
We’ve found the perfect use for your old T-shirts. Repurpose them into a fabulous rag rug for a favourite space in your place.

Don’t throw out those old T-Shirts, turn them into this bright and colourful Crochet Rag Rug.  It’s easy to make when you know how and it’s a great way to repurpose items that would otherwise take up room or be tossed out. You could also use outgrown baby clothes to make a real keepsake or the kids clothes. The possibilities are endless and you are going to love the thick textured braid effect! This is a great all ages project that you will love.

How To Make A Crochet T-Shirt Rug -:

We have included an excellent video tutorial that shows you how to make your own gorgeous circular rug. You are going to be thrilled when you find out how easy it is. Click Play to view now ^^^

Here’s some frequently asked questions of the Blogger and her response:

“How many tees did I use? :  I used mostly old kids clothes, and I’ve just counted about 44!! But if you used adults tee’s I’d imagine 20 would be enough. It measures just over a metre in Diameter ( or about 40 inches)

How was the edge finished : I turned under the tail end of the last coil and stitched it in place. Then I used a very long strip of yellow jersey, about 1″ wide, and a crochet hook, to do a border of single crochet stitch.”

get tutorial —  Crochet Rag Rug 

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