
Interview with Enlightened Master Ibrahim Hassan
through the Blue Flare/Admin.of www.theworldoftruth.org

The Blue Flare/admin.: We welcome you Master Ibrahim in this interview

E.M.: Welcome to you...

The Blue Flare/admin.: Through this interview, we will address to talk about the happenings and the developments that taking place in the ethereal & astral dimensions and their reflection on what happens in the ground now, also we will talk about The Event, The Ascension and Polar Shifting...etc. and we will answer some of the many questions that we received from brothers [ the followers of our social network www.theworldoftruth.org  ]..
Are you ready, or there are some topics that you have reservations in answering them?

E.M.:  Welcome to you first, I commend on our dedicated brothers in the path of consciousness, who are keen to follow up on the big changes that occur around us, which in turn prepare us to enter into the new age, as for your question; there is no reservations in answering specific questions, but there are some topics that need depth in consciousness “Lessons in consciousness” and not an answers, but I’ll try to answer in brief...

The Blue Flare/admin.: This is great, let’s start!!   My first question is: There is a long period between each update and the other. Why is that?

E.M.:  First: my mission on earth is to raise the level of consciousness to my brothers, through developing the level of awareness and opening levels of consciousness to communicate with other dimensions...
Second:  recently, I’m working hard on the inner journey in the path of Enlightenment and on the delicate and sensitive changes for the planet, also supporting our brothers from other dimensions from inside and outside earth..

The Blue Flare/admin.: you mentioned outside planet earth. How?

E.M.: The human is a Multi-Dimensional Being, when he achieves a certain stage in the path of enlightenment, he can deal with the ethereal & astral levels and higher than that, from here...

The Blue Flare/admin.: you said in the last update, that the astral level is in the process of cleansing from the dark entities... is the cleansing completed?

E.M.: No, but there is a huge developments, and we are now very very close to complete cleansing for the Astral level...

The Blue Flare/admin.: What hinders the process of cleansing the astral level”?

First: The Cosmic anomalies in this region,
Second: lack of public awareness & openness to what is happening in the Dimensions!!
Third: The big response of the public to the fears that the Archons put in their way
Fourth: The proportion of the consciousness people  on earth is not enough to use the equations of the sacred geometry to accelerate the process, and that coupled within the law of the free-will and the ability of people to choose their future..

The Blue Flare/admin.: you said that {the proportion of the consciousness people on earth is not enough to use the equations of the sacred geometry to accelerate the process} what does this mean?

E.M: The answer needs a lot of explanation, but in brief I can say that the proportion of consciousness and the collective consciousness affect the nature and the level of the used energy in the liberating process of planet earth...

The Blue Flare/admin.: you mentioned the cosmic anomalies, did this matter resolve or not yet?

E.M.: it passes in several levels..., I will mention them respectively:

The general plan for reforming this matter began before 450.000 thousands year….,  the effective results of the plan and getting the key to the solution were in October 2013…,  Applying the solution on the universes to remove the cosmic anomalies was between Oct.2013 to Sep. 2014, the results were very impressive...,  Applying the solution on the planet earth and its ethereal & astral dimensions was on 4th and 5th of October 2014 and the process is ongoing until now, and the initial results are very good...

The Blue Flare/admin.: when did the cosmic anomalies begin? And why there was no thinking in solving these cosmic anomalies before the time you mentioned 450.000 thousand year?

E.M.: it started with the beginning of the creation of this universe, and there has been many attempts, but was unsuccessful, because the beings in this universe were at the beginning of their spiritual path and did not experience such a complex matter...

The Blue Flare/admin.: why was getting the key in 2013 and not before?

E.M.: Getting the key was over the last decade only, due to the intervention of the beings that not belong to this universe, they are from higher universes to solve the problem, and these beings were informed about the full story, and have great knowledge about the Archons and their source...

The Blue Flare/admin.: What is the source of the Archons?

E.M.: The Archons are not from this universe, it needs long explanation...

The Blue Flare/admin.: Q: What are the results that have been accessible on the astral & ethereal levels?

No. 1. The old Time Line has been finished in 17th of July 2014, and the New Time Line was placed on earth in 3rd of September 2014, and began to work on it in 5th of October 2014
No.2. Two levels of the harmony of earth’s energy with the galaxy have been completed, and we are at the end of the third and final level, which is expected to be completed between mid of Nov. to mid of Dec.2014
No.3. the Scheduling of all 4 time lines have been completed for the people of earth at the time of the Cardinal Grand Cross in 14th of April 2014, and began working on it in 22nd of Sept. 2014...
No.4. Three –quarters of the Archons have been removed from the astral level, some of them surrendered to the light forces, and some of them have been sent to the center of the galaxy...

