
Resumes are important for a wide variety of professionals. If you want to land a position as a designer, digital marketer, web developer, or another type of job, your resume is what will help open the door for you.

If you're seeking work, you need a resume. Most employers expect them, so you want to be prepared.

In this tutorial you'll learn how to make a resume. We'll start
with a discussion on what a resume is (and is not). Next, we'll explore various
types of resumes so you can craft the right one for the position you're applying for. You'll also discover guidelines for designing and writing
an effective resume. Then we'll touch on where to send your resume and explain how to follow
up after you've sent it out.

1. What Is a Resume?

Simply put, a resume is a document that summarizes your education, professional experience, and skills. It's frequently used by recruiters and others to sift through job applicants and choose those that they'll interview. For that reason, a resume is one of the most important documents you can create if you are looking for a job.

Traditionally, resumes were printed on paper. In today's job market a resume is a digital document used to apply to jobs online.

With the popularity of social media sites like
LinkedIn and About.me there is some confusion about what a resume is.
LinkedIn is a popular site with recruiters that allows users to share resume-type information on their
profiles. It is not your resume though.

LinkedIn, About.me and other business-oriented social media
sites do not replace your resume. Instead, use these sites to supplement
it. Remember you do not own your social media site profile. A social media
platform can change at any time. Those changes could affect your profile.
Refer to your professional profile in your resume, but do not expect that
profile to replace your resume.

Now that we know what a resume is (and is not), let's look at what to put into it.

2. Gathering Information

The first step to make a resume is to gather information.
You need to compile details about your past employment, your education,
and your specific skills. If it's been a while since you've made a resume or if you've never made one,
you might find this task challenging.

First, you need to understand what type of information to
gather. Next you need to know how to get that information. We'll discuss both.

Information You Need to Make a Resume

The purpose of your resume is to convey details that help you stand out as an applicant. It's
important to have the right type of information on your resume. At
least include the following:

Work Experience



Include professional social media information, such as your
LinkedIn account, and your contact information. The order in which you present
your information depends on the type of resume you choose.

Here are some key points to remember as you gather your

Recent work experiences are more important than
long ago work.

Professional work experience is more important
than nonprofessional work.

Recent education is more important than dated education.

Gather significant volunteer experience.

Keep your resume simple and if possible, short.  But don’t omit anything really important.

Don't forget to mention specific coursework
related to your field.

How to Get Information for Your Resume

So, how do you make sure you haven't left anything out? If
you haven't updated your resume for a while, it's possible to forget something.
You also might have trouble pulling details together if you're making
a resume for the first time. Here are some potential sources for information:

Find past employers and clients in your tax

Find specific coursework in your college

Search past performance reviews for mentions of
specific achievements.

At this point, it's better to have too much information than
not enough. You can always edit out anything you don't need.

Once you've gathered your information, you're ready to
choose a type of resume that fits your experience best.

3. Choose a Resume Type

There are four different types of resumes. I will explain
each type. The resume type you choose depends on the type of job you are
applying for and on your own background.

The four resume types are:

Chronological Resume

Functional Resume

Combination Resume

Creative Resume

I'll discuss each resume type below.

Chronological Resume

This is the most common resume format. It starts with a
career summary followed by work experience listed in reverse chronological
order. Skills and education appear at the end. Chronological resumes also
include the month and year for each past job.

If you have a strong work history with lots of work
experience in your field, a chronological resume is probably the best resume
format for you. It emphasizes your strong background in your field.

Because of its focus on work history, employment gaps are easy
to spot in a chronological resume. Some recruiters prefer this format for that

If you have employment gaps some specialists recommend using
a functional resume format instead. What is a functional resume? Let's take a

Functional Resume

Like the chronological resume, the functional resume starts
with a summary statement. The next section in a functional resume is a listing
of professional skills. Your work history (without employment dates) and your
education follow.

The functional resume format de-emphasizes dates and work
history. That is why it is sometimes considered to be a better format to use if
you have gaps in your employment. The format can be helpful for stay-at-home
parents re-entering the workforce and others who have taken time off from their

Be careful when using the functional resume, though. Many recruiters
are suspicious of resumes with lots of work experience and no dates. They may
feel that you are trying to hide something. Always be prepared to explain
employment gaps.

Learn more about the benefits of a functional resume in this tutorial:


How to Write a Functional or Skills-Based Resume (With Examples + Templates)

Charley Mendoza

There is a resume format that includes features of both a
chronological resume and a functional resume.

Combination Resume

A combination resume format is just what sounds like: a
combination of the chronological and functional resume formats. It allows you to
highlight your skills and still provide details about your work history.

Like a functional resume, the combination resume starts with
your summary statement followed by a listing of your skills. Your work history,
in reverse chronological order with dates, follows.

This is a great format for those who have a short, but
consistent, work history because it emphasizes skills over experience.
Students, for example, may have strong skills but a limited work history.
Recruiters also tend to like this format too because they can still see your
work history.

There is one final resume format to discuss: the creative

Creative Resume

The creative resume falls outside of conventional resume
descriptions. You may have seen resumes designed as infographics, software
programs, or even interactive resume websites.

obvious advantage to using a creative resume is that it is memorable. Potential
employers are unlikely to forget it. In the crowded job market, being unique can make a difference.

Creative resumes can be effective for those working in the
creative fields such as graphic design or web design. This is especially true
if your resume highlights skills needed for the position you're applying for. However, recruiters at more traditional corporations may reject a
creative resume.

