
{Apologies if you’re looking for a new Style & the SAHM post.  I accidentally published it early and then removed it.  It will be back on Tuesday.}

1. Even the most successful, powerful women in the world have trouble finding clothes that suit them. That’s what I learned reading this article about the clothing line, Nina McLemore.

The line specializes in styles that are “in road-worthy luxury fabrics and styles that are never revealing” for women “who want to look sharp but not have the focus on their clothing and appearance.”  The clothes comes in feminine colors because  “femininity and color no longer signal a lack of authority.”   Still, the line “doesn’t scream brand name and doesn’t call attention to itself.”  It suits even women who “don’t all come in designer sizes, (which generally stop at size 10 or 12).”  The styles “include options for most body types, and the fabric is tested for comfort and durability.”

Unfortunately, the entire Nina McLemore line is basically one variation or another on the power suit.  Not my style at all.  And their website looks like a time capsule from 1998.

Still, it’s refreshing to read about a line that was built around real women and their needs.  Most clothes seem to be designed with 20-year old, size zero socialites in mind, leaving those with different shapes and different lifestyles out in the cold.  (Twenty-year old, size zero socialites are real women too.  You know what I mean.) At the very least, it makes me feel better about the challenges I have in finding clothes that work.  Apparently I’m in good company.

2. My front flower beds are a disgrace, particularly the one on the right. It’s disappointing because I put a lot of work into them over the past three years (not so much this year, when the slug life chose me).  When I created the flowerbed, I laid down newspaper over the preexisting grass and leaves and put down layers of sand and planting soil.  I guess I didn’t build the bed up high enough or something because the crabgrass has taken over completely.

I’m contemplating whether to (a) fight back or (b) pull out the paving stones and replant grass around the bushes (there are azalea bushes beneath all the weeds), or (c) put down pebbles around the bushes and just do flower planters.  I have daffodils down there that pop up every year in the early spring.  I guess I can dig them up and plant the bulbs elsewhere?

3.  Because everyone loves to talk nail polish . . .  I bought some Vinylux nail polish and used it with the Vinylux “7 day” top coat.  The top coat didn’t give me spectacular results when I used it with OPI color, but  so far so good with the polish and top coat combined.  It’s gone 24 hours without chipping, even after I took a shower.  That’s a record for me.  I wish I chose a different color, but it’s not too bad.

Vinylux “Clay Canyon”

4. Some days I listen to this 11 hour recording of Tibetan singing bowls, when my nerves are frazzled. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5dU6serXkg

Pat listened for a little while and observed,

“I like it.  It has all the benefits of wind chimes with none of the commitment.”

5. My brother, John, is a composer.  Some of his compositions are available here for streaming.  He’s written a lot over the years, but my favorite is still Nocturne, from 2008. One of the lesser-known of John’s many musical talents is playing the accordion.  We’ll see if it catches on with Girl 1.

6. Speaking of brothers, here’s another photo from my brother Stephen, taken of my sister and her little boy. Aren’t they precious?

7. Question for you  . . . .  A double entendre is where you say something that, on the surface, has an innocent meaning, but can also be taken with a different, less-innocent, usually sexual meaning. What do you call it when that first-impression, surface meaning is sexual, or “naughty,” but the intended effect is to be “oh, ha ha, this is actually innocent”?  It’s like a reverse double entendre.  But what if your underage daughter is involved? What do you call that?  . . . I call it messed up.

And decorating it with this:

does not make it family friendly when you also decorate with this:

Signing out from prude central (am I??) and linking up with Conversion Diary for 7 Quick Takes.  Happy weekend!

Filed under: Big thoughts, House & Home, Kids, News musings, Seven Quick Takes Tagged: fingernail polish, gardening, music, Parenting

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