
January 8 In Jewish History

1198: Start of the papacy of Innocent III.  Innocent III  was responsible for the Fourth Lateran Council which produced  an array of anti-Jewish promulgations.

1297: Monaco gains its independence when Francesco Grimaldi and his men captured the fortress protecting the Rock of Monaco. Monaco has been ruled by the House of Grimaldi.  Any Jews living in Monaco from the 14th century until the start of World War II were usually Ashkenazim fleeing from France.  An organized Jewish community was established in 1948.  Almost half of the Jewish community is made up of British Jews living in Monte Carlo.

1324: Venetian traveler Marco Polo, who visited China, then under the Yuan Dynasty, in the late 13th century and described the prominence of Jewish traders in Beijing, passed away.

1414: The Disputation of Tortosa, one of the famous disputations between Jews and Christians of the Middle Ages, which was held in the city of Tortosa, Spain resumed.

1455: Nicholas V issued a “Romanus Pontifex,” a Papal Bull that expressed the Church’s approval of Portugal’s seizure of lands in the New World and Asia.  This was part of an attempt to divide the newly discovered lands between Catholic monarchs and freeze out the Protestant nations.  Fortunately for the Jews, the Church’s bull was not worth the paper it was written on since the Protestant nations such as the Dutch and the English would provide a place where Jews could practice their religion and engage in commerce.

1575:  Many Marranos were among the victims of the Auto de Fe at Seville.

1598: Expulsion of the Jews from



1790: In France, the Deputies excluded the rights of Jews when considering the rules governing the election of municipal officers

1806: Cape Colony became a British colony as the Union Jack replaced Dutch rule.  Dutch Jews had been living in the colony since 1652.  In 1804, they had finally gained freedom of religion thanks to a proclamation issued by the Dutch commissioner-general Jacob Abraham de Mist that instituted religious equality for all persons (including the Jews) without any regard to creed.  One of the first acts of the British was to repeal this proclamation.  While a new wave of Jews began arriving in the 1820’s, the first synagogue was not formed until 1841 with the establishment of the Gardens Shul in Cape Town.

1815: American forces under General Andrew Jackson defeat the British at the Battle of New Orleans.  The pirate leader, Jean Lafitte provided a large number of soldiers and several cannon that were critical to
’s success.  According to some sources, Lafitte’s mother was a Sephardic Jew whose family had fled the Inquisition.  He was raised in a home that observed Kashrut and his first wife was Jewish.  Like so many other things about Lafitte, we cannot be sure where fact ends and legend begins.  There is no question about the Jewish identity of another fighter at the Battle of New Orleans.  Judah Touro, of the famed New England Turo family had moved to
New Orleans
and become a prominent member of the community.  He volunteered and fought with
’s forces.  He was severely wounded and taken from the battlefield by Rezin Shepherd, a close friend and fellow merchant.  Touro walked with a limp as a result of the wounds sustained in the battle.  Touro Infirmary (hospital) and Touro Synagogue provide modern reminders of this businessman-philanthropist who answered the call to defend the United States in one of its darkest moments.

1830: The Ohio General Assembly granted Congregation B’Nai Israel in
a charter whereby it was incorporated under the laws of the state.

1851: In Cayuga County, New York, a jury is to be impaneled in the case of People vs. John Baham, Jr.  Baham and his brothers were charged in the vicious murder of Nathan Adler, a Jewish peddler from Syracuse.

1852: Jacob Lehman, the son of a Jewish peddler living in Philadelphia is seen for the last time.  His disappearance will eventually lead to a gruesome murder case.

1855: The sixth anniversary of the German Hebrew Mutual Aid and Benevolent Society was celebrated this evening in Pythagoras Hall on Walker Street in New York City.  The dinner, which began at 7 pm, was attended by two hundred members of the society and their guests.  Before the meal began, a Hebrew hymn was chanted in memory of the members of the society who had passed away.  Among the speakers for the evening were Rabbis Raphael and Isaacs. The guests gave a “liberal contribution” to the poor before departing from the event.

