
We’re excited to share the wonderful benefits and uses for Pink Himalayan Salt. We also include 10 reasons to own a Salt Lamp ..

Pink Himalayan Salt may look like a pretty piece to have on your table or in your kitchen, but it does a lot more than make your meal look gourmet. Formed naturally within the Earth’s crust, the pink salt hasn’t been stripped of it’s minerals (like table salt). In fact, it’s plenty in minerals to benefit your body inside and out.

These natural benefits can include giving you amazing hydration, aid your metabolism, lower blood pressure, and even remove toxins from your body.

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The Origins of Pink Himalayan Salt

Pink Himalayan Salt originated in the Himalayan Mountains as you would expect. Around 200 million years ago, crystallised sea beds of salt covered with lava were discovered. Legend has it that the salt was said to be of the purest form, untouched and free from pollution. It had been protected in pristine surroundings enveloped by ice and snow and given the unusual pink colouring, many believe that it is the purest Salt on the Earth.

Top 10 Uses and Benefits of Pink Himalayan Salt

Lowers blood pressure: Pink Himalayan Salt is a natural source of sodium which assists in the regulation of blood pressure as well as help to control contraction of muscles, nerves transmissions and effective heart functions

Balancing the PH levels of the body: The salt helps in promoting a proper balance between your alkaline and acid levels. This helps the body to relax and assist in the reduction of acid reflex in the body.

Regulates the water in the body: Himalayan salt will regulate the content of water outside and inside of the cells. It also assists in the increase in hydration in the body ensuring that the body has enough water.

Relaxes the body and boosts energy levels: The salt creates an electrolyte balance. When your body starts to feel fatigued, you can restore it using the Pink Himalayan Salt as it will replenish your body fast.

Effectively detoxifies the body: Your body requires water and salt to detox. This salt acts as a vehicle to transfer toxins from cells to the bloodstreams and then its later eliminates the toxins from the body.

Banishes respiratory problem: When the salt is mixed with hot water, it eliminates and helps to improve respiratory conditions such as asthma. It helps to prevent cramping of the muscles and also help muscles to relax to breathing is easier.

Improves sleep: By using the Pink Himalayan Salt, you will sleep properly as it will improve both the body and mind conditions. When your muscles are properly relaxed and your mind at ease, your sleep becomes healthier.

Improves blood circulation: The salt will help to eliminate any form of damage in the arteries that can cause more severe conditions such as the varicose vein.

Prevents Goiter: The salt prevents Goiter a condition brought by lack of iodine in the body. The salt provides more than just iodine to aid in good health.

Strengthen the bones: With calcium and other minerals essential to the body, the salt helps to strengthen and build up healthy bones among other numerous benefits –   Credits – Image Source  | Text Source

Soaking baths are an amazing way to wind down and relax after a long day and many suggest using Epsom salt and Pink Himalayan Salt you can relieve muscle soreness, joint pain and rid your body of built up nasties that when compounded, make you feel sluggish and lethargic. That’s the last way you need to feel when you have a full dance card!

The salt helps your body to release toxins and absorb the healing benefits of the minerals. Relieving you of inflammation in your body, you’ll have a healthy pH balance, and your skin will feel and look more healthy. We have found a great recipe for you that has been popular on many sites and it only uses 3 simple ingredients. This will refresh and reinvigorate you like you won’t believe!

3 Ingredient Pink Himalayan Salt Detox Bath Recipe

All you need to make your own Salt Detox Bath at home is 1-2 cups of Epsom Salts, 1/2 Cup Pink Himalayan Salt and 10-15 drops of Essential Oils. When it comes to selecting your essential oils, you need to consider what you are trying to achieve. Let’s look at some of the most popular Essential Oils and see what they can do for you. Lavender Essential Oil smells gorgeous and is relaxation in a bottle. Peppermint Essential Oil is great for joints and muscle aches and pains. Eucalyptus Essential oil is perfect for cold and flu symptoms and acts as a decongestant. Grapefruit Oil can aid cellulite. Rosemary and Juniper Essential Oils increase your circulation and activate sluggish tissues.

