
Portland, USA

Maitripa College

1119 SE Market St.

Portland, 97214, USA

(503) 235-2477

Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions Symposium

March 26-27, 2016

Specific schedule and location to be announced.

Join Venerable Thubten Chodron and Bhante Seelawimala from the American Buddhist Seminary as they dialogue about the Buddha’s teachings from the perspectives of the Sanskrit and Pali traditions respectively, exploring the convergences and divergences in their approach to key areas of Buddhist doctrine. More details to come.

Michigan, USA

Central Michigan University

1200 S Franklin St

Mt Pleasant, MI 48859, USA

(989) 774-4000

Transforming the Mind with Compassion

April 4, 2016

Specific talk time and location to be announced.

Can practicing compassion make you happier? Venerable Thubten Chodron shares mind-training techniques from Buddhism that show us how to meet upsetting emotions and difficult situations with compassion, transforming them into the causes for happiness.

Life as a Western Buddhist Nun

April 5, 2016

Specific talk time and location to be announced.

Ordained as a nun in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition for 38 years, Venerable Thubten Chodron is the founder and abbess of Sravasti Abbey, one of the few training monasteries in North America for Westerners. She will speak on her spiritual journey and how she has faced the challenges of being Western, female, Buddhist, a nun, and a leader.

Valencia, Spain

Centro Nagarjuna Valencia

Carrer del General Urrutia 43, Pta. 2

Valencia, 46006 Spain

+34 963 95 10 08

For more information contact nagarjunavalencia [at] ono [dot] com

Caught Up in Consumerism

April 8, 2016, 7:30pm–9:00pm

Does leading a consumerist lifestyle bring us the happiness we seek? Does it help us to make the best use of our time? How much are we caught up in consumerism due to social pressure? Join Venerable Thubten Chodron to pause and ask the important question, “Where does happiness comes from?” Dharma gives us a genuine alternative to the short-term happiness we seek, so it is possible and desirable to make space for our spiritual life in our consumerist society.

Atrapados en El Consumismo

¿Hacemos el mejor uso de nuestra vida? ¿que tanto estamos atrapados en la dinámica social? ¿esa forma de vida nos trae la felicidad que deseamos? es importante detenernos y replantearnos todas estas cuestiones. El dharma nos da una alternativa real a la felicidad que buscamos, es posible y deseable reconciliar nuestra vida espiritual con la dinámica en nuestra sociedad consumista.

Workshop on Healing Relationships

April 9, 2016, 10:00am–1:00pm and 4:00pm-7:00pm

April 10, 2016, 10:00am–1:00pm

Our relationships can be a source of happiness or suffering. Come for a weekend workshop with Venerable Thubten Chodron to learn to live with others in harmony and communicate openly, to deal skillfully with conflicts, accept yourself and others, and heal old wounds. We all need tools to deal with others and make our relationships a chance to grow in love, tolerance and compassion to improve as a person and be the change we wish to see in the world.

Sanando Las Relaciones

Aprender a convivir y comunicar en armonía, manejar los conflictos, aceptarse a uno mismo y a los demás, curar viejas heridas…. Nuestras relaciones pueden ser fuente de felicidad o de sufrimiento. Todos necesitamos herramientas para tratar con los demás y hacer de nuestras relaciones una oportunidad para crecer en el amor, tolerancia y compasión mejorando como persona y ser cambio que deseamos ver en el mundo.

Alicante, Spain

Centro Nagarjuna Alicante

Carrer Alemania 26

Alicante, 03003 Spain

+34 651 013 218

For more information contact nagarjunaalicante [at] gmail [dot] com

Cultivating Emotional Balance

April 12, 2016, 7:30pm–9:00pm

Could our perception of the world be wrong? When anger, attachment, and jealousy arise, they distort reality and draw us into harmful behavior towards ourselves and those around us. Venerable Thubten Chodron teaches on how we can all learn to handle our emotions instead of being under their control. Achieving emotional balance strengthens and makes us less vulnerable to the circumstances around us.

