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STRICTLY For Newbie Bloggers – 7 Important Tips
The popularity of internet use caused the evolution of blogging as one of the easiest and most pleasant manner of imparting one’s ideas and opinions. Blog, as a matter of fact, is a word not originally found in the English vocabulary but a portmanteau of the term web log that was coined as a result of the advent of the internet. Although there are no hard and fast rules on blogging, there are certain time-tested techniques and methods bloggers should adhere to if you desire to have wide readership of your blogs.
Here are 7important tips STRICTLY for Newbie Bloggers:
1. Define your target audience.Before even trying to write your thoughts, you must first identify who you would expect to be reading your blog. You must have at least qualified your expected readers. There are various criteria by which you can craft your blogs to appeal to your target audience. The most basic criteria are gender, age group, location, culture and social standing.
2. Pick a topic and stick with it.
You must define the topic of your blog and devote the entire blog talking about it. The readers’ minds are more receptive to topics that they have previous information of. Sudden change of topic will cause the mind to resist the information it was not expecting. You are allowed to divert from the topic you set if you have knack for cracking jokes or humour because the mind will not offer resistance to happy thoughts.
3. Write new and informative subject matters
The internet is an ocean of news and information. What you may be writing was already written by somebody else. News that is day old is not news anymore. If you are writing on topics that qualify you as an expert, be sure to check on your facts and be current on the news and information. Remember that people read blogs to get information or get entertained. They may not be interested which side of the bed you woke up to this morning but they will certainly be interested on the kind of sleeping position that keeps you well rested.
4. Use clear and simple wordsKeep your blogs easy to understand. Using highfaluting words that confuse your readers won’t get you a loyal following. The best way to get your ideas across is to use words in their most simple meaning. Simple explanation of your ideas through the commonly used words helps a lot. There is no point of blogging if there is a need to decode the words you use in order to understand what you are talking about.
5. Write frequently and consistently
Determine how many blogs you can post daily and stick with it. Do not start an unrealistic schedule then rescind afterwards. Once your readers got into the habit of reading your blogs at the scheduled time of posting, any sudden variation would give a wrong signal that you cannot deliver.
6. Great grammar and proofreading is a must
There is no obvious indicator of being an unprofessional blogger than glaring mistake in simple English grammar and spelling. A simple review of your blog can save you from future embarrassment. Know that your blogs, once published, can be found in the archives even after you have deleted your post.
7. Do not forget the SEO and RSS
Your blog, if properly optimized for search engines, can be ranked high on the search results based on the keywords consistent with the contents of your blogs. RSS as well can help your blog gain wider and consistent number of following.
If you are already a blogger and want to find out some promoting tips, click here to find out how to grow a blog in less than 3 months.
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Marcin Marczak
Skype: marcmar1979
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