
In San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua

This time last year, I could have never predicted where I’d be at this exact moment: sitting on the patio of my family’s rented casa in Nicaragua, a spiced rum and coke beside me, the sun dipping low in the sky before it sinks past the ocean’s horizon and out of sight. I thought that 2013 wasn’t a very big year for me, but it was; it was one of transition, of finally moving to London. 2014 started off slow, with almost no plans – soon it grew into a year of travel, a year of accomplishments, and a year of maturing (both in numbers and in mindset). Here’s a little review of the past year. Note: all of these photos are from Instagram, and there are a lot more on my account… so follow along if you’d like!


Porto, Portugal

I started off the month in rainy, cold London. Although I’d just spent the Christmas holidays in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Austria, I craved another adventure; on a whim, I booked tickets to Porto, a city I’d always wanted to see. Visiting reconfirmed what I already suspected: that Portugal is my favourite country in Europe. Full of beautiful buildings, delicious food, and wonderfully kind people, I hope to visit again. It was my favourite solo trip in 2014.

Favourite Blog Posts:

Sailing From San Blas

The Long Way Round: Taking Yangon’s Circle Train


Gdansk, Poland

Also on a whim, in February Beverley and I booked cheap tickets to Poland. Although it was freezing, the city of Gdansk (and Sopot) was gorgeous. We spent our days taking photos and walking from one café to the next, which isn’t a bad holiday if you ask me.

After my weekend in Poland, I had another weekend away, this one a bit closer to home: Newcastle. I had never been to the Northern city, and, when the opportunity to visit emerged thanks to Traverse 2014 (a travel blogging conference), I jumped at the chance. The conference itself was both interesting and fun, but more than anything it left me with a desire to see more of the north of England.

Newcastle, UK

Favourite Blog Posts:

A Mysterious World: Scuba Diving in the Galapagos

You Will Discover Wanderlust

Finding Footing in Paraty

The Best of Winnipeg: Festival du Voyageur


London, UK

March was the only month in 2014 that I didn’t leave London. As my mum was living in the city for a few months at this point, I spent most of it with her; we discovered new parts of London together, including the colourful streets of Notting Hill. The mild weather also meant lots of time outdoors along Regent’s Canal.

With Ali in London, UK

Favourite Blog Posts:

Finding Mount Everest: A Story of Travelling and Loss

That Time We Went to San Agustín, Colombia

The Story of El Camino Bracelets


At the Shard in London, UK

The beginning of April was filled with even more family time; my sister came for a visit from Tel Aviv, and it was the first time my mum, sister, and I had been on the same continent in almost two years. I also finished my first year of my full-time Master’s degree, which felt like a pretty good accomplishment.

I then fulfilled a lifelong dream: for my 30th birthday, I took a solo trip to Africa in order to see African elephants in the wild. The trip started in Cape Town, South Africa, then took me through Botswana before ending in Zambia.

Cape Town, South Africa

The Okavango Delta, Botswana

Chobe National Park, Botswana

Livingstone, Zambia

Favourite Blog Posts:

Four Years of This Battered Suitcase: What Next?

Help a Girl, Period: Femme International


In May, I celebrated my 30th birthday. I’ve never really cared about age, but it did feel monumental. I was so happy to spend the day with great friends in the Kentish countryside, followed by a party at my flat.

Kent, UK

At the very end of the month, I got the opportunity to visit Paris for 36 hours; my dad was in town, and I took the Eurostar to meet him. Although we only had a short time together, we managed to eat our way through many incredible meals and even do a bit of sightseeing.

Favourite Blog Posts:

The Last Time I Saw You: London Edition

30 Things I’ve Learned in 30 Years

When you Hand Over Your Camera to Kids in Botswana


June was a huge month for me: I moved into my own flat in London, I visited Italy with Hello Basilicata, I managed an entire campaign for Expedia, and I presented on a panel at City University about blogging and social media. I was often incredibly stressed, but it taught me a lot about time management and about my own abilities. I also got to go zip-lining in Italy, so there’s that.

Basilicata, Italy

The Stigma of the Travel Blog

Vietnamese Baby


London, UK

July was also a stressful month; my work was really picking up speed, and I was trying to balance that with a social life in London’s beautiful summer. Despite all of that, I decided to take another solo trip, this time to Alicante, Spain. As I only booked it a few days in advance, I had no idea what to expect, but it was a very relaxing and beautiful holiday.

Alicante, Spain

Favourite Blog Posts:

Places I’ve Sworn I’d Leave Tomorrow

Morning Gloryville: London’s Early Morning Rave


This was yet another busy month with work; the Expedia Pioneer boot camp was in full swing, and I was involved in every step. I also ran a seminar at Expedia for over 30 people, which took a lot of preparation (AKA a lot of wine-fuelled nights to boost my confidence). At the end of the month, after Boot Camp, I flew back to Canada to see my family. That trip also included a jaunt to Phoenix for some even stronger sunshine.

Presenting on behalf of Expedia in London, UK

Phoenix, USA

Favourite Blog Posts:

When Your Blog Goes Quiet or: How to Get Over Writer’s Block

When Settling Makes Sense


I returned to London in the second week of September, just in time for some late summer warmth. I started to make even more of an effort to explore London itself; there’s no doubt that it is a city filled with things to do.

London, UK

Favourite Blog Posts:

Cheap and Easy Souvenirs to Collect

The Music of Basilicata


October was another extremely busy month; I first visited Cyprus with Visit Cyprus, and then attended TBEX (another travel blogging conference) in Athens. It’s a very good thing I like feta.

In and around Nicosia, Cyprus

Athens, Greece

I also visited southern England – Eastbourne to be exact. Once again I realised just how much of England I haven’t seen, and how much I’d like to explore more of it.

Beachy Head, UK

My first football game in England - Brighton, UK

Favourite Blog Posts:

The Best Food in Nicosia, Cyprus

Adventures of the Burmese Bicycle Gang


Poppies at the Tower of London, London, UK

November was a month of writing; I had a big deadline for my Master’s looming, and a lot of new freelance opportunities came my way. I visited Limerick, Ireland, and the article I wrote about it in December became my most viral article to date; it was viewed nearly 30,000 times in three days. I was even featured in the Limerick Leader (twice!) and was interviewed on the radio station Limerick Today.

Limerick, Ireland

Favourite Blog Posts:

Why I Love London or: Why London Feels Like Home

Those Nights in the Mongolian Ger


The Christmas Lights of London, UK

The month of December flew by in the blink of an eye. Work was still intense, freelance articles were piling up, and my Master’s was suddenly more than half over. All the hard work was worth it, however, when I got on an airplane and met my family in Miami Beach, where we’d then fly together to Nicaragua. It was over two years since we had all been together, and it has been incredible.

Miami Beach, USA

Favourite Blog Posts:

Why I Love Limerick (and Why You Should, Too)

What to Wear in India

All in all, it was an amazing year. When I scroll through my photos and write it all down, it almost seems like a dream: a busy life in London, a fun and travel-filled career in the travel writing world, lots of family and friends, lots of writing, and 14 countries (four of them new). Not bad for a year with no plans. 2015 is once again a blank slate – but if 2014 is any indication, it might be a wild ride. I know with certainty it will be filled with more love and laughter, more adventures, and one of my biggest life achievements to date: the completion of my first book.

Follow my Instagram for more up to date photos!

How was your 2014? Where did you go? What plans do you have for 2015?

The post 2014: A Year in Review appeared first on This Battered Suitcase.

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