
There’s nothing hell yeah! about paying bills. Let’s be honest, no one is interested in utility bills (unless we think we’re being ripped off!). Sorting out different companies, paying on time, splitting payments, chasing after friends – bills in a shared house isn’t exactly an easy process and it’s even more of a nightmare for landlords.

Since we’re currently working on Glide’s new re-brand (including an updated brand positioning and logo), we advised Glide they needed a video to communicate their key messages in an on-brand way. Glide’s current positioning of “life made simple” meant we needed to speak to students and landlords in a sweet and simple way about what they do. It was an exciting challenge to bring a little hell yeah! to an unpleasant topic.

We took what was a complex, frustrating process and simplified Glide’s message into something everyone could easily understand. We storyboarded and art directed the whole process, designing quirky characters and set pieces and collaborated with ace animation agency Young to bring the papercraft designs to life in a way that ticked all the boxes and really encapsulated Glide.

Glide will roll out the video across several media platforms and at events as a sales tool for potential customers. It will also be used as a powerful tool for internal communications and as one way of introducing new employees into Glide.

Take a look and let us know what you think by tweeting us @orbstudio

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