
Canadian guitarist Drew Henderson performs Nocturne “Reverie” Op. 19 by Giulio Regondi (1823–1872). This comes via Henderson’s great YouTube Channel. Regondi is one of the best 19th century composers who probably had more to offer musically than other figures. Although his output isn’t quite as prolific as some of his contemporaries such as Mertz. Regondi was a child prodigy, in fact, Fernando Sor dedicated his Souvenir d’amitié op. 46 to Regondi in 1831, when the boy was just nine. Henderson is in great form here as usual. With clean and musical lines, beautiful tremolo, and quality video to match, he really offers some of the best performances you can find online.

Video Link & Source: https://youtu.be/mxi9843_NUk

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