The Wise Baby
The Wise Baby - The Definitive Baby Blog
Happy Wednesday mama’s! Today’s real mama has a fabulous line up of products. All of Angela’s favorites are ones I know and love, too so her list was one I really enjoyed putting together. I know you all while find her products and tips so helpful (she was a nanny before becoming a mama to her beautiful little lady). Have a good day mama’s and if you’d like to share your favorite products, we’d love to have you. Check out the details for submission, here.
My name is Angela and I am a proud mama to a delightful 8 month old baby girl named Phoebe. We live in a small town in Kansas with the most amazing husband and father anyone could ask for and one crazy pup who, after a slight adjustment period, now loves having a baby in the house! After being a nanny I am picky about what baby products I invest in, I want them to last, get plenty of use and in general not drive me crazy!
1. Diaper Dekor Plus Diaper Disposal System- Oh, how I love these, let me count the ways! When I would care for other babies I would literally HATE every diaper pail I had to put my hands on. Jamming in a diaper full of poop into a small receptacle is not my idea of fun, neither is running one out to the garage while balancing a baby. This diaper pail has a step pedal like a regular garbage can and a lid that pops up. Put your diaper in the nicely sized trap door and you’re done! And the best part is… it keeps the odors in! It comes with it’s own bags to try (which I love) but you can also use standard trash bags with it to save money. Great for cloth diapers too!
2. Best Bottom Cloth Diaper- While speaking of diapers, we cloth diaper when we can to save money. My favorite which I now use exclusively is Best Bottom Diapers. They have a one size cover (with super cute prints) and snap in inserts. No more stuffing and you can reuse the cover through out the day. Plus they keep the poop and pee in as well as a disposable.
3. Turtlemeter- This is one of those items I have given as a baby shower gift because I think it is that good of a product and great for new moms. I don’t know about you but I can’t tell much by sticking my elbow in the bath water. This little guy floats in your tub and keeps track of the water temp for you, it also glows different colors, blue if the water is too cold, red if too hot and green if just right. Our daughter also loves playing with it, it’s safe for her to chew on and fully submersible.
4. Fisher-Price Ocean Wonders Soothe and Glow Seahorse- This is the only thing we have had in our daughters crib with her since she was 3 months old. With blankets and other stuffed animals posing a suffocation risk for babies while sleeping I was excited to try this seahorse which is approved for 0+. Our little girl sleeps with him every night, I turn him on before leaving the room by pressing his belly to activate the glow and music. The one thing I have to say about Fisher-Price is they pick good music, I have heard the songs hundreds of times that it plays and they are not annoying, very soothing and the volume is perfect. This also makes a great gift as it is usually under $12!
5. Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water- After some weeks of denial we finally came to terms with the fact that our baby had something I had no experience with… Colic. I had no idea how to soothe her and she had it for a LONG time, til she was 5 months. I finally read about gripe water and after trying everything else decided to see if it would work. Gripe water is a liquid you give your baby orally using an eyedropper that contains Ginger and Fennel (it is not a medication but like with anything you give your baby it’s good to consult your doctor first). It is intended to soothe your babies tummy (usually colic stems from a gassy or upset stomach). This was the only thing that would help our baby feel better and we were so relieved! This brand doesn’t need refrigeration like others, a good bonus.
6. Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Say Please Tea Set- I’m not sure if you can get this version of this tea set in stores anymore, they updated it and the new one is called “Smart Stages” tea set. I think this original set is much cuter and my daughter ADORES it! It’s the first thing she grabs at when I lay out her toys, she loves all the noises the pot makes (especially the realistic pouring sound when you tip it) and she loves chewing on the cups and play cakes. If you see this set I’d get it now while you can unless you like the look of the new one.
7. Amazon Mom – Ok, if you don’t already have Amazon Prime you should sign up for a 30 day free trial of Amazon Mom. You get all the benefits of Prime (FREE 2-day sipping on most products, can we say HUGE!) plus with the mom membership you get 20% off diapers and a 15% off registry completion discount. They have hands down the best customer service on the internet, I contacted them about a toy arriving late and they gave it to me for free!
8. Fisher-Price Spacesaver High Chair- I registered for this because I have hated every awkward, bulky, hard to clean high chair I have had to use while caring for children. I was hoping this one would be different, and it was! Finally a compact, easy to clean high chair that is super easy to transport. This high chair straps to any chair (way better that the highchairs that you can attach to the edge of a table, those do not work universally with every table and can be very frustrating to attach!). It comes with a very easy to remove and clean cover and the tray is a single piece and can be completely removed from the chair (this is super important for cleaning, just bring over to the sink give a quick scrub and done!). It also converts to a booster seat as your little one grows, bonus!
9. Munchkin White Hot Inflatable Tub- Once our little girl was sitting up well we knew it was time to put her in the big tub for baths (we had been giving her baths in our big kitchen sink up til now). I had kind of been dreading it because she would still fall over on occasion and wet slippery babies are hard to manage in a big tub. We got this inflatable duck tub to put inside our big tub and what a life saver! If she falls she’s surrounded by a cushiony barrier and easy to prop back up, plus she is raised up a bit higher which puts less strain on mommy’s back. Best of all she has loved playing in it since day one!
10. JJ Cole Car Seat Cover- I went back and forth a long time on if I should by this. I didn’t know if I would like using it or not. Let me tell you I can’t imagine taking baby around without it! Did you know it’s not safe to have baby strapped in a car seat with a bulky winter coat on? I didn’t either! Well this solves that problem. Just buckle baby in and cover them up to keep them nice and warm with this cover. You can zip the blanket panel one and off easily or you can pull the whole cover off quickly because it is just secured with elastic around the carrier. If it’s really blustery or snowy you can cover up baby all the way by lifting the flap over them. You also have the assurance of knowing they aren’t too hot or uncomfortable while in the car as they would be wearing a bulky coat.
Real Moms Favorite Baby Products – Angela