Once you have selected your Essential Oil simply pop all the ingredients into your bath and then jump in and enjoy a long soak. The usual time frame for a detox bath is 20-40 minutes. Bear in mind that sweating is part of the process. This is when all those nasty toxins and chemicals come out through your pores. Keep a fresh cold wash cloth on standby or pop it around your neck or on your face while you enjoy your soak. You will become quite lethargic and you may even experience a foggy head. This is usual. It’s essential to replenish your lost fluids so keep drinking water throughout your bath and after otherwise you could end up with a nasty headache.

We have already established that Himalayan Pink Salt is packed with over 84 trace minerals and elements. When you compare it against regular table Salt you realize that it is a whopping 97.5% sodium chloride. So what does that statistic represent? You might be disturbed to know that excess sodium increases your risk of a number of conditions including hypertension, osteoporosis, and kidney disease. On the other hand the elements in Himalayan Pink salt is known to create an electrolyte balance within your body.

As a result this strengthens your bones, lowers your blood pressure and improve circulation. All of these things will aid your health. Importantly it also assists with the protection of minerals in your cells and helps you to avoid excess water retention. You’ll love the fact that it helps to reduce premature ageing too. It is very important to understand that every cell needs a balance of potassium and sodium. This fact alone should have you rethinking your choice of salt – Infographic Source

10 Reasons You Need A Himalayan Salt Lamp

Pink Himalayan salt lamps are a great way to set the mood of the room, but they also have plenty of benefits. The salt is able to act as an air purifier by attracting and absorbing molecules, and then releasing them back out, keeping any unhealthy impurities within itself. This can help you if you have allergies and asthma or even a bad cough.

You can also experience an increase in your energy level due to the negative ions being released from the salt lamp. Positive ions zap you of energy, but taking in negative ions will help wake you up. It also helps to promote better sleep and improve your mood (whether it’s from a long day of work or season changes) Here we give you 10 good reasons to add one to your environment immediately!

1. Cleanse & Deodorise the Air

Probably the most well-known benefit – and why the majority of people use them – is due to their incredible power to remove dust, pollen, cigarette smoke, and other contaminants from the air. “But how do they do this,” you ask?  “It’s just a big chunk of salt with a light bulb inside, right?”

Well yes, but no.  There’s much more to it than that.

Himalayan pink salt lamps purify air through the power of hygroscopy, meaning that they attract water molecules from the surrounding environment then absorb those molecules – as well as any foreign particles they may be carrying – into the salt crystal. As the HPS lamp warms up from the heat produced by the light bulb inside, that same water then evaporates back into the air and the trapped particles of dust, pollen, smoke, etc remain locked in the salt.

2. Reduce Allergy & Asthma Symptoms

Because HPS lamps remove microscopic particles of dust, pet dander, mold, mildew and the like from the surrounding air, placing a lamp or two in the rooms where you spend the most time can seriously cut back on allergy symptoms. Even people who suffer from asthma should notice a big difference after a week or two. (In fact, Himalayan pink salt is so good for your airways, there are even HPS Inhalers!)

3. Eases Coughing

When the Himalayan pink salt lamp heats up and begins its hygroscopic cycling of airborne particles, it also changes the charge of the molecules which are released. (Remember our chemistry lesson?) The majority of homes are filled with positively charged ions which aren’t particularly good for a person’s health. The positive ions are created by a number of things, but the primary source for most of us is from our electronics.

One of the health detriments of breathing lots of positive ions in the air is that the cilia (microscopic hairs) which line the trachea (aka: windpipe) become sluggish and don’t work as well to keep contaminants out of our lungs. As a Himalayan pink salt lamp absorbs water and particles from the air, it also takes positive ions with them. Then, when the heated salt releases cleansed water vapor back into the air, it also expels negative ions which have the opposite effect on our airways – increasing cilial activity to keep your lungs clear.

