No offer will be 100% agreeable to everyone from the get-go. For various reasons.
If you’re only looking to sell to people who love your offer at first sight, you won’t sell very many pieces, if any at all. We all have our reservations or even objections about things we’re interested in buying. And the higher the price tag the more our objections intensify and multiply because so do our expectations. (Keep that in mind when pricing your offer.)
Buying a $5 ebook can be as easy as “see offer, buy.”
But buying a $500 online seminar can bring up various questions:
What are your qualifications?
What is the proof that this works?
What if I can’t make the time of the seminar?
Can’t I find the stuff you’re teaching by doing a google search?
What makes your stuff better than your competitors?
Why shouldn’t I buy X product/service that’s similar and cheaper?
How do I know you’ll deliver what you say and deliver it on time?
You need to be honest with yourself about the possible objections your audience can have to your offer. Even better: ask your audience what their objections are.
If you already have an active email list, send a quick questionnaire out before you put your offer together asking your subscribers what their greatest fears about buying from you or buying a specific product may be. Collect their fears and answer them in your objections section.
Many business owners have the tendency to want to hide or ignore these objections, thinking it best not to bring them up. But that strategy will only leave your audience wondering and doubting. And doubts lead to lost sales.
You don’t have to write an entire essay about the objections. One of the best ways to bring them up is in the form of questions in an FAQ section like the Renegade Diet sales page has done in the example below. What’s really nice about this presentation style is that the questions are unobtrusive to visitors who don’t worry about these things, while those who do can click on each question to read the answer.
Bring up the objections yourself, answer them head on, provide alternatives, or minimize them by explaining why they’re not as serious as people may think. Clear the air so potential buyers can move to the buy button with confidence and ease.
Step 4: Gather Proof of Results
Get together all your testimonials from past clients. If you don’t have any yet, begin gathering some today by sending emails to past clients asking for testimonials.
Read carefully through all your testimonials and feedback to find the powerful quotes about your products or services. Find why people love your product or services and how it has helped them.
Collect all the social proof you can get to offer proof positive of results by quoting these testimonials on your sales page.
Step 5: Craft a Risk-Removing Guarantee
“What if your product doesn’t work as you say?” “What if I get no results?” “It’s great that this has worked for so many people, but what if my case is different?”
Even with social proof at plain sight, people will still wonder if your solution will work for them.
That’s why you should have a risk-removing guarantee that helps put them at ease. A guarantee that eliminates the fear of buying something that won’t work and then being stuck with it.
Make sure, however, you make your guarantee clear and fair for both parties involved (i.e. you and the customer).
If you offer a 30-day money back guarantee on a course, note whether that comes with any further conditions. For example, you may want proof of the customer having applied your methods and gotten no results.
If you’re only selling a $5 ebook, asking for proof may not be worth your time and you may want to offer the refund to anyone who asks for it. (Who’ll be almost no one, to be sure. Have a look for example at the 60-day money back guarantee offered by The Renegade Diet Book in the screenshot shared above.) But if your offers costs $500 you’ll want to have some conditions in place.
The Structure
The structure will help you shape your material into a highly-converting sales page. Again, there’s no structural blueprint that applies for all sales pages ever, but the following structural elements will help you shape your argument on the page:
1. Attention-Grabbing Headline
Your main sales page headline needs to grab your visitors attention and speak right to their heart. It needs to identify with your audience’s greatest pain and pique their interest in learning more. It needs to give the first promise of the benefits they’ll get from buying what you’re selling.
2. Explanatory Subheading
You want to follow your emotional headline with a more practically oriented subheading that begins to explain how your offer delivers on the promise you make in your main headline. The job of your subheading is to reassure your audience that there’s a real method behind the promise you make in your headline.
For an effective attention-grabbing headline that speaks right to the audience’s problem and an explanatory subheading that begins to give practical clues as to how the product achieves results, check out the opening section of the sales page for Sweat Block:
3. Clear, Short Paragraphs
Even though this will be a long-form sales pages, you never want to give your audience dense blocks of text. Or they’ll end up hitting their head against it and bouncing off your page. Structure your argument in short, clear, and succinct paragraphs that are easily digestible. Each paragraph should have a clear and singular purpose and one purpose only.
4. Fascinating Bullet Points
The human brain loves lists and bullet points. That’s because it can easily analyze and process information offered this way.
Make sure you present the compelling points and benefits of your offer in bullet form to fascinate and attract your ideal audience further into your offer. With each new bullet they read, your visitors’ brains should be going “Want! Want! Love! Wow, Want! Want!” Who can resist that?
5. Proof of Authority
Why do doctors all around the world wear white coats? Especially when some of them work with red blood and other staining bodily fluids? Because white coats are easy to recognize and have become a sign of medical authority. You don’t need to ask the person in a white coat who walks into your hospital room what credentials she has.
Similarly, you need to display your “white coat” of authority on your sales page. Why should people listen to you? More importantly, why should they buy from you? What qualifications do you have? Have you been featured on trusted sources? Have you served well-known clients in this field?
A good landing page template, like Lune shown below, will come already equipped with a section where you can proudly display your credentials and past work markers that help establish your authority in your field.
Show your credentials and proof of authority through logos, qualifications, and other types of signals that serve that purpose.