1856: The New York Times published a summary of The Jew: A Story of the South by the same author who wrote Leaves From The Journal of a Physician's Wife

1862: Rabbi Arnold Fischel enclosed a copy of the bill that has been approved which will allow Rabbis to serve as Chaplains in the Union Army in a letter he sent to his supporters in New York.  In the letter, Fischel thanked them for their financial support.  He assured them that the money had been put to good use in getting the Congressional Committee to approve the change in the law.  He also reported that a letter had been published in the Washington newspapers from Reform Rabbis, including Wise, Einhorn and Adler claiming that Fishcel  had not authority to act for the Jewish community.

1865(10th of Tevet, 5625): As the American Civil War enters its final years, Jews observed Asara B’Tevet.

1870: Dr. Ellinger, editor of the Jewish Times addressed the Longfellow Literary Association at the YMCA in New York City on the outcome of the Rabbinic Conference which was held in Philadelphia, PA.  Ellinger provided an analysis of the religious reforms proposed by the Jewish leaders.

1871: Vice President Samuel A. Lewis, chaired today’s annual meeting of the members of Mount Sinai Hospital. The meeting was informal since only fifty members were in attendance the by-laws require 75 for a quorum.  Emanuel B. Hart has replaced Benjamin Nathan as President, Nathan having passed away. The hospital, which treats Jewish and Gentile patients, treated 1,787 out-patients during the past year.  The hospital admitted 677 patients during the year or whom 609 were designed at “cured or relieved.”

1871: The Hebrew Relief Association which was incorporated in 1831 held its annual meeting this morning at the 19th Street Synagogue in New York City.  Officers include, President Hendry S. Allen, Vice President A.R.B. Moses and Treasurer E.B. Hart. During this past year, the association distributed $2,500 among the city’s less fortunate Jewish population.

1875: The Downtown Hebrew Ladies’ Benevolent Society met this evening and elected a slate of officers.

1878: It was reported today that the Young Men’s Hebrew Union has elected the following officers: President, A. Ottinger; Vice President, William Rothschild; Secretaries, Alfred Steckler and Lewis Heyman; Treasurer, Henry Bausch.

1890: Rabbi H. Pereira Mendes of Congregation Shearith Israel presided over the funeral services for Judge Philip J. Joachimsen, which were held at his home on 54th Street followed by internment at Cypress Guardians

1892: It was reported today that Madame Olga Novikoff claims that in an effort to downplay the seriousness of the famine in Russia, the Czar is willing to accept private donations, but no government money.  She reports that money has been sent from England “to aid the distressed Jews.”  (This famine was but one more reasons that so many Jews were arriving in the U.S. and the U.K.

1892; It was reported today that stepsons of the late Bernhard Blumenberg are contesting the will which leave half of his estate to his widow Anna Blumenberg.  They claim that she could not have been their father’s wife since she had married Loeb Sigel who was still alive. She claims that they had been divorced.

1893: Thirteen year old David Koblenzer delivered an address today in which he recounted the history of the Boys’ Yorkville Charity Society, a philanthropic organization begun Jewish youngsters in June of 1891.

1893: Hyman Blum presided over the annual meeting of the Mount Sinai Hospital Society in New York City.

1893: It was announced today that in September Princeton University will offer a $75.00 prize to the incoming Junior who had the highest score on the Hebrew Examination. (They may not have liked the Jews, but they loved their language)

1894(1st of Shevat, 5654): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1894: As the economic downturn in the United States continue to worsen the offices of the United Hebrew Charities on Second Avenue were so crowded that the clerks had to work “briskly” to deal with all of the requests for aid.

1894: In an attempt to help those suffering as a result of the “Depression of 1893” Nathan Straus will begin selling coal at 25 per cent less than before.  This means that 25 pounds can be bought for a nickel and 100 pounds can be bought for 20 cents. Straus had already started selling fresh bake bread at reduced prices “at his sterilized milk depot.”

1895: Establishment of the first "Israel Gymnastic Club" in
(Kushta), Turkey

1895: During a strike by 200 cloakmakers in New York City, the Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor withdrew its offer to give $10,000 to the United Hebrew Charities. The money was going to be used “pay” the strikers for their work as street-cleaners.