What all this means in a nut shell: Besides removing contaminants from the air, Himalayan pink salt lamps also help your body to filter air more efficiently so any foreign particles you do happen to breathe won’t make it into your lungs.

4. Increase Energy Levels

Taking a drive through the countryside with the windows down, spending time at the beach or camping in the mountains, or simply taking a shower first thing in the morning are all things that many people find invigorating. It’s not a coincidence that these are all activities which expose us to increased concentrations of negative ions such as those generated by Himalayan salt lamps. The fact is, positive ions sap our bodies of energy. Unfortunately, it’s all too common for us to try to diagnose the problem as something else entirely.

If you constantly feel tired and don’t know why, try keeping a Himalayan salt lamp in the room or rooms where you spend the most time. After about a week, you should notice a difference.

5. Neutralize Electromagnetic Radiation

Nowadays, most of us are living in a metaphorical ocean of electromagnetic (EM) radiation which flows from our electronics (ie: television, computer, cell phone, tablet, appliances, sterio, etc). While they may be invisible, the long-term effects of EM exposure can be quite serious. Constant exposure to EM radiation is known to increase stress levels, cause chronic fatigue, and decrease the body’s immune response, among other things.

As they emit negative ions into the air, Himalayan salt lamps work to neutralise electromagnetic radiation. Keep one next to the computer, television, and any other electrical devices which you use frequently to reduce the potential danger to you and your family.

6. Better Sleep

Another side effect which results from over-exposure to positive ions in the air is that it robs you of quality sleep. This happens because those positively-charged particles can actually reduce blood and oxygen supply to the brain resulting in irregular sleep patterns. Himalayan pink salt lamps are natural negative ion generators, thus they can help to reverse this problem. Keep one or two around your bedroom to improve the air quality so you can get a better night’s sleep.

Remember, even if you’re like me and you can’t sleep unless the room is totally dark, you can always turn the lamp off at bedtime. Just leave it on for the rest of the day so it can do its work while you’re awake. People in humid climates should be aware that HPS lamps tend to weep when the salt becomes cool. You’ll definitely want to protect surfaces by placing a saucer underneath and be sure to follow the instructions for use and care which should be included with your lamp!

7. Improve Mood & Concentration

Himalayan pink salt lamps are a great way to naturally enhance your mood or to help you relax and unwind at the end of the day. At the same time and on the opposite side of the coin, HPS lamps are great for improving concentration. Again, this is due to the effect of the negative ions on your body, improving blood and oxygen supply to the brain and other organs, as well as providing a boost of serotonin – the neurotransmitter which makes us (literally) feel happy.

8. Treat Seasonal Affective Disorder

In addition to generating negative ions which improve mood and energy levels, the soft, natural light given off by a Himalayan pink salt lamp is close enough to the warm glow of sunshine that they can even be used to relieve the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder. This year when the days get shorter, fight back the lethargy by surrounding yourself with a few HPS lamps set on timers.

9. Reduce Static Electricity in the Air

While not a “health benefit” at first glance, static is pesky stuff. It causes stress, embarrassment, and frustration. Static zaps you when you least expect it, as you’re reaching for a door handle, kissing your husband or wife before bed, or trying to pet your dog or cat. Static can give you a bad hair day, make it impossible to clean crumbs or coffee grounds off of the kitchen counter, and even cause you to accidentally go to work with a sock stuck to the back of your shirt…

(Okay, so that last one may have been a little over-the-top.) The point is, static electricity can be a huge pain and Himalayan pink salt lamps are a natural way to neutralise the airborne ionised particles which cause it.