Cultivar Un Equilibrio Emocional

Manejar las emociones y no ser manejados por ellas es algo que podemos aprender. Nuestra lectura del mundo puede no ser precisa, las cosas probablemente no son tan dramáticas como nuestras emociones nos dictan. Cuando aparece el enfado, el apego, la envidia…. distorsionan la realidad y nos arrastran hacia conductas dañinas para nosotros y los que nos rodean. Lograr un equilibrio emocional fortalece y nos hace menos vulnerables a las circunstancias que nos rodean.

A Warm Heart in a Complex World

April 13, 2016, 7:30pm–9:00pm

In the times we live in, it is necessary more than ever before to have kindness and a good heart. As His Holiness the Dalai Lama often says, “Love and compassion are a matter of survival”—without them, life cannot be sustained. We all want to be happy and don’t want to suffer, which is not possible if we are only thinking of ourselves. Venerable Thubten Chodron shows us how to cut the chains of fear and ignorance to free the natural goodness in all of us.

Un Corazón Cálido en un Mundo Complejo

Más que nunca en estos tiempos es necesario la bondad, la solidaridad, el entendimiento. Como dice Su Santidad el Dalai Lama, el amor y la compasión son cuestión de supervivencia, sin ellos la vida no se sostiene. Queremos ser felices y esta sólo puede venir cuando tenemos en cuenta a los demás. Necesitamos liberarnos de las cadenas del miedo y de la ignorancia para que el buen corazón que todos llevamos dentro.

Frankfurt, Germany

SAALBAU Betriebsgesellschaft mbH

Niddastraße 107

Frankfurt am Main, 60329

Talk and book launch of Living with an Open Heart

April 15, 2016, 7:30pm–9:00pm

“All through the day, ‘I, me, mine,’” sang the Beatles in bygone times. How can we change this attitude that governs our entire life, and learn to appreciate others? Clear, profound, and at the same time pragmatic answers can be found to this question: to our great joy, Venerable Thubten Chodron, the well-known Buddhist teacher, author and abbess of Sravasti Abbey, will be our guest on her tour of Europe. She will speak on how through cultivating compassion, we can overcome our self-centeredness and the emotions that give rise to conflict, and thereby enable us to create more joy for ourselves and others. She will present her new book, Living with an Open Heart, which will be published in German by Arbor Verlag in April 2016. The lecture will also be translated into German.

Entrance fee| 12 Euro | 10 Euro (for TH-members)

Contact and Registration: info [at] tibethaus [dot] com, Tel.: +49 (0) 69 71913595

“All through the day, I, me, mine” (den ganzen Tag über nur: „Ich, mich, mir“), haben schon die Beatles gesungen. Aber wie können wir diese Haltung, die unser ganzes Leben bestimmt, ändern und lernen andere wertzuschätzen? Zu dieser Frage können klare, tiefgründige und pragmatische Antworten gegeben werden: zu unserer großen Freude ist die bekannte buddhistische Lehrerin, Buchautorin und Äbtissin des Klosters Svasti Abbey auf ihrer Europareise unser Gast. Sie wird darüber sprechen, wie wir, indem wir Mitgefühl kultivieren, unsere Selbstzentriertheit und die konflikterzeugenden Emotionen überwinden können und so größere Freude für uns und andere entwickeln können. Und sie wird dabei ihr neues gleichnamiges Buch vorstellen, das im Frühjahr 2016 im Arbor Verlag erscheinen wird. Der Vortrag wird ins Deutsche übersetzt.

Mitglieder 10 Euro | Nichtmitglieder 12 Euro

Kontakt und Anmeldung: info [at] tibethaus [dot] com, Tel.: 069 71913595

Tibethaus Deutschland e.V.


Kaufunger Str. 4

Frankfurt am Main, 60486 Germany

+49 69 71913595

Workshop on Living with an Open Heart

April 16-17, 2016, 10:00am–5:00pm

How can we overcome our self-centeredness, open up our hearts for others and develop lasting compassion and a feeling of connectedness? Well-known American Buddhist master Venerable Thubten Chodron will be our guest at Tibethaus, and on this weekend will give instructions on this essential question in her humorous and profound manner in equal measure. She will acquaint us with fundamental methods for changing ourselves, and thereby also create more joy for ourselves and others. The workshop will also be translated into German. We ask that you register no later than April 3, 2016.

