Whoever coined the phrase, “The devil you know is better than the one you don’t,” OBVIOUSLY never met Hillary Clinton. There is a reason she is called Hitlery not only in private, but often in print as well at times. There is no situation on earth that the Devil we know with Hitlery, is EVER better than ANYONE, let alone Donald Trump. How many people has Trump killed again? Oh yes, zero.
First of all, there’s her never-ending killing spree of her political opposition. On August 6th, when I wrote, Clinton Adds +5 to Body Count in 6 Weeks, a total of FIVE those former Clinton associates turned adversaries turned up dead in only the previous SIX weeks, making a total of 67 dead former Clinton associates.
Since that time, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange promised that his next big data dump would be enough to put Hillary behind bars. Without actually giving away whatever the next big secret is, Assange certainly hinted in a post titled, Julian Assange Drops Bombshell Involving Murder on Hillary Clinton, that he had information linking Hillary to the recent death/murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.
Fast forward a few days, and by all counts, it certainly appears Mrs. Clinton can put another notch in her belt with kill #68. In yet another freak accident, Julian Assange’s lawyer who represented Assange mysteriously died after being struck by train in West Hampstead. Go figure. Let’s hope if anything, his lawyer’s death only serves to motivate Assange, rather than scare him away.
THIS is who half of America has no problem voting for to be their next President, as if Hillary wouldn’t walk across every last one of their children to get ahead personally if she had to. 68 mysterious deaths is bad enough, but she’s hellbent on taking your guns too, so you cannot defend yourself against her. Think I’m kidding? Conservative Tribune Writes:
The Washington Free Beacon recently obtained an audio recording of Clinton’s remarks to what was obviously a liberal, anti-gun crowd at a “small private fundraiser in New York” — which is the only kind of crowd to be found at a Clinton fundraiser in New York, most likely.
Clinton told donors that the Supreme Court was “wrong on the Second Amendment.”
“I’m going to speak out, I’m going to do everything I can to rally people against this pernicious, corrupting influence of the NRA,” she said. “And we’re going to do whatever we can.”
“The idea that you can have an open carry permit with an AK-47 over your shoulder walking up and down the aisles of a supermarket is just despicable,” Clinton added.
What she didn’t explain was “why.” Why, exactly, is this idea “just despicable”? How many gun owners have legally carried an AK-47 or similar weapon into a supermarket and committed a crime? Have there been 100 such crimes? A dozen?
Have a listen when she didn’t know she was being recorded:
In the video below, you’ll learn that the lawlessness hardly stops with dead bodies and promises to take away guns. This past week Hillary Campaign also vowed to destroy opposition websites.No one would cover Obama and Hillary going to bilderberg but Infowars was on the scene. The MSM would’t pick it up. Trump goes to L.A. “Breitbart is something different,” she says. “They make Fox News look like a Democratic Party pamphlet. They’re a different breed altogether — not just conservative but radical, bigoted, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic conspiracy peddlers who never have been and never should be anywhere near the levers of power in this country.”
The Daily Caller Writes:
Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign has sent out a fundraising email arguing the website Breitbart News has no “right to exist,” and suggests that if elected, the website will be shut down entirely.
“We’ve had a conservative media in this country for a while,” says the email, sent Thursday and signed by deputy communications director Christina Reynolds. “I don’t always like what they have to say, but I respect their role and their right to exist Reynolds’ acknowledgment that the regular conservative media has a “right to exist,” though, is used to contrast it with Breitbart, which apparently has no such right.
“Breitbart is something different,” she says. “They make Fox News look like a Democratic Party pamphlet. They’re a different breed altogether — not just conservative but radical, bigoted, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic conspiracy peddlers who never have been and never should be anywhere near the levers of power in this country.”
One of the goals of Clinton’s campaign, Reynolds says, is to ensure Breitbart is destroyed. (RELATED: Hillary May Want To Rethink This Tweet)
“It goes without saying that we have to beat these people. But I want to beat them so decisively that their kind never rises again,” she says.
Reynolds’ aggressive attack was sparked by Republican nominee Donald Trump’s decision to shake up his campaign by bringing on Breitbart executive chairman Stephen Bannon to serve as his campaign CEO.
Madame President Clinton’s Coming War on the Blogosphere, and Your Countermeasures
In the following video, I reference a blog post written by best selling author James Wesley, Rawles, arguably most well known for his survivalist-genre Patriots novel series, and for being the fonder and Senior Editor of SurvivalBlog.com. In the blog post written August 1st titled, Madame President Clinton’s Coming War on the Blogosphere, and Your Countermeasures, James begins to lay out his predictions for how Hillary will use federal agencies including but not limited to the DOJ, SEC, FEC, IRS, FCC, DHS, and others, to attack her political adversaries.
As you learned above, not even three weeks after his predictions, which include updating your passport and establishing an offshore bank account, are already beginning to take shape… and she’s not even in the White House yet. As I said above, in this case, the devil you don’t know, is 1000x better than the one we do.
Recall the blog post I included in a previous article by James Wesley, Rawles and