
The Offer by Karina Halle
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on June 14, 2015
Genres: Love & Romance

She thinks he's an arrogant playboy.

He thinks she's an uptight prude.

But he's about to make her an offer she can't refuse.

Nicola Price used to have it all – a great career, the perfect boyfriend, an excessive shoe collection and an apartment in one of San Francisco’s best neighborhoods. But when she gets knocked up and her asshat boyfriend leaves her high and dry, Nicola’s perfectly crafted world comes tumbling down. And stays that way.

Now, Nicola is the proud single mom to a five-year old daughter and living a giant lie. She can barely afford their ghetto apartment and all the men she dates run when they hear she comes with a child. She’s struggling and scared – and nowhere near where she thought she’d be at age thirty-one.

Her saving grace comes in the form of a tall, handsome and wealthy Scotsman Bram McGregor, the older brother of her friend Linden. Bram understands a thing or two about pride, so when tragic circumstances place Nicola at rock bottom, he offers them a place to live in the apartment complex he owns. It’s pretty much the perfect deal, so as long as she doesn’t mind living beside Bram, a man that, despite his generosity, seems to antagonize her at every turn.

But nothing in life is free and as Nicola gets her feet back on the ground, she discovers that the enigmatic playboy may end up costing her more than she thought.

She might just lose her heart.

Those McGregor brothers are nothing but trouble...

Alexis says…

The minute I saw The Offer was live I one-clicked. The Pact is one of my fave books of the year and I just couldn’t wait to read this one.  While I liked The Offer, I didn’t fall in love.

Nicola is a single mom to one of the cutest kids I’ve read about, Ava.  After losing her job and facing a crisis, Nicola is at a crossroads.  Thankfully, Bram swoops in at the right time and offers her an apartment to live in.  Throughout her stay in his building he slowly breaks down the bricks she has erected to fight for her heart. In turn, Nicola helps Bram find his way and help support the next venture he wants in life.

You will remember Bram as Linden’s brother from The Pact. He is most definitely a ladies man who doesn’t even try to hide it.  He completely oozes sex and is not shy to flaunt it.  But Bram wants to change his ways and become someone people can respect.  He has a plan and is headstrong about it coming to fruition.  Nicola seems to be the one woman who he fixates on as well. He is determined to make her fall for him and will stop at almost nothing.

This book did not hit it’s stride for me until 50% or so, maybe it’s because they finally got together.  But dear goodness, the chemistry coming off each other was just crazy-hot.  I liked the banter between them and was excited to see where their relationship would go. But, it fell short for me because I think both of these characters fell a little too hard a little too fast. I think they both were so independent before so it was a bit off that they almost immediately developed a case of insta-love.  Plus there were a few scenarios (trust me, you’ll know what I’m referring to) that just didn’t seem plausible.

I did enjoy this story but there wasn’t enough for me to love it. I liked the dual POVs and Ava just stole my heart.  Plus, like I said above…it was a pretty sexy book. I hope that we get Kayla’s story as I want to see what happens with both Steph and Linden as well as Bram and Nicola.

About Karina Halle

With her USA Today Bestselling The Artists Trilogy published by Grand Central Publishing, numerous foreign publication deals, and self-publishing success with her

Experiment in Terror series, Vancouver-born Karina Halle is a true example of the term “Hybrid Author.” Though her books showcase her love of all things dark, sexy and edgy, she’s a closet romantic at heart and strives to give her characters a HEA…whenever possible.

Karina holds a screenwriting degree from Vancouver Film School and a Bachelor of Journalism from TRU. Her travel writing, music reviews/interviews and photography have appeared in publications such as Consequence of Sound, Mxdwn and GoNomad Travel Guides. She currently lives on an island on the coast of British Columbia where she’s preparing for the zombie apocalypse with her fiancé and rescue pup.

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