
Printable: Watercolor Crochet Stitch Wall Art | The Zen of Making

I’ve always loved the look of DIY-related illustrations, especially the ones in yarn crafting and embroidery books. So, last week, on the heels of a couple of months packed with crochet projects, I decided to try my hand at drawing a single crochet stitch. It took a few versions to get it right, but, once I did, I was so pleased with the results, that I decided to print the design, pull out my watercolors, and turn those crochet stitches into a piece of wall art! (Not that I’d ever actually used watercolors before. Luckily, it wasn’t a complete disaster.)

The result: I’m utterly charmed by my new watercolor crochet stitch paintings, and I think they’re the perfect way to brighten up a studio space. If you’re a hooker too, you can make some custom crafty wall art of your own with my free printable!

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* Watercolor Crochet Stitch Wall Art PDF, printed on cardstock with waterproof ink or using a laser printer


* Watercolor paint set

* Paper scissors

* Frame (optional)

Step 1

Download and print the Watercolor Crochet Stitch Wall Art PDF.

Tip: Since you’ll be working with watercolors, you’ll definitely want to use waterproof/permanent printer ink to avoid running or smudging. I used my laser printer, which worked really well.

Step 2

Use watercolors to paint the stitch design, layering colors to get a more textured look.

Step 3

Allow the paint to dry completely, at least overnight. Once the paint is dry, use a pair of paper scissors to carefully cut around the edges of the stitch design.

Step 4

Frame or display as desired.

Here’s how my stitches look up-close. I painted each one individually, and I love how every single one is just a little bit different.

Turns out, in addition to looking cool, painting with watercolors is an incredibly relaxing way to wind down at the end of the day. I can definitely see more projects like this in my creative future!

Printable: Watercolor Crochet Stitch Wall Art | The Zen of Making

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