1895: It was reported today that members of the Union League are not bothered by the fact that their last Jewish members has resigned.  Proving that they are snobs, as well as anti-Semites members of the league are opposed to admitting Henry Fricke, a partner of the powerful Andrew Carnegie, because he lives in Pittsburgh.

1896: It was reported today that Rabbi Gottheil was one of several clergyman who responded favorably to  the creation of the United Charities, an umbrella, inter-denominational organization meant to help the city’s destitute.

1896: It was reported today that rising shops belong to Dutch, German and Jewish merchants have been destroyed as a result of rising anti-German feeling among those living in London’s east end.

1897: It was reported today that the Educational Alliance received over $25,000 in contributions last year but spent more than $52,000. The deficit was covered by proceeds from a charity fair. According to Isidor Strauss, the President of the Alliance, Jewish people play a dominate role in managing the organization but it is strictly non-sectarian when it comes to providing services.

1898: It was reported today that among those serving as directors of the newly created Brooklyn Hebrew Hospital Society are Morris Kotlowitz, Frank Baratt, Dora Kotlowitz and Annie Levy.

1898: It was reported today that Solomon Loeber has purchased a lot on the corner of Second Avenue and 21st Street from the estate of Dr. Aaron wise on which he plans to build a seven story office building which he will give to the United Hebrew Charities as a headquarters.

1898: Graduation exercises were held this evening at the Baron de Hirsch Trades Circles on East 9th Street.

1898: Miss Julia Richman presided over the monthly meeting of the Jewish Religious School Union which was held at Temple Beth-El in
.  The main topic for discussion was providing the proper incentives for students.  Miss Richman expressed her opposition to artificial incentives except as expedients.  She feels that natural incentives are the key to educational success and that the use of artificial incentives will lead to the ruin of the character of a majority of the students.

1899: President James H. Hoffman addressed the annual meeting of the “patrons and members of the Hebrew Technical Institute”

1899: Five hundred people attended an evening of entertainment sponsored by the Young Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s League of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society.  One hundred new members joined the league which provides financial support for the charity.

1906: A meeting was held in the board-room of the Hampstead Synagogue for the purpose of inaugurating a North-West London branch of the Jewish Territorial Organization (ITO). Mr. Lucien Wolf presided. Mr. Wolf said the formation of this branch of the I.T.O. was a gratifying illustration of the way in which the movement was progressing among the Jewish community. He did not pretend that territorialism would be a panacea for all the ills Jewry was heir to, the essence of which was the position of the Jews in Russia. During the 20 years past attempts to solve the problem in Russia had been pursued by means of representations and petitions, but no step had been made towards emancipation. Meanwhile, emigration schemes had no perceptible effect in Russia and did very little to improve the social conditions of Jews, who through the operations of laws, formed new ghettos in the towns to which they were transferred and entering congested labor markets created an impression of numbers greater than they were and stimulated prejudice and Anti-Semitism. Then the late Baron de Hirsch conceived the idea of substituting colonization for emigration. Baron de Hirsch’s idea was to found colonies in new countries free from ghettos and Anti-Semitism, but his scheme had not the success hoped for. It attempted to work from above and did not enlist the enthusiasm or the sympathy of the people for whom it worked. Dr Herzl proposed territorialism and afterwards adopted Zionism as the only means of enlisting the almost fanatical enthusiasm of the Russian Jews. Zionism in turn failed and the I.T.O. came forward with the natural development of Dr Herzl’s scheme. The advantage was that they could begin at once upon territory wherever they could get it, and they had the opportunity of obtaining it in the British Empire. It is of great importance to get to work at once. Within the last few days the great Revolution in Russia had been crushed, and the emancipation of Russian Jews was more remote than ever. He felt bound to pay tribute to the gallantry and heroism with which their brothers and sisters in Russia had acquitted themselves in the heroic struggle of the last few months. (Hear, hear). [Ed. Note - In 1905 the question of a future Jewish state in
split the Zionist movement. The breakaway Jewish Territorial Organization (known as the ITO) sought any land that was available within the British Empire as homeland for the Jewish people. The rest of the Zionist movement clung to the idea that Palestine was the only place for a Jewish homeland. . After the British Government, and then the League of Nations, declared support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, the organization lost its appeal and by 1925 had disbanded.]

