
Photos by Terry Shear (Senor PMT)

By Kevin Alan Lamb

“There are few things pure in this world anymore, and home is one of the few.” O.A.R.

While life on the road is full of adventure, sunny days, pristine beaches, and beautiful humans, there is a lingering discontent that expands with each breath taken while away. Home is knowing where you are going to sleep at night; where your next meal is coming from; and the people you will turn to when suddenly you allow doubt and darkness to penetrate your force field of positive energy.

I need all of you just as much as you need me; we are in this together. Nothing reminds me more of the measurable difference we’ve made in good humans live’s, than coming home to Detroit, for Movement. There is no place like Detroit, and no festival like Movement. It isn’t about the typical ego associated with headliners, but the widespread quality and emergence of talent and passion in an energy-infusing, artistic-medium of song and dance.

The same widespread quality runs through the veins of the beautiful people who make this place my home. With parents in South Carolina, a brother in Alaska, and sister in Connecticut, I am Detroit’s adopted son. I love my family with all my heart but due to time, distance, and resources, am fortunate to see them only once or twice a year. All of you are my adopted family and I am learning to ask for a helping hand when I need one. It wasn’t always easy for me to do, but your heartfelt compassion and care have allowed me to be vulnerable without fear in my heart.

Last night Senor PMT and I geared up with the appropriate camera lenses for the weekend, and made our way to Eastern Market for an evening at the Red Bull House of Art. I had the pleasure of finally crossing paths with Jason Hall, co-founder of Slow Roll Detroit. Slow Roll is a group bicycle ride that meets every Monday night in Detroit and has expanded into a Global network of community rides. Each week they meet at different venues and take a unique route throughout the city, including all the major and minor neighborhoods that we are so proud of.

“Slow Roll is for everyone; all ages, all skill levels and every type of bike is welcome. Our slow pace keeps the group safe and gives riders a unique perspective of our great city and its neighborhoods.”

Senor PMT has generously gifted me a bicycle, and after a trip to the Downtown Bike Shop, we will both be Slow Rolling.

Shortly thereafter we ran into our friend and Detroit photographer, Ahmad Malik, and were introduced to some of his friends, Dennis and Starlet. When you are in the people business, more specifically, inspiring people and giving them enough hope and encouragement to carry on, you’re always curious of just who you are helping, when, and to what extent. While people often thank me for my efforts, and give love in different forms, it’s not everyday when I am given a testimonial that evokes undeniable and necessary tears. Yesterday, was one of those days.

Starlet was pleasantly shocked to meet me, and had quite the testimonial for my currently anxious mind. Their best friend was diagnosed with cancer, and battled it every day. Throughout his treatments, struggles, and sickness, he maintained a positive attitude because he had a secret weapon… his Good Sign. His Good Sign never strayed far from his side and it gave him the strength and courage to choose optimism! The guts and gumption to hold on hope and positively project a vision of himself beating a wretched disease that consumes loves, life, and hope. Do you think he let cancer win? No! He made a choice to believe in himself, healing, and a future where he was a living, breathing, loving soul, and not just another number swallowed into darkness and despair. He has not just survived cancer, he has beaten it, and is back to work!

He is my hero and gives me courage when it is lacking. He is my hero and I will continue to blaze a trail of goodness for all those who wish to walk by my side. If last night was a preview of the love, gratitude, and positive energy that will be returned to me this weekend, then I am going to be a joyful, tear-filled mess and say, bring it on! I am ecstatic to soak up every once of your light. You get what you need when you need it, and you bleed because you’re human, don’t be defeated.

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