
Last year I introduced you to the Bourbon Cranberry Shrub, a vinegar based fruit cocktail. The name “shrub” comes from the Arabic word, “to drink.” Shrubs were very popular with people like Thomas Jefferson and Martha Washington, and are making a comeback. If you like the taste of fermented drinks like kombucha, you’ll love shrub cocktails and mocktails, too!

I love shrubs because they combine sweet and tart flavors, so I wanted to start making them at home. While shrub mixers are available in finer liquor stores and online, they’re not cheap. So I purchased a copy of Michael Dietsch’s book, Shrubs: An Old Fashioned Drink for Modern Times and set out to make my own. Michael’s book is wonderful because it goes into the history of the shrub drink, and the different process of making shrubs. He also goes in depth with ingredients you can use such as the various types of fruits, vinegars, and sugars.

However, I was dismayed to find out that shrub mixers contain so much sugar! So I decided to experiment with monk fruit in my shrub recipes. I believe in indulging in a good cocktail or mocktail once in awhile. But I try to “health up” the ingredients whenever possible. So why not substitute the sugar with a no calorie sweetener like monk fruit instead?

Making a Meyer Lemon Shrub Mixer

Spring is a best time to start making shrubs mixers since fresh fruit is in season! I decided to start with my favorite citrus of springtime – Meyer lemon and make a Meyer Lemon Shrub Mixer. Michael’s book doesn’t have a lemon shrub recipe, but does have one for a grapefruit shrub. In his recipe, he mixes grapefruit peels with the sugar for an hour. I couldn't see how that would flavor the sugar at all!

So I tried a different method. I would zest the Meyer lemons instead of peeling them. Then I would soak the lemon zest for a week in the vinegar. I think it worked out superbly as I ended up with a bright yellow shrub mixer that had a tart but sweet lemony flavor.

To strain the zest from the Meyer Lemon Shrub Mixer, I used a paper coffee filter, which admittedly was a bit of a chore. However, you can use any type of ultra fine mesh filter such as a nut milk bag or a hop bag used in making homebrewed beer.

Meyer Lemon Shrub & Peach Moonshine Cocktail Recipe

Making Meyer Lemon shrub cocktails and mocktails is where the fun is. To get you started, here’s the Meyer Lemon Shrub & Peach Moonshine Cocktail I concocted.

Fill a tall glass with crushed ice.

Then add some Meyer Lemon Shrub Mixer, some vodka, and some Ole Smoky Peach Moonshine.

Top it off with plain seltzer.

Stir and taste. Then add more Meyer Lemon Shrub Mixer, Ole Smoky Peach Moonshine, and/or seltzer if you wish.

Serve with a slice of Meyer lemon as a garnish.

Remember, Meyer Lemon Shrub Mixer is STRONG and it’s a matter of taste as to how much you’d want to use. I suggest trying a teeny bit with lots of ice, a bit of booze, and plenty of seltzer to start. You can always add more shrub mixer.

Also, don’t let my recipe suggestion stop you from experimenting. Try different types of liquors such as vermouth, gin, rum or tequila. Mix the Meyer lemon shrub with various types of seltzers, sodas, fruit juices and even unsweetened iced tea for mocktails, too. Have fun!

Meyer Lemon Shrub Mixer



7 Meyer lemons, zested (approximately 2 tablespoons zest)

1 1/4 cups monk fruit

2 cups apple cider vinegar


Place zest, monk fruit, and apple cider in a clean canning jar. Place lid on jar and shake until monk fruit dissolves.

Put jar in refrigerator for one week. Occasionally shake contents of jar.

After the week is up, strain contents of jar using an ultra fine mesh filter such as a paper coffee filter. Discard solids.

Keep shrub mixer refrigerated.

Prep Time: 30 Minutes

Total Time: 30 Minutes

Servings: Makes approximately 2 cups

Serving size: varies

Meyer Lemon Shrub Mixer is a post from: This Mama Cooks! On a Diet. Stop by for more healthy recipes!

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