
Few activities can be as rewarding for a parent as collaborating to create something with your child, and artist Ruth Oosterman and her daughter, four year-old Eve, have their partnership down to a science.

Since Eve was two, she’s had an interest in art, just like her mom. About a year after she expressed this interest, her mother began collaborating with her on paintings and drawings. As the below images show, the paintings start with Eve’s work, then Ruth takes the abstraction and uses it as the seeds of some truly phenomenal images.

Ruth takes those abstract watercolors and pen marks and gives them form and structure, resulting in a fascinating dichotomy that’s caused both mom and daughter to grow as artists.

Eve has her very own at-home gallery, as does her mom.

They have gotten so comfortable working with one another that they have taken to painting at the same time, with one artist’s brushstrokes directing the other artist’s next movement.

In the relatively short time working with and beside her mom, Eve has become self-reliant and has no issue getting started all on her own.

The leaps required by Ruth to make order out of the abstraction has given her a more educated and enlightened eye when it comes to her own work as well.

Additionally, it has taught Ruth the power of being spontaneous with her own works.

Often, Ruth will stick to the same medium Eve uses for the sake of consistency.

Ruth also mirrors her daughter’s approach to art, working quickly so that the finished result doesn’t come across as too “grown-up.”

Eve works with no direction from her mom, completely controlling the initial approach to the work at hand.

The duo initially started off using only markers, but quickly included watercolors into their repertoire in order to create a more diverse array of work.

Ruth can thank her daughter for the fantastic inspiration that the finished works show.

It’s amazing what one artist can derive from another’s work, no matter how abstract.

You can see the duo in action in this video:

The post An Artist Teams Up With Her Three-Year Old Daughter To Make These Extraordinary Paintings appeared first on ThriveWire™.

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