1912:The Chicago Section adopted resolution to withdraw from Council of Jewish Women.

1914(10th of Tevet, 5674): Asara B'Tevet

1916: During World War I, Allied forces withdrew from Gallipoli marking the end of this ill-fated attempt to break the stalemate on the Western Front by forcing their way through the
and up the Balkans.  Among the forces withdrawn were the Zion Mule Corps, a Jewish military unit that was part of the British Army.  The Zion Mule Corps was the first Jewish unit to take action since the end of the



.  The Mule Corps was intended to be a supply unit.  However, the Mule Corps earned the respect of British army officers because they had to carry supplies to the front line under constant bombardment by Turkish forces.  The Zion Mule Corps was one of the progenitors of the modern I.D.F.

1919: In
, Bela Kuhn, a communist dictator, was disposed of with the help of
and Admiral Nicholas Horthy. Since Kuhn was a Jew, all the Jews were accused of being communists. During the "White Terror" that followed, an estimated five thousand Jews were killed.

1923: Birthdate of Joseph Wiezenbaum, a pioneer in the study of artificial intelligence.

1923: Birthdate of comedian Larry Storch.

1926: In Franklinton, NC, Irving and Sadie Supman gave birth to Milton Supman who gained fame as comedian Soupy Sales

1926: Abdul-Aziz ibn Saud becomes the King of Hejaz and renames it Saudi Arabia.  The Saudis had been competing with the Hashemites for control over the holy places in
.  With the ascendancy of the Saudis, the British were forced to find a “home’ for the Hashemites.  The Hashemite got two homes.  One son got the throne of the British invention known as
.  The other Hashemite son got the throne of that other British invention, the Kingdom of Trans-Jordan later the


.  Trans-Jordan was carved out of the British Mandate which was supposed to be part of the Jewish home under the terms of the Balfour Declaration.  This explains why some people think that the Arabs already have their state.  It is called
and that is the proper




1926: Birthdate of Evelyn Shulman, the granddaughter of Cantor Savel Kwartin and the daughter of opera singer Nine Shulman, who gained fame as “Evelyn Lear, an American soprano who became a star in Europe in the 1950s and who later won acclaim in the United States for singing some of the most difficult roles in contemporary opera…” (As reported by Margalit Fox)

1929: The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports that Meir Dizengoff has been chosen to serve as Mayor of Tel Aviv.  Dizengoff was one of the founders of the city and has previously held the position of Mayor.

1932: In Austria, celebration of the 150th anniversary of the promulgation of the Toleration Decree of 1781 issued by Emperor Josef II under which the Jews of Austria were accorded civil and political equality.

1932: In Brooklyn, NY, Pauline and Dr. Jacob Rosenblum gave birth to Morton Edgar Rosenblum who gained fame as “M. Edgar Rosenblum, an arts executive who helped steer the Long Wharf Theater in New Haven to prominence in the American theater landscape, developing work that traveled to Broadway and elsewhere and that won Pulitzer Prizes and Tony Awards along the way…” (As reported by Bruce Weber)

1933(10th of Tevet, 5693): Asara B'Tevet

1934(21st of Tevet, 5694): Serge Alexandre Stavisky passed away. Born in 1886 in the Ukraine, he was a French financier and embezzler whose actions created a political scandal that became known as the Stavisky Affair. In 1927, Stavisky was put on trial for fraud. However, the trial was postponed again and again and he was granted bail 19 times. Faced with exposure in December 1933, Stavisky fled. Today the police found him in a Chamonix chalet suffering from a gunshot wound.  Officially Stavisky committed suicide but there was a persistent speculation that police killed him. Alexandre Stavisky was buried in the Père Lachaise cemetery.

1937: Eugene Wigner, the Jewish Hungarian American theoretical physicist and mathematician became a naturalized United States citizen.