But the good news is:  lately, all of them were surrendered Except One, and this one who is preventing the process of defeating chimera group in the ethereal level…
and there is a huge process to get rid of this obstacle, it is just a matter of little time to reach that...
So when that happened; this will effect directly the process of defeating Chimera Group, and Chimera Group in turn now  are dealing with the fact of their defeat and surrender in more realistic, and the negotiations began on some of the terms of their surrendering..
let’s say the game is like this: the Father is the Archons is in  the astral level, and their sons of  the Chimera Group are in the ethereal level, and their grandsons are the Cabal in the physical level....and when the Head fall ,the rest will fall as well, because of that, I told you it is a matter of time, and more good news: the Boss of the Archons  [ who is not the last one that remained ] has been handled and protected from other Archons who refused his surrendering , through special gate and been moved to the special area within the Light forces  ..
No.5. They are working on dismantling the Loop of Time’s technology, which represents  the first supporter for Quarantine on earth, and will end with the end of the last level of earth’s harmony with the galaxy...
No.6. Special portals of energy have been identified to deal individually with those who are qualified in consciousness for inter-dimensions, this means; they will feel the energies of the Event individually, even before the event occurs on planet earth...
No.7 a very large section of the Archons’ technology at the astral level has been eliminated, and the lightings from outside the quarantine start reaching the consciousness of the people on earth...

The Blue Flare/admin.: Q. is the completion of cleansing the astral level will be soon?

E.M.: Yes very soon, but it is difficult to determine the duration…

The Blue Flare/admin.: what about the chain of events that you talked about, which will occur prior to the event?

E.M.: Some of them happened, and still some did not happen!

The Blue Flare/admin.: But people have not seen anything yet?

E.M.: because the Media is keen not to let people know what’s happening, and here I would love to draw the attention of our brothers that do not expect to reach information to their homes before the Event... All those workers and observers of the developments know that a lot has happened in the last two months, and who want to know more should work hard and search on the Internet...

The Blue Flare/admin.: What about The Event? Is it close?

E.M.: We said more than once to our brothers, not to Adhere by the dates, because the operation is dynamic  and variable every day, and the Dates that we mentioned is "  to determine the periods of time and what happens out "!..We can say that the processes are moving very quickly now.

Let resemble what happened now with what happened in the movie “Pacific Rim” with the change of some of its scenarios as follows:

[There is a rift in the cosmic wall, come out of it all the problems, and there was no solution to it before, and only now from the beginning of October 2014, we found the key to close the rift... The conflict exists between those who came from the rift and those who are trying to put the key to close the rift... The process became fast and will end quickly because the key now exists...]

The Blue Flare/admin.: when closing the rift, does chimera group which Cobra talked about it will end?

E.M.: YES; and the Event will happen…The Event is two events as we always say, the first one at the earth level, and there will be a beginning of a series of changes to all systems... The second one at the spiritual & energetic level {inter-dimensional}...

The Blue Flare/admin.: Does the Event with its two branches; the physical and Spiritual; its result will be quick?

E.M.: it is the beginning! The results will be consecutive, and periodically, some will take days, weeks, months or Years...

The Blue Flare/admin.: Years?!!

E.M.: YES, do not expect that the full change comes in days, because there will be levels of changes.

The Blue Flare/admin.:  is it possible to talk in depth about this matter?

E.M.: Changes on the ground will be in levels, from the level of the Event, to systems, to the plan of ascension, to the First Contact and then connecting with other dimensions...

The Blue Flare/admin.: what about the process of both spiritual level & the plan of ascension?

E.M.:  After the Event, and broken the quarantine, there will be 4 Time Lines for the Level of consciousness of the People:
- The First Time Line: will be for the Natural Ascension, and their number is very little on earth...They will interact with the ascension gate and go forward to other dimensions from 5th and above during the months after the Event to maximum period of a year...
- The Second Time Line: for those who are qualified to the 5th Dimension, from the date of the Event to a maximum period of 2 years {in stages) in order to complete the ascension for the people who are belonging to this time line...
- The Third Time Line: which is the biggest, they are almost 60% of the people of earth, who will enter in the 4th Dimension and then in the 5th Dimension [the Line of evolution] during years …
- The Fourth Time Line: for those who will remain in the 3rd Dimension... and the new 3rd D will not be the same as this one, there will be ascended masters and lots of helping from the Light Forces to build the consciousness for them..