Time | Saturday and Sunday: 10.00 – 12.30 + 14.30 – 17.00

Entrance Fee | 125 Euro | 85 Euro for TH-members

Contact and Registration: info [at] tibethaus [dot] com, Tel.: +49 (0)69 71913595

Wie können wir unsere Egozentriertheit überwinden, unser „Herz für andere öffnen“ und Mitgefühl und ein Gefühl der Verbundenheit entwickeln? Die bekannte amerikanische buddhistische Meisterin ist zu Gast im Tibethaus und wird an diesem Wochenende in ihrer gleichermaßen humorvollen wie tiefgründigen Art und Weise über diese essenzielle Frage unterrichten. Sie wird uns mit grundlegenden Methoden, uns zu verändern und damit auch mehr Freude für uns und andere zu entwickeln, vertraut machen. Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Um Anmeldung bis zum 3. April 2016 wird gebeten.

Zeit | Samstag und Sonntag jeweils: 10 bis 12.30 Uhr + 14.30 bis 17Uhr |

Mitglieder 85 Euro | Nichtmitglieder 125 Euro

Kontakt und Anmeldung: info [at] tibethaus [dot] com, Tel.: 069 71913595

Hamburg, Germany

Rudolf Steiner Haus

Mittelweg 11

Hamburg, 20148 Germany

+49 40 4133160

Life as a Western Buddhist Woman and book launch of Living with an Open Heart

April 19, 2016, 7:00pm–9:00pm

40 years ago, a young girl from California gave up the comforts of the Western world to travel to Nepal to learn the Buddha’s teachings, eventually ordaining as a Buddhist nun. Join Venerable Thubten Chodron as she shares the joys and challenges of her spiritual journey within the first generation of Western Buddhist women. Venerable Thubten Chodron will also launch the German edition of Living With an Open Heart after the talk. Organized by Tibetisches Zentrum. For more information contact anmeldung [at] tibet [dot] de.

Vortrag: Leben als buddhistische frau im Westen

Buchvorstellung: Living with an Open Heart

Vor 40 Jahren kehrte ein junges Mädchen aus Kalifornien den An­ nehmlichkeiten des westlichen Le­ bens den Rücken zu, reiste nach Nepal, um die Lehren des Buddha zu studieren und wurde schließlich buddhistische Nonne. Begleiten Sie Thubten Chodron als Vertreterin der ersten Generation buddhistischer Frauen im Westen auf ihrer spirituellen Reise voller glücklicher Momente und großer Herausforderungen.

Beitrag: 20 € | 15 €

Schneverdingen, Germany

Buddhistisches Meditationshaus Semkye Ling

Lünzener Straße 4

Schneverdingen, 29640 Germany

05193 52511

Retreat on Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland of Advice for a King

April 20-24, 2016

The Precious Garland of Advice for a King by Indian sage Nagarjuna contains all the advice you need to create the causes of happiness from now until Buddhahood. Don’t miss the opportunity to study this great text in retreat with Venerable Thubten Chodron, who will bring Nagarjuna’s ancient wisdom to life by relating it to our modern, everyday lives. Retreat begins April 20 at 6pm and ends April 24 at 1 pm. Organized by Tibetisches Zentrum. For more information contact sl [at] tibet [dot] de.

Watch the ongoing series of teachings on this text.

Retreat mit der Ehrwürdigen thubten Chodron: Ratnāvalī (Kostbare girlande) von Nagarjuna

Precious Garland of Advice for a King“ (Juwelenkette von Ratschlä­ gen für einen König) enthält sämt­ liche Ratschläge, die man benötigt, um die Ursachen für Glück zu schaffen – vom jetzigen Leben bis zur Buddhaschaft. Eine einmalige Gelegenheit, diesen großartigen Text in einem Retreat gemeinsam mit der Ehrwürdigen Thubten Chodron zu studieren, die die große Weisheit des alten Meisters Nagarjuna zum Leben erwecken und mit unserem modernen Leben verbinden wird. Hinweis: Wegen erwarteter hoher Nachfrage bieten wir für diese Klausur in Semkye Ling nur Mehr­ bettzimmer an. Von den insgesamt 6 Sitzungen am Tag wird Ven. Thubten Chodron drei leiten.