1939: In an article entitled “Solution of Problem Must Be based on Present, Not Past,” Anne O’Hare McCormick writes that the one thing that is clear “is that it is impossible to go back twenty years to solve the present problem under the terms of the Balfour Declaration or the promises made to Sharif Hussein in the McMahon correspondence.”  Among the changed realities are “the 400,000 Jews now settled” in Palestine and their “push and energy” which “are transforming the country at an astounding rate.” She goes on to describe the modernizing impact the Zionists have had on Jerusalem, the growth of Tel Aviv which “is one of the most extraordinary boom towns on earth.”  Finally she cites the creation of the port at Tel Aviv by a “people without experience in seafaring or maritime commerce” when the Arab uprising deprived the use of the port a Jaffa.  The Arab response has been one of resistance.  Ironically, long time residents of Palestine “find not only Palestine but also the Palestinians altered in the last five years (the period of greatest Jewish influx) than in the preceding century.” She concludes that the “Arab guerilla war is not independence” but for a halt to Jewish immigration even if this can only be accomplished with a prolongation of British rule.”

1940: The body of State Supreme Court Justice Alfred Frankenthaler, who passed away yesterday, lay in state today at Temple Emanu-El in New York City.

1943: Birthdate of Judy Rosenstein (nee Levin), truly an Ashit Chayil, “A Woman of Valor.” A devoted wife, loving mother, doting grandmother, faithful friend as well as daughter and sister extraordinaire, Judy is a gift to all who are fortunate enough to be part of her life.  “And her children called her ‘Blessed’.”

1953: When Prime Minister Churchill and President Truman dined at the British Embassy, Churchill impressed Truman with his vocal support of Israel and his criticism of Egypt for closing the Suez Canal to ships bound for Israel.

1953: The Jerusalem Postreported that with the last piece of rock blasted away the new 88-km. Beersheba-Sdom road was opened. The road was expected to revitalize the Potash Works which had been inactive since the road north of the Dead Sea was cut during the 1948 war. Despite Israeli protests, Washington announced that it had no objections to the British plans to sell jet planes to the Arab states.

1953: Leo Lerman, the Jewish editor and writer for such glossy fashion magazines as Vogue, Mademoiselle and Vanity Fairhelped discover a new European singing sensation at the Le Fenice opera house in Venice by the of name Maria Callas.

1953: René Mayer becomes Prime Minister of France.

1959(28th of Tevet, 5719): New York State Supreme Court Justice Albert C. Cohn passed away.  Unfortunately, for Judge Cohn, despite a distinguished career, he will be best remembered as the father of Roy Cohn

1975(25th of Tevet, 5735): Richard Tucker passed away at the age of 61.  Born Reuben Ticker, he gained fame as a Cantor and as an operatic tenor.



1978(29th of Tevet, 5738): Rose Luria Halprin one of the foremost American Zionist leaders of the twentieth century who served twice as the national president of Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, held key posts within the Jewish Agency at critical periods in the history of the Yishuv and the subsequent State of Israel passed away today.



1978: The Jerusalem Postreported from Washington the announcement made by US President Jimmy Carter that he was still opposed to the creation of an independent Palestinian state, as it could be used as a base for subversion against Israel.

1980: Park East Synagogue designated as a New York City Landmark. The structure was built on New York’s Upper East side in the last decade of the 19thcentury for a congregation led by Rabbi Bernard Drachman.

1982: As part of the breakup of AT&T, AT&T agreed to divest itself of twenty-two subdivisions. Judge Harold Greene, a Jew who fled Hitler’s German with his parents, presided over United States v. AT&T, the antitrust suit that broke up the AT&T vertical market monopoly on the telecommunications industry in the United States.

1982: Birthdate of actress Gabby Hoffmann.

1984 (4th of Shevat, 5744): In Netivot (southern Israel), Reb Yisroel Abuchatzeira, the Baba Sali passed away.  Rabbi Israel Abuchatzera known as "Baba Sali," was born in Tafillalt, Morocco in 1890, to the illustrious Abuchatzera family. From a young age he was renowned as a sage, miracle maker and master Kabbalist. In 1964 he moved to the Holy Land, eventually settling in the southern development town he made famous, Netivot. His graveside in Netivot will become a holy site visited by thousands annually.