Another problem with creative resumes is that many
recruiters use Electronic Resume Management (ERM) systems to scan resumes for
appropriate keywords. Some creative resumes won't properly scan through an ERM. Still, a creative resume can be the right choice if you
know a person will see it.

If you choose to use a creative resume, it's a good idea
to have another resume in a more traditional format as a backup.

If you want to learn more about how to make a creative resume, we have
an article for you:


9 Creative Resume Design Tips (With Template Examples)

Grace Fussell

4. Design Your Resume

Once you've chosen the type of resume you'd like to present
to prospective employers, you are ready to design your resume.

Remember, your resume represents you. It’s the first thing
that most recruiters look at, so it needs to leave a good impression. A sloppy
resume design doesn't help your chances of getting job. In fact, it could even
keep you from being considered.

Learn how to organize your resume effectively:


How to Structure Your Resume

Laura Spencer

If you have strong graphic design skills, you can create
your own resume design. Most job candidates will benefit from customizing a good
resume template though. A quality resume template saves you time and ensures that the
final result is attractive and professional. Here are a few creative resume templates to look through:


15 Creative, Infographic Resume Templates

Sean Hodge

We have a wide assortment of resume templates, in various types and styles, on GraphicRiver to browse through as well. You can find a professional resume template that works for you.

To get an idea of how easy it is to customize one of these resume
template, review my tutorial on how how to personalize one, which walks you through the process of customizing a template:


Personalize a Modern Resume Template in MS Word

Laura Spencer

Though the tutorial above is based on a specific resume
template, the customization principles illustrated in the tutorial work for
most template designs.

Once you've chosen a resume template, it's time to pull it
all together. You're ready to write your resume.

5. Write Your Resume

How do you put your experience into words? Do you write in
first person or third person? Are there any key terms you should use?

If you've wondered about these topics you're not alone.
Writing about yourself is awkward. That's one reason why so many people have
trouble writing their resume. In this tutorial, I've pulled together some
guidelines to help you put your resume together.

Resume Writing Guidelines

Opinions vary, but most recruiters agree with the basic
resume writing guidelines below:

speak of yourself in the third person. An example of a resume statement written
in third person would be "John saved the company seven thousand
dollars." Don't use statements starting with "I" and
"Me" either. Get around the problem by using phrases that start with
action verbs. For example, say "Saved the company seven thousand
dollars" instead of "I saved the company seven thousand

Don't copy
your job description into the resume. Recruiters don’t want to see generic
statements that could apply to anyone. They want to see what you contributed to
the position. Be sure to mention anything that you received recognition for.

Do be
specific about your accomplishments. Use numbers whenever possible. For
example, the phrase “managed and mentored a team of seven” is better than
“managed a team” because it is more descriptive.

Do check
grammar and spelling. Mistakes could cause your resume to be rejected. If
possible, have a friend review it to catch any errors you might miss.

Write Your Summary Statement

Your summary statement is one of the most important pieces
of your resume. Its position at the top of your resume means that most
recruiters will read it first. A good summary statement can make or break your

Your summary statement should be short. Two to three
sentences are enough. But those two to three sentences should be carefully
crafted. They need to explain what you have to offer an employer. When writing your statement, consider what
the employer is looking for and how you can meet their needs.

In this tutorial Julia
Melymbrose explains why most resume statements fall short and describes how you
can make yours stand out:


How to Write a Personal Brand Statement for Your Resume

Julia Melymbrose

Write Your Work History

Another important part of your resume is your work history. Job
seekers often wonder about the following:

How far back should I go?

Should I include summer and part-time jobs?

Do volunteer positions count?

Let’s tackle those questions one at a time. If you have
strong work history with few gaps, some recruiters say it’s okay to go back as
far as 15 years only if the jobs are relevant. If the jobs are not relevant or
if adding them makes your resume too long, then limit your work history to the past ten years.

If you’re just starting out, you may be wondering whether
you should include summer jobs or volunteer work on your resume. The key to making this decision is relevance. Most recruiters only like to see paid and professional positions listed. Others are
open to resumes with volunteer or part-time work if the experience is directly
related to the position being applied for.

Remember, even if your volunteer or part-time work is not
listed on your resume you can still address it in your cover letter or mention
it in an interview.

Tip: Make your
job descriptions unique. Focus on specific achievements instead of on a job
description. For example, rather than stating “designed websites for clients,”
state “won XYZ award for most innovative website design.”

The experience, job history, achievements, and statement that you present in your resume is a narrative that a potential employer will consider. Learn the writing secret to make a compelling resume:

Career Development

The Secret to Crafting an Attention Grabbing Resume

David Masters

6. How to Use Your Resume

After you’ve made your resume, it’s time to start using it.
Here’s what to do with your resume when it is complete:

Send it
to recruiters and headhunters.

Use it
when applying for an advertised position.

Share it
with friends who might be able to help in your job search.

You should also print out a copy of your resume and take it
along with you when you go on an interview. Be prepared to answer questions
that your interviewer might have about the items on your resume.

After you’ve sent out your resume you are not done. You need to follow up with the hiring manager a week or two after submitting your

When you follow up don’t ask if the company received your
resume. They probably did. Instead offer to answer any questions they might
have. Be aware that while some company recruiters like candidates who follow up
others are annoyed by the practice.


So, now you have learned about the complete process of
making a resume. These guidelines work whether you’re in a creative field such
as graphic design, web design, or coding. They also work for more conservative

If you’re ready to start making your own resume, you can
download one of our resume templates on GraphicRiver. 

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