The Blue Flare/admin.: will there be a Graduate Line on 21st of Dec.2014 as we have heard?

E.M.: There is special portals to prepare those who are ready in consciousness “the people of Natural Ascension time line “to the start-up level and then to ascend...
The start-up level means preparing the ready people to enter & deal with the 4th dimension level… [Usually this stage takes from 6 months to a maximum of one year] for the Natural Ascension time line, to increase the capacity of their brain, and activate their DNA...
Regarding your question about the graduate Line; yes there is a graduate line for those who are ready, even if the event did not happen yet...
If the Event happened before that date of 21st of Dec.2014;  the start-up level for the 4th Dimension will open Globally to all The Time Lines that we mentioned above, however, the period of start-up for each time line will be different concerning the people’s level of consciousness, because after the period of start-up there will be an ascension for each time line {except for the 3rd D Time Line]..
This start-up process  (the 4th Dimension level) takes from few months up to years for all the Time Lines, and this means the graduate will be gradually Timeline by Timeline (one by one) until all of them graduate, and this period of the 4th D is very important for people to break and to release all the links of the 3rd D Holographic world from their mind , and prepare them for  consciousness that is able to contain and handle the way of living in the 5th Dimension, and the ascension process is an individual effort for each of us, and there will be a huge assistance after the Event to achieve that, Like: Disclosure, new systems, new economy, First Contact, teachings from the ascended masters…….. etc.

Notice that: People mix up between the Event and the Ascension, the Event is announcement to enter the 4th Dimension, and preparing for the next step which is the ascension plan, this means that there is an Event, and after that there is an Ascension plan, and the period between them is what we said about “The start-up Period “, and the conscious of everyone who will determines how much of that period will be for him, but there will not be an ascension without Start-Up..

When the Event happen , this means for  Gaia “ Planet Earth” the completion of the new 4th,5th,6th and 7th Dimensions” within her energy , but for human being  the event means entering to the 4th Dimension, and after that to the Ascension Plan to reach 5th D and above..

The Blue Flare/admin.: why does not everyone ascend together? Why readiness is required?

E.M.: The ascension is a special matter of consciousness, and willingness to progress in the spiritual journey, and not something given as prizes, but there will be great programs to achieve readiness for the ascension, these programs will be spread in the ground after the Event...

The Blue Flare/admin.: What about the changes that will occur in the land at the climate & geological levels!! Is there a moment of peak for earth?

E.M.: Yes, there is a moment of Peak for planet earth, a so-called the earth's MPR  ... The Galactic Federation of Light is trying to delay the Big events in the ground until after the Event, in order for Our entry in the (period of changes) be smoothly, and for us to be informed about lots of facts, and for the disclosure process to be started before the peaks’ period.

In 2010 a decision was issued to delay the earth’s MPR from the end of 2012 to the mid of 2015...

The Blue Flare/admin.: Will the MPR be in the mid of 2015 or that there are some changes?

E.M.: a little earlier or a little later, this is what we know so far...

The Blue Flare/admin.: are you belonging to the Light Forces with GFL?

E.M.: all people on this earth have a contract with both the light forces and the dark forces... the dark contract belongs to the incarnations on earth” under the quarantine” , and the Light Contract belongs to the Light Forces which is beyond the quarantine through this contract they can help us inside the quarantine.. However, in the path of consciousness, you will realize that things do not end in the Light or the Dark polarities, but we are united beings belonging to the One “The Creator”, there are many universes do not know anything about these polarities of Dark &Light...
By the way, the Light has two kinds:

First: the light which is the opposite of the Dark, [which means polarity], and Second: the light that means the Oneness, you reach it through the Enlightenment, and that Light is beyond Dark & the first definition of Light above.
Light:  is the Known (the conscious cells within us)...
Dark:  is the unknown (the unconscious cells within us)
The Oneness is: the blossoming of all the unconscious cells within us, at that level we reach the Enlightenment; which means beyond Light and Dark ….

The Blue Flare/admin.: Thank you Enlightened Master Ibrahim for this beneficial interview, do you have any advice you would like to say for our brothers?

E.M.: Thank you for your trust…my advice is to work on improving the consciousness, because it is the magnificent tool for ascension and getting beyond the Holographic 3rd Dimension...

With Love & Peace to all

The Enlightened Master & The Blue Flare

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