1986, New York City teachers elected long-time teacher advocate Sandra Feldman president of the city's United Federation of Teachers (UFT). “She was the first woman to head the UFT. After a decade heading the UFT, Feldman was elected president of the American Federation of Teachers in May 1997, a position she held until her retirement in 2004. She was the first woman to head the union since 1930, and only the second in the organization's history. A recognized authority on urban education and a former teacher herself, Feldman also served on the Executive Council of the
. A passionate advocate for children with an intense commitment to social justice, Feldman continues to be involved in numerous community organizations. She co-chairs the Child Labor Coalition and heads the
Committee on Social Policy. In addition, she serves on the board of the Jewish Labor Committee, the Coalition of Labor Union Women, and the United States Committee for UNICEF. To mark her retirement, Congress passed a resolution in 2004 honoring Feldman for "her tireless efforts to improve the quality of teaching and learning."

1991(22nd of Tevet, 5751): Harold J. Mason, a seller of rare books and a publishing company executive passed away today at the age of 64.Dr. Mason, a native of Brooklyn, held bachelor's and master's degrees from Emory University and a doctorate in library science form Columbia. He was with the Kraus Reprint Company before co-founding the Greenwood Press in Westport, Conn., in 1966. In 1973 he established a company in his own name in Norwalk, Conn., selling antiquarian journals and magazines.

1991: Israel deported four Palestinians to Lebanon today, less than 24 hours after they had dropped their final legal appeals. The four, suspected of being leaders of an Islamic fundamentalist group in the Gaza Strip, were flown handcuffed and blindfolded to southern Lebanon, dropped off at the edge of Israel's self-declared security zone and then ordered to march north toward a Lebanese Army checkpoint. There they offered angry, threatening statements to waiting Lebanese journalists and then made their way to Beirut.

1992: Israel and China are expected to establish diplomatic relations for the first time during a trip by Foreign Minister David Levy to Beijing toward the end of the month, senior officials here said today. Although Israel was quick to recognize the People's Republic of China after the Communist revolution in 1949, the countries never developed diplomatic relations. But they have long had trade, scientific and other contacts that include arms sales by Israel to China that are said to total several billion dollars.

2000(1stof Shevat, 5760): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

2001: Jack Abramoff left Preston Gates to join the Government Relations division of the Washington, D.C. law firm Greenberg Traurig. “With the move to Greenberg Traurig, Abramoff took as much as $6 million worth of client business from his old firm, including the Marianas Islands account. At Greenberg Traurig, Abramoff recruited a team of lobbyists known familiarly as "Team Abramoff". The team included many of his former employees from Preston Gates and former senior staffers of members of Congress.”

2003:Today, Israeli forces killed a gunman in the Golan Heights, Israel Radio reported. The Israeli military said the man was killed and another was captured during a clash with armed men who were crossing into Israeli-controlled territory near the Syrian and Jordanian borders.

2006: Pulitzer Prize-winner Ron Suskind, author of The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House and the Education of Paul O'Neill, was the special guest speaker at the United Jewish Community of Broward County's annual Major Gifts Event in
Fort Lauderdale

2006: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Brooklyn Follies by Paul Auster, The Reason I Wont Be Coming: Stories by Eliot Perlman, Busting Vega$: The MIT Whiz Kid Who Brought the Casinos to Their Knees by Ben Mezrich and newly released paperback editions of Seven Types of Ambiguity by Ellot Perlman, The Speakeasies of 1932 and Hirschfeld's Harlem by Al Hirschfeld, Pragmatism, and Democracy by Richard A. Posner and  Amos Oz’s Tale of Love and Darkness a “richly layered memoir that chronicles the life of one of Israel's most acclaimed novelists. Tracing his ancestors back to 19th-century
, Oz weaves his family's history into the broader story of World War II, the rise of the Israeli state and the death of the socialist-Zionist dream. Oz returns often to his mother's suicide in 1952, when he was 12: the wound shapes his self discovery and the story of how he became a writer.”