Beitrag: 280 € | 210 €

Ü/V: 152 € MZ

Aarhus, Denmark

Øsal Ling Tibetansk Buddhistisk Center

Fredensgade 39 Baghuset

Aarhus, 8000 Denmark

+45 52 69 99 69

Living with an Open Heart

Apr 26, 2016, 7:00pm–9:00pm

Venerable Thubten Chodron will kindly share her wisdom and knowledge and will in this teaching touch on these matters:

Judgmental opinions impede opening the heart

Our self-centered outlook alienates us

Helping others helps ourselves

Distinguishing paranoia from real danger

Letting go of anger is not dependent on receiving an apology

For more information contact mail [dot] osal [dot] ling [at] gmail.com

At Leve Med Et Aabent Hjerte

Venerable Thubten Chodron vil dele ud af sin visdom og viden og vil I dette foredrag komme ind på følgende:

Fordømmende meninger hindrer åbning af hjertet

Vores selvcentrerede væremåde fremmedgør os

Når vi hjælper andre hjælper vi os selv

At skelne paranoia fra reel fare

At slippe vrede er ikke afhængigt af at man modtager en undskyldning

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

April 27, 2016, 7:00pm–9:00pm

In this teaching, Venerable Thubten Chodron suggests to us to let go of feelings of hopelessness, self-deprecating thoughts, and useless conceptualizations and to re-envision our lives. In the depths of our hearts, all of us want to live meaningful lives and make a positive contribution to the world, but some of our unexamined assumptions about life encumber us.

Tro ikke på alt hvad du tænker

I foredraget ‘Don’t believe Everything You Think’ giver Venerable Thubten Chodron en opfordring til at give slip på følelser af håbløshed, selvnedvurderende tanker, unyttige begrebsliggørelser og til at se på vores liv på ny. Dybt i vores hjerter ønsker vi alle at leve meningsfulde liv og yde positive bidrag til verden, men nogle af vores ubehandlede antagelser om livet vildleder os.

Copenhagen, Denmark

Phendeling-Center for Tibetansk Buddhisme

Nørregade 7B, 2.th

København K, 1165 Denmark

0045 4059 4508

For more information contact info [at] phendeling [dot] dk.

Practical Buddhism in Daily Life

April 28, 2016, 7:00pm–9:00pm

It’s nice to hear about love, compassion, and wisdom, but how do we actually cultivate and put these qualities into practice in everyday life? Venerable Thubten Chodron shares practical advice on how to integrate the Buddha’s teachings wherever we are, whoever we are with.

Working with Difficult Emotions

April 29, 2016, 7:00pm–9:00pm

When we’re overwhelmed by anger, attachment, pride, jealousy, and ignorance, we lose control of our bodies, speech, and minds. Venerable Thubten Chodron teaches techniques to get off the emotional rollercoaster and develop inner peace for the benefit of ourselves and others.

Workshop on Living with an Open Heart

April 30-May 1, 2016, 10:00am–5:00pm

It takes courage to live with compassion with our hearts open to the suffering of ourselves and others. Join Venerable Thubten Chodron for this weekend workshop of practical teachings and exercises that will help you to strengthen your “compassion muscles” step by step.

Moscow, Russia

Visit the Sravasti Friends website to register for events in Russia

Making Room for Dharma—Eight Worldly Concerns and the Hedonistic Treadmill

May 3, 2016, 7:00pm–9:00pm

All too often our search for happiness and contentment takes us merely to different types of outer stimulation—the type of happiness that the Greeks to referred to as “hedonistic.” Even in undertaking Buddhist practice, it is easy to lose oneself in different outer trinkets and miss the point of striving for a genuine psychological transformation. Venerable Thubten Chodron explores the idea of shifting one’s priorities to a type of happiness that springs from within—the only happiness, perhaps, that is truly lasting. For more information contact sravastifriends [at] gmail [dot] com. Location to be announced.

