
If you've never been to a monster truck rally, imagine everything a boy is supposed to like, only bigger, louder, and much more dangerous. Souped-up trucks — on tractor-sized wheels and painted to look like sneering cartoon characters — crush cars, perform death-defying acts, and race through an obstacle course of mud. Even the trucks' names — Stone Crusher, Wrecking Crew, Monster Mutt, Ground Pounder — beg to be said in a low-register growl. And yes, the majority of monster truck drivers are male, as are the fans, but there is a small, and growing, cohort of women breaking into the monster truck boys' club.

Becky McDonough launches her monster truck, El Toro Loco, into the air during the freestyle competition at the Advance Auto Parts Monster Jam in Providence, Rhode Island. | (Peter Pereira)

Becky McDonough is one such driver. The 29-year-old Californian drives the El Toro Loco — a bright yellow truck with horns, a churlish grin, and a swath of red flames painted across each side. McDonough worked her way up the monster truck hierarchy, from team mechanic to crew chief to, finally, driver in 2011. "I turned wrenches for four years," she said in a video interview for Monster Jam, a monster truck event touring company. "People always come up and think I'm one of the guys' wives... It's really not a traditional thing for women to be in this sport… so I had to work that much harder to prove myself as a female in this sport, and all that hard work finally paid off and I'm now behind the wheel."

Becky takes a breather between the freestyle and timed events. | (Peter Pereira)

In March 2013, photographer Peter Pereira went backstage at the Monster Truck Jam in Providence, Rhode Island, where he photographed McDonough and her all-female team. "I like to focus on stories that break misconceptions," he said in an interview.

Pereira spent the day with McDonough and her crew as they prepared for the rally. "I got the sense that they felt that they had to work just a little harder to impress their competition," he said. He also captured the main event and watched McDonough win the freestyle portion. Below, step into the Monster Truck Jam arena with the El Toro Loco team and see how it's done.

El Toro Loco monster truck crew chief Katie Andrescavage makes some last minute adjustments to the gigantic truck before the event begins. | (Peter Pereira)

Becky McDonough, dwarfed by the monster truck she will be driving, puts on her helmet. | (Peter Pereira)

Becky McDonough steps into her truck. | (Peter Pereira)

Becky McDonough revs the engine of her monster truck in preparation to enter the arena for the timed aspect of the competition. | (Peter Pereira)

El Toro Loco crew chief Katie Andrescavage gets her driver ready to enter the arena. | (Peter Pereira)

A fan showcases his allegiance to the El Toro Loco monster truck as the show begins in the arena below. | (Peter Pereira)

El Toro Loco driver Becky McDonough waves to the crowd after winning the freestyle aspect of the competition. | (Peter Pereira)

**To see more from this series and others by Peter Pereira, check out his website.**

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