
Press Release

Sydney - The Cape Breton District Health
Authority’s Crossroads Program and the Cape Breton Screaming Eagles are
working together to raise awareness about mental health.

2nd Mental Health Awareness Night takes place on October 14th, 2012 as
part of the Eagles game against the Acadie Bathurst Titan will feature a
puck drop by former NHL star Theo Fleury. The goal of the evening is to
increase education and reduce stigma around mental illness in our

“Mental illness
doesn’t discriminate, it can happen to anyone,” says Scott Gouthro,
Recreation Therapist with the District’s Mental Health Services.
“Mental illness occurs in all ages - from childhood through the senior
years. For some people, mental illness is a short-term illness but for
others, it’s a life-long journey towards recovery. People need to know
that they are not alone, that there are supports in the community. You
can get help.”

activities will mark Mental Health Awareness Night.  There will be
colleagues from Crossroads greeting people at the doors; information
booths; contact cards for community resources; educational videos; and a
range of community supports and services available to answer your
questions (The Canadian Mental Health Association, Bring Change 2 Mind,
Mental Health & Addictions Promotion Committee, Pathways to
Employment and Crossroads). In addition, there will be a special
appearance by Theo Fleury – a former NHL All-Star, Stanley Cup winner
and Olympic Gold Medalist.

is selling tickets to the public at a special price with a portion of
the ticket sales to be used to support members in attending educational
events in Toronto and St Louis, Missouri next year.  People who purchase
tickets from Crossroads will have the chance to enter their name into a
draw to meet Theo Fleury before the game.

purpose of this event is to raise awareness about the impact of mental
illness on our community and to reduce the misunderstanding and stigma
that continue to be firmly attached to this pervasive health matter,”
says Colleen Cann Mackenzie, Program Coordinator with Crossroads.  “One
in five of us will experience a mental health disorder in our lifetime.
Each and every one of us will be affected through our family
relationships, friendships, neighborhoods and workplaces.”

is the second time the Eagles and Crossroads have hosted Mental Health
Awareness Night. Game start time is 4:00 p.m. at Centre 200.

(Nathan can be reached at nathanfournier@mainehockeyjournal.com)

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