2007: New York magazine, published an article entitled “Mall Menorah Smackdown” which told the tale about “dueling rabbis struggling over who gets to spread the faith to newcomers in the gentrifying area around Atlantic Yards.” “A turf war has erupted between two Lubavitch rabbis claiming dibs on the rapidly gentrifying brownstone neighborhoods that surround it. In one corner is Rabbi Ari Kirschenbaum, who showed up in



three years ago to revive a decrepit Orthodox synagogue in the neighborhood, and recently opened what he has dubbed the Brooklyn Jewish Community Center in a donated space over a former laundromat. His rival is Rabbi Tali Frankel, who is backed by his wife’s powerful uncle, Rabbi Shimon Hecht of Park Slope.”

2008: “A scaled down London revival” of the Jerry Herman musical., “La Cage aux Folles, opened at the Menier Chocolate, in London.

2008(1st of Shevat, 5768):.  According to tradition 1 Shevat, 2488 marked the start of Moshe’s dissertations that compose the Devarim (Book of Deuteronomy).

2008(1st of Shevat, 5768): Lieutenant General Moshe Levy, the 12th Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) passed away.  Born in Tel Aviv in 1936, he was person of Misrahi origin to serve as Chief of Staff.

2009: As part of the Spiritual Journeys series, at the 92nd Street Y Rabbi Joyce Reinitz, the spiritual leader of the Society of Jewish Science in Manhattan and psychotherapist facilitates a
time presentation styled  “Feminine Reflections on the Rhythms of Our Lives: Tevet—Illuminating the Miraculous.”

2009 (12th of Tevet, 5769): Two IDF officers and a soldier were killed today as the IDF penetrated deeper into urban centers in the northern Gaza Strip. Maj. Ro'i Rosner of the Kfir Brigade's Haruv Battalion was killed and another soldier was lightly wounded, when a Hamas man fired an anti-tank missile at them as they conducted searches near the Kissufim crossing into the Strip.Capt. Omer Rabinovitch, 23, of
, was killed in the close-quarter firefights in Zeitoun. Sgt. Amit Robinson, 21, a tank crewman from Kibbutz Magal, south of Baka al-Gharbiya, was killed by a sniper, also in northern
. His parents made aliya from

2009: Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip fired a barrage of at least 30 rockets at southern
today, just hours after the United Nations passed a resolution calling for an immediate truce between
and Hamas.

2009: Three Katyusha rockets fired from Lebanon struck Nahariya, one of which slammed into a retirement home. Two people were lightly wounded.

2009: The comrades of Private David Sher, the 8thAustralian soldier killed in Afghanistan while fighting the Taliban, hung a Star of David above his casket as it was prepared to be sent to Melbourne for burial.

2010: Brit of Nathan Zachary Silber son of David and Rebecca Silber and grandson of Dr. Robert “Bob” and Laurie Silber, pillars of the Cedar Rapids Jewish community and all around great guys.

2010: An exhibition is scheduled to open at Ben Uri Gallery: The London Jewish Museum of Art that includes “Apocalypse,” the “a previously unknown 1945 gouache by Mac Chagall.”  Painted in New York, “Apocalypse shows a naked Christ screaming a Nazi storm trooper below the cross who has a backwards swastika on his arm, a Hitler-like mustache and serpentine tail.”  This is one more example of Chagall using “an image of a crucified Jesus…as a metaphor for persecuted Jewry

2010: Israel has taken the upper hand in a new kind of Mideast conflict, one in which bullets are replaced by chickpeas. Using a satellite dish on loan from a nearby broadcast station, chefs in Abu Ghosh today whipped up more than 4,000 kg. of humous, adding a Guinness world record to the Arab town's reputation for hospitality and harmony. The cooks nearly doubled the previous record for the world's biggest serving of humous, set on October 24 by cooks in Lebanon.

2011: The 10th Red Sea Classical Festival in Eilat comes to a close.

2011: Nadav Kohen is scheduled to be called to the Torah as a bar mitzvah at Agudas Achim in Iowa City, IA.

2011: Rabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum who “fears that without pluralism, Israel will become ‘a state alienated from itself’” is scheduled to give two talks at Congregation Agudath Israel of West Essex, Caldwell, NJ, entitled “Israeli Female Rabbis and the Challenges of 5771” and “Feminine Voices: Halacha and The Public Square.”

2011: As part of the 92nd St Y’s “Out of Israel Program” the following works are scheduled to be presented:

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