6. Social Proof
Credentials are not all people care about. They also want to know that you’ve had real results with real people.
This is where the testimonials you’ve collected earlier will come in handy. Sprinkle your most powerful quotes from past customers throughout your sales page, with an emphasis around the buy buttons. Social proof may not be the main reason anyone buys a product, but it can work as a powerful motivator when deciding to click that buy button.
A word to the wise: social proof doesn’t have to come only from “official” client testimonials or Thank You's you receive via email. Public praise you receive on social media channels from clients can be equally powerful, if not more powerful due to the visibility factor.
Take a look for example at how the Social Proof section on the Get Leads Landing Page Template that features twitter testimonials and reviews. Not only can your clients see that others like your solution, they can even verify the sources on social media as real people!
7. Call to Action
The most important element on your page, perhaps.
Don’t let people guess what they’re supposed to do. Tell them. Call them to take action. Call them to buy now. To enroll today. To register while the offer lasts.
Tell them clearly and tell them often!
Don’t wait until the very bottom of your long-form sales page to give your call to action. Provide a “buy button” after the conclusion of each argument you make.
Some people will be ready to buy before others—especially those in the most aware segment of your audience. Don’t make them wait. Call them to action as soon as possible (but not before offering at least sufficient explanation).
The Design
To conclude our tutorial, let’s take a quick look at sales page design, as presentation can make or break your sales page.
1. Hero Image
The hero image is a large, bold image that accompanies the main headline of your sales page.
You want a big, strong image that amplifies the identification of your audience with your solution. It doesn’t necessarily have to show your product, but it does have to speak to the desire of your audience and the main promise you’re making in your offer.
If you really want to go big with your hero shot, you can even consider using some silent video loops that capture your ideal audience’s desires and help them identify with the solution you’re offering.
And you don’t have to be a coding or web design genius to do so! Check out the RGen Landing Page Template that lets you seamlessly embed powerful video right into the hero section of your page:
2. Negative Spaces
That’s about the only negative thing you want on your sales page. But you’ll want quite a bit of it.
Negative space refers to the “empty space” you leave around paragraphs, bullet points, call-to-action buttons, and other elements of your page.
Because long-form sales pages are by definition long, you want to make sure you leave enough space of the page for your elements to “breathe” and your visitor’s eye to “rest.” A long page that looks busy and crowded, will only cause a feeling of anxiety and a desire for flight.
3. Video
If you can add video to explain something, to show the benefits of your product, or feature some customer testimonials, then by all means do so.
You should treat video like a visual paragraph on your sales page, inserting it at the point where it’s needed for persuasion.
Also, design the space around the video to feature it as the main element without it having to complete with a block of text, for example, since the audience can’t read the text and watch the video all at once.
4. Clickable Buttons
Make sure your call-to-action buttons are clickable and look clickable. People should never have to guess if something is a button or not.
To help your buy buttons stand out and draw the attention of your audience, use a color that stands out on your sales page and draws the eye to those buttons.
Your Long-Form Sales Page in a Snapshot
Remember that you never want to build a sales page that screams in your visitors’ face “BUY NOW! BUY NOW! BUY NOW!”
Your long-form sales page must be like a journey potential customers take through the story of your offer that clearly demonstrates the benefits of what you’re selling and proves the real value of what you offer.
If your offer is relatively small and you’re only asking for the visitor’s name and email address in return so you can begin building a relationship with them, then you can use a short and to-the-point landing page to accomplish your purpose.
But if you’re asking for a monetary exchange that will convert visitors into paying customers, you’ll need to say more on your page in order to persuade visitors of the value of your offer and convince them to buy from you.
How much more you need to say will depend on the price tag of what you’re selling and on the current awareness your audience has of your brand and solution. Regardless of the final length of your sales page, however, every effective sales page contains the same essential elements in the following three categories:
Audience identification and awareness
Features “so that” they reveal your offer’s true benefits
Possible objections and their answers
Proof of results
Risk-removing guarantee
Attention-grabbing headline
Explanatory subheading
Clear, short paragraphs
Fascinating bullet points
Proof of authority and credentials
Social proof
A call to action
Hero image
Negative spaces
Video (if possible or applicable)
Clickable buttons
And remember, you don’t have to start from “scratch” on building a high-conversion landing page for your business. These popular landing page templates will help you set up your page in just minutes providing all the right sections and movable parts you could ever need.
If you want to review responsive designs that are perfect for bootstrapping your business into higher sales, make sure you check out this handpicked selection right here.
Landing Pages
10 Best Bootstrap Landing Page Templates—With Responsive Designs
Sean Hodge
What Does Your Sales Page Look Like?
Every sales page is as unique as the offer made on it. There’s not cookie-cutter page that can fit your needs and the needs of everyone else.
But if you follow the plan we’ve outline here, make sure you include all the essential elements we’ve discussed and choose a versatile landing page template, you can shape your sales page to the exact specification of your offer for the highest conversion rates.
Also, make sure you A/B test your results, learn more about the process:
The Power of Split Testing in eCommerce
David Masters
So what does your sales page look like? What elements do you think you need to focus more on and why? Do have any other questions about sales pages that we haven’t covered here? Let us know in the comments below!