1.) runDisney Star Wars: Next Tuesday at noon EST is the official opening of general registration for the Star Wars dark side race weekend in Orlando next April! Bobby is a HUGE Star Wars fan, and we have yet to do this race, so I am excited to say we will be signing up! Anyone else?
2.) Book Buddies: A LOT of people helped me spread the word about my book, and I just wanted to give some of them a huge shout out today! Be sure to stop by their blog or social media pages! Amy, Melissa, Lindsey, Lisa, Jenny, Amanda, Rachel. (If I forgot you let me know! There were so many helpful people!)
3.) Kids kitchen: I want to get Emma Kate a kids kitchen for her birthday. Thoughts on the best ones? I really don’t want to spend $400 either. Just something simple but fun for her, and I would love your recommendations?
4.) IG giveaway: I am hosting a giveaway on Instagram through tomorrow for some running gear! You can check it out here.
5.) Olympic Mess?: Have you guys been seeing the news? All the talks of the crazy things going on in Rio? The crime, the Olympic village not being finished, the body parts and human waste in the water, etc? It sounds like a huge nightmare. I’m fascinated by all things Olympics, even the buildings, etc. that are built specifically for the games, the housing, and all the inner workings. Have you heard about any of this? What are your thoughts?
QOTD: Answer one of my questions above!
The post 5 Things Friday XXI appeared first on Through Heather's Looking Glass.