10. Environmentally-Friendly Light Source

Last, but not least: Himalayan pink salt lamps are environmentally friendly. While only an estimate, the reserves from which HPS is mined measure somewhere between 80 and 600 million tons and is projected to last for at least another 350 years at the current extraction rate. The base of an HPS lamp is generally carved from a sustainable wood such as neem. Some lamps use a low-wattage bulb which consumes very little energy while others are powered by a lit candle – Source: www.naturallivingideas.com – Infographic Source (below)

Only having three ingredients, this scrub includes coconut oil, rose essential oil, and of course pink Himalayan salt. All three work together to give you amazing skin. With the coconut and rose oil working together to heal scars and stretch marks, as well as moisturize your skin, the pink salt draws out toxins, cleansing your system and removing dead skin cells.

When removing dead skin cells, it leaves your pours open to receiving all of the amazing benefits that pink Himalayan salt has to offer. Whether you leave it on as a mask so your skin can soak in the nutrients, or use it quickly in the shower, this is an amazing scrub to have for your body. – Get the Recipe —> Coconut Rose Body Scrub

If you still want to exfoliate but also want a more soft cleanse, then this easy soap recipe is a great place to start. Luxury soaps can be expensive to get at the health store, but making your own is a great way to save money, and know exactly what’s going into it.

Moisturising and cleansing your skin, you can save yourself the money and have an at home spa treatment. With Shea butter and pink Himalayan salt working together, you’ll start to see smoother healthier skin quickly – Get the Recipe >> Home Spa: Pink Salt and Shea Bath Bar

If you want to benefit your health from the inside, Sole (so-lay) is an amazing and easy drink to create. When you dilute the pink salt into the water, the minerals are more easily absorbed into your cells. This means that you will get a bigger boost of amazing health benefits to your body. The salt will help to promote healthy blood sugar, reduce signs of aging, regulate your sleep, give you healthy digestion, relieve muscle cramps, and so much more.

Being inexpensive, sole is something you can drink everyday and feel and see the changes in your body – read more

Bath bombs are also an easy way to have a relaxing experience. This recipe is fun to follow and healing for you body after working hard at a job or with the kids. Using heart shaped cookie cutters to get the look, it can also make for a great piece until ready to use – Heart-Shaped Pink Bath Bombs >>

Now if you’re someone who likes natural solutions to common problems, then this Pink Himalayan salt DIY project is a great one to try. Static cling can be a bit of a pain, but if you use dryer sheets to help prevent it from happening, you could be opening yourself up to toxins. According to the University of Washington, dryer sheets had many chemicals that were seen as hazardous under federal laws, but weren’t shown on the product label.

So if you want a more natural and healthy solution, then using a bag of pink Himalayan salt is a great substitute. The project is simple and can save you from putting toxins into you and your family’s clothes – Source

Body sprays are amazing for keeping you fresh even on a hot day, but not all of them have the best ingredients. Some may even damage your skin over time if used consistently. So the best way to ensure that your skin isn’t harmed, but benefited instead, is to create your own.

This body spray recipe is easy (only 4 ingredients), and is an awesome way to give yourself healthy skin without the hassle. So whether you’re going out for the day or just getting out of the gym, spritzing this pink Himalayan salt spray is a great way to freshen up – Himalayan Sea Salt Body Spray

Pink Himalayan salt isn’t just great for humans, it’s also great for your dogs as well. And if you have an elderly dog, this can be especially beneficial. Putting the salt in their food (moderation is key), can give them the minerals they need to have healthy bones, reduce inflammation in their joints, and improve heart health. Making this apart of their diet can ensure that they have a healthy and happy life – Source

While it may seem strange that stepping on two salt blocks can benefit you, it’s definitely something you should try. Pink Himalayan salt draws out the impurities and toxins in your body. Your feet are a place where many of the toxins you take in during the day, collect. By standing on the salt blocks it draws out impurities that have built up – source

Pink Himalayan salt is definitely a great way to improve your quality of life. It’s an inexpensive ingredient that can benefit your internal health and help your outer appearance thrive and glow. There are no questionable chemicals or processing techniques, only a pure form of salt that can give your body amazing nutrients.

I love writing about things that can benefit readers, and on my site you can find plenty of posts that will help your beauty care and lifestyle as well – Visit me at Chasing Foxes – Grace

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