
This post contains affiliate links.

Hello! Welcome to my first Blogging and Income Report for 2017! Yep, I’ll be doing these for another year, at least. This will mark my third year of income reports and my fourth year of blogging reports – I can’t believe it has been that long! Maintaining these reports really helps hold me accountable and keep me focused. When I was prepping for this post I went back and looked at some of my very first reports. It’s amazing to see how far I’ve come! Hopefully 2017 will be another wonderful year for me and my little blog. Thanks so much for reading and following along!

Blogging and Income Report – January 2017

As I mentioned in December’s report, I started off January sick, and fell way behind on my Huge To-Do List, but I’m plugging away at it. January was a decent month for me, rebounding a little bit from a slow December. It seems 2017 is off to a strong start!


January brought in some decent numbers but still a far cry from the monthly average in 2016. Towards the beginning of the month I switched my mobile ads from Padsquad to Mediavine and it messed with my Avg. Session Duration and Bounce Rate a bit, so I guess this is my “new normal.” Aiming to hit monthly page views of 100,000+ sometime this year but have a far ways to go.

My top referral sources for January are – Google, Pinterest, Direct traffic, Facebook, and Bing.

Other January Happenings

All in all, a rather low-key month, except for the Star Wars Rebel Challenge, the return of Main Street Electrical Parade, and the Women’s March. So, not low-key at all, now that I look back on it. No wonder I’m so exhausted!


Here’s what I earned in January 2017. I list the earnings by network, and then state the specific brands/shops in parenthesis. If I didn’t make any money through a specific affiliate channel, I will leave it off the list (all those zeros could get depressing)!

(Keep in mind this is just money I’m making through my websites. I also have a few other part time jobs which I am not including here.)

Ad Networks

PadSquad – $34.22 (removed towards the beginning of the month)
Mediavine – $380.59 (desktop and mobile ads)
Google Adsense – $0.12

Brand Campaigns

Sponsored Content – $211.60

Affiliates (some of the links below contain my affiliate code)

Amazon – $64.30
ShopSense – $7.75
Share-a-Sale – $98.99 (Wayfair, Redbubble)
Affiliate Window – $154.07 (Etsy)

Total revenue for January 2017 = $951.64.
– Total revenue the previous month = $1428.35.
– Difference: -$476.71

The post-holiday income drop is expected, but still painful.

Things I need to work on:

I’ve been focusing a lot on Joy Social lately, and also focusing on getting Married with Disneyland populated and set up as a handy resource for newly engaged couples. I also mentioned last month I’m focusing on growing my Facebook presence and a few of you asked me about that. I’m in a Facebook Group called Facebook Page Massive Growth Strategies and I’m learning SO MUCH just from the free information that Rachel provides in the group. Her paid course re-opens in March and I am for sure buying it. But I highly recommend joining the group and implementing some of the free advice she’s giving out.

That’s it for now! Thank you for reading. Let me know if you have any questions and I’ll try my best to answer! I also would like to know if the information I’m providing is helpful or what else you would want to see/learn from an income report. Let me know how I can help you! Have a great month, everyone!

The post Blogging and Income Report – January 2017 appeared first on This Fairy Tale Life.

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