If there was one thing that I learned over and over in 2013 was the similarities in necessities regardless of whether you are a blogger, direct seller, virtual assistant, graphic designer, etc. The basics of running an online business are the same. Here are 52 tasks to make you a better home business owner – regardless of your industry – in 2014.
1. Experiment with publishing mediums. Most of us stick to text in our marketing. Try video, podcasts and more photos this year.
2. Embrace social sharing communities. Whether it is Triberr, Ahalogy or a community you create, make friends with those that will extend your social reach. And help them extend theirs!
3. Learn to do your own graphics. Whether you are publishing eBooks or creating your own website banners, this can save you a mint in the long run. Skillshare offers a From Zero to Hero: Learn Graphic Design class for $10. Use my referral link and enroll free.
4. Fill in those blanks when uploading photos to your blog. This will help with SEO and make them more Pin-worthy.
5. Read a book. We consume in tidbits these days. Go further. Pick up a full-length business book. Read it. Implement what you learned.
6. Create a solid accounting system and stick with it. (I use Quickbooks.)
7. If it doesn’t feel right, say “no.” Always trust your gut.
8. Listen to your stats. We all have marketing avenues that we keep using in hopes one day they will provide results. Stop looking and start acting. Give it one last college try and then move along if nothing happens.
9. Acknowledge there is a difference between social media automation and scheduling and start saving yourself some time. If you create an update and schedule it to go out later with HootSuite, that is not automation. If you allow software to follow and unfollow Twitter users without your input, that is automation. Big difference. You aren’t losing a single aspect of personalization if you schedule an update to post at an optimum time.
10. Finish what you start.
11. Attend a networking event. That may be a local women in business group or a blog conference, just get out there and meet people.
12. Hire help. Don’t like a task? Outsource it.
13. Pretend you are going to a j-o-b. Get up at the same time each day. Take lunch at the same time. Take breaks. Tackle your daily tasks in order of importance and your “personal best” times.
14. Take a week off.
15. Incorporate SMART goals. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reachable, Timely
16. Get uncomfortable. We can accomplish great things when we scare ourselves. Take on that one thing you have wanted to do for your business but were too afraid to start. (Then see #10.)
17. Learn HTML.
18. Make it a point to guest post at one authority blog in your niche each month. Imagine the people you’ll meet over the course of 12 months!
19. Leave a comment when you finish reading an informative post. Remember when we used to do that? Remember all of those people that then followed you over to your site?
20. Email other bloggers and business owners and ask them to guest post for you.
21. Finally become an active affiliate for those programs you love!
22. Order new business cards and marketing materials.
23. Pick up a new WordPress theme or revamp your design.
24. Make sure your social profiles are up to date and include those keywords for which you want to be found.
25. Get active in industry forums.
26. Give more than you take in social marketing.
27. Stop forcing yourself to post when you have nothing to say. Spend the day reading instead.
28. Stop being afraid to talk to yourself online. Eventually someone will answer and someone is always listening.
29. Create a media kit for your website.
30. Create a resume for your services.
31. Make sure you have social sharing buttons on your website. Think you do? Please double check that they actually work.
32. Same goes for contact information. Forms fail. Have your email address listed as a backup.
33. Stop being afraid of Google and listening to non-experts to the point that you stop growing your website. Ri-dic-u-lous!
34. If you don’t know, ask.
35. When everyone else is crying, looking away or researching themselves to exhaustion about the latest online change, run for the finish line! Change happens continuously. Don’t let it stop you now.
36. If someone says you can’t make money doing something, they really mean *they* can’t. You can do anything you set your mind to. Get started today.
37. Accept that you are an individual. There will be times when what works for everyone else doesn’t work for you. Let it go and move along.
38. Stop letting people tell you that you must leave your beliefs or faith out of your business. If people can’t accept you the way you are, you certainly don’t want to be reliant upon them for your success. Build a business you are proud of and that reflects your personal values.
39. Get a coach or join a mentoring group that will provide support and keep you accountable.
40. Get paid upfront (fully or partially) when working with new clients or advertisers.
41. Create a rock solid contract.
42. Talk to an accountant about your tax liability before it gets out of hand.
43. Make sure your business is legal and has the required licenses and insurances needed for your location.
44. Cut the fat. Cancel those services you pay for but no longer use. Research cheaper alternatives or discounts for those you do need.
45. If business isn’t going good, establish your breaking point in advance. Protect your family and get out early if you necessary.
46. If you are not happy in a business relationship, get out.
47. Email that person you would really like to work with and start a conversation.
48. Find a time tracker and to do list app you love. Use them.
49. Update your rates and service list.
50. Create Standard Operating Procedures that can be shared with clients or team members.
51. Create an “In Case of Emergency” file that includes points of contact and login information should something happen to you.
52. Have backups for your backups, just in case.