Освободить место для Дхармы: восемь мирских забот и цикл гедонизма

Наш поиск счастья и удовлетворения слишком часто ведет лишь к различным видам внешней стимуляции – того рода счастью, которое греки называли “гедонистическим”. Даже при занятиях буддийской практикой легко потеряться в различных внешних атрибутах и упустить из виду стремление к подлинному психологическому преображению. Досточтимая Чодрон рассмотрит идею об смещении приоритетов в сторону счастья, проистекающего изнутри – единственного, возможно, счастья, что является подлинно устойчивым.

Going beyond Self-centeredness—Buddhist thoughts on the Christian “Litany of Humility”

May 4, 2016, 7:00pm–9:00pm

The quality of humility is often referred to in religious writings, yet it seems to have become largely unpopular in the modern world, where, naturally, much emphasis is being made on loving oneself and having a healthy sense of self-respect. Is there more to humility than just downplaying one’s good qualities, however? Venerable Thubten Chodron, with her rich experience of Buddhist practice and interfaith dialogue, looks at the Christian Litany of Humility to try and uncover the perennial meaning of “going beyond one’s ego.” For more information contact sravastifriends [at] gmail [dot] com. Location to be announced.

За пределы эгоцентризма: буддийские мысли о христианской “Литании смирения

Качество смирения часто упоминается в религиозных текстах – но кажется, что в современном мире, где большой упор делается на любви к себе и развитии здорового самоуважения, оно стало крайне непопулярным. Подразумевает ли смирение нечто большое, чем преуменьшение собственных благих качеств? Досточтимая Чодрон, обладающая богатым опытом буддийской практики и межконфессионального диалога, рассмотрит христианскую “Литанию смирения” в попытке найти вневременной смысл идеи о выходе за пределы эго.

North Kusangar, Russia

Retreat on The Four Establishments of Mindfulness

May 5-8, 2016

Buddha’s teachings gradually lead us to the understanding that it is our projections and misunderstanding of reality that keep us trapped in a cycle of dissatisfaction. Among the methods the Buddha taught to remedy that are the four establishments of mindfulness—the very basis of a wide range of methods aimed at developing special insight (Pali: vipassana, Sanskr. vipashyana) into the way things really function and exist. Following a text in the tradition of Maitreya/ Asanga, Venerable Chodron will gradually teach a way of meditating on the four establishments of mindfulness in order to transform our mind. Retreat begins May 5 at 12pm and ends May 8 at 12pm. For more information contact sravastifriends [at] gmail [dot] com.

Ретрит по медитации на четырех установлениях (применениях) памятования

Учения Будды постепенно ведут нас к пониманию того, что именно проекции и ошибочное понимание реальности удерживают нас в ловушке цикла неудовлетворенности. Среди методов, преподанных Буддой для устранения этих заблуждений – четыре установления (или применения) памятования: самый базис широкого спектра методов, предназначенных для развития “особого прозрения” (пали: випассана, санскр.: випашьяна) относительно подлинного способа существования и функционирования всех вещей. Следуя по тексту из традиции Майтреи/Асанги, досточтимая Чодрон преподаст последовательный способ медитации на четырех установлениях с целью преображения нашего ума.

Public talk on The Four Immeasurables in Meditation and Daily Life

May 8, 2016, 2:00pm-3:45pm

Describing the different ways of developing a happy mind, the Buddha paid special attention to developing the four permutations of benevolence known as the four immeasurable thoughts: loving-kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. While the classic texts of the Pali and Sanskrit traditions describe sophisticated methods of developing these states as the basis for cultivating concentration and obtaining wisdom, they are no less relevant in our daily life—in how we deal with ourselves and others. For more information contact sravastifriends [at] gmail [dot] com.

Четыре безмерных в медитации и повседневной жизни

Описывая способы развития счастливого ума, Будда в своих учениях уделял особое внимание развитию 4 вариаций добросердечия, известных как “четыре безмерных настроя”: любящая доброта, сострадание, радость и равностность. В то время как в классических текстах палийской и санскритской традиций описываются продвинутые методы развития этих состояний как опоры для сосредоточения и обретения мудрости, они в не меньшей степени актуальны и на уровне повседневной жизни – в нашем взаимодействии с собой и другими людьми.

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