
Brighten up your garden with these gorgeous Flower Stepping Stones. They are easy to make and look great. Learn how now!

We were excited to find these gorgeous Painted Flower and Butterfly Stepping Stones that are made by the incredibly talented Lin Wellford. She features them in her gallery on her website. There is something whimsical and fairytale like and we bet you will love to make some for your garden. We love them!

We have put together a collection of ideas and we have even included a ‘how to’ video that will step you through the process. Be sure that you scroll our page all the way to the end so that you don’t miss an idea and as always Pin your favourites as you go.

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How To Paint Stepping Stones Video Tutorial -:

We have included a video tutorial that shows you how to paint hydrangeas on a stepping stone. To watch, click play above ⇑

How To Paint a Flower Stepping Stone via Flower Patch Farmhouse

Tips For Painting Stepping Stones -:

1. Start by Cleaning and Drying Your Stepping Stones

Start by gently brushing off any surface debris on your stones. Move them onto an old sheet or tarp and use a pressure cooker to give them a good clean up. Alternatively you can hand wash them individually. Use some liquid soap and give them a scrub with a brush. Be sure to wash off all the bubbles and let them air dry overnight if possible. The longer you leave them to dry, the more paint will be absorbed and the better the results will be.

2. Painting Your Stepping Stones -:

You can use Acrylic or concrete/patio paint for this project. Mineral based exterior paints work well too. Be sure to use smooth strokes to each stone and ideally use a water based paintbrush. Don’t overload your paintbrush so that you end up with paint blobs on your project. Remove excess paint so they dry correctly. If you plan to paint a number of colours, tape is a great way to divide your stones into sections. You can also trace your design onto your rocks. Simply paint between the lines. 2 coats is preferable to get the depth of colour and be sure to allow drying time in between.

3. Decorating Your Painted Stones -:

You can add decorations to your Painted Stones like crystal beads, marbles, mosaic tiles, decorative mirrors and the like. You will need a glue to fasten your embellishments. An epoxy glue works well for this process.

4. Protect Your Stepping Stones From Elements -:

The most important part of the project is to ensure it endures and that means using a polyurethane to protect them. Elements such as wind, rain and humidity can take their toll. You can buy a pressure pack in a satin or gloss look.  It is essential that you do not skip this step otherwise your stepping stones will look very weathered in a short period of time.

5. Position Your Stepping Stones Correctly -:

It’s important to take care when creating your path. Walk the path yourself and lay the stepping stones out in the spots that are most likely to be in stride with the user. You can add some solar or garden lights to line your path.

Button Stepping Stones via Mark Montano Blogs

We absolutely adore these Button Stepping Stones and Mark Montano has a video with his tutorial to show you just how easy they are to make. What a fabulous idea!

Monarch Butterfly Stepping Stone via Flower Patch Farmhouse

Here’s another wonderful idea from Flower Patch Farmhouse. This Monarch Butterfly would be a wonderful addition to your Stepping Stone Collection.

Cushion Stepping Stones via decor hacks

Here’s another amazing idea, what do you think about these Cushion Stepping Stones! This is perfect for fairy gardens and certainly adds the whimsy to your home and garden.

Ladybug Stepping Stones via Pinterest

Why not paint your stepping stones up to look like Ladybugs. They will certainly bring your garden to life!

Butterfly Stepping Stones via Pinterest

Here’s another fab idea. Use pebbles and stones to create these Butterfly Stepping Stones. What an incredibly clever idea!

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