
December is always my favorite time of the year because it means it’s time to make New Year’s Resolutions!

Not just because it’s the holiday season and things seem more relaxed, but because I absolutely looooove thinking about what New Year’s resolutions!

I’m still working on that list, but I wanted to inspire you to start thinking about 2016, too!

What projects have you been wanting to do?

What things need to get done?

How can you make this year more creative and organized?

Well, if you’ve been struggling with thinking of resolutions for this year, here are 60 DIY New Year’s resolutions in a list that you can pick from!

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60 New Year’s Resolutions for the DIY’er

Call in “sick” to work once per month or quarter and stay home and craft all day. (Don’t do it on a Monday or Friday. Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursdays are best!)

Paint or refinish 6 pieces of furniture for your house.

Learn to use a power tool.

Travel to one of the famous flea markets (Brimfield, Brooklyn Flea, etc.)

Declutter a room.

Learn to make sewing alternations to thrifted clothes.

Make a list of all your unfinished DIY projects and commit to finishing each one at a time.

Organize all your crafting supplies so you can actually find stuff.

Paint your fireplace.

Donate everything in your garage that you don’t use.

Repurpose the most odd thing from the thrift store.

Start a garden.

Donate half of the clothing that you don’t wear and organize the rest by seasons and style.

Make your own DIY pendant lamp.

Hang a chandelier in your bedroom.

Repurpose a piece of clothing from the thrift store into something for your home.

Paint a chair and forget reupholstering it.

Vow never buy paint again until you’ve used all your old paint.

Learn to strip and stain furniture.

Build a piece of furniture from scratch.

Sew your own DIY curtains.

Paint your kitchen cabinets.

Rip out your old flooring and replace it yourself.

Remove the old wallpaper from your house.

Add a runner to your stairs.

Paint a mural or stencil on your walls.

Make your own DIY wall art instead of buying it.

Convince your spouse to finally go thrift diving with you!

Visit a new thrift store in a separate part of town.

Paint your stairs and rail.

Commit to finding more time to DIY’ing.

Write an open letter to yourself telling yourself that it’s okay not to have a perfect house.

Visit another thrift store far from home. Buy something amazing, then ship it home.

Open an Etsy shop and start selling your crafts.

Do a project using an old pallet.

Learn how to make your own candles from scratch.

Commit to thrifting or making DIY gifts in 2016.

Make a DIY gift basket for a friend or family member just for the heck of it.

Polish your wood floors so they look brand new.

Organize your bathroom closet or medicine cabinet, pitching everything you don’t use anymore.

Paint all your bedroom furniture to look brand new.

Re-stuff your sofa cushions to make it look brand new.

Create a car emergency kit in case your car breaks down.

Make a giant chalkboard wall calendar.

Throw a DIY birthday scavenger hunt for your kids at home instead of renting expensive bounce houses.

Reupholster all the chairs of your dining room table.

Commit to donating one item for each new item you bring in from a thrift store, yardsale, or roadside.

Send your favorite blogger and email telling them how much they’re blog has impacted your life.

Organize all your paints by color.

Learn to knit socks.

Take a photography course at a local community college or learn online.

Create something with mosaic tiles.

Learn how to etch glass and create an etched glass gift for someone.

Write a poem to someone you love and frame it in a DIY painted picture frame.

Start a blog.

Learn to make DIY pillows, like these.

Help a friend make over a room in her house.

Give away crafting supplies you having used in at least 2 years. If you haven’t used it in 2 years, you probably never will.

Turn your unused dining room into a craft room.

Learn how to put up your own crown molding.

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No matter what your resolutions and goals, make DIY a priority for the new year! Carve out time for what you love to do. Get rid of the junk that’s cluttering your spaces; you’ll feel much lighter.

And most of all, make awesome stuff this year!

The post 60 New Year’s Resolutions for the Everyday DIY’er appeared first on Thrift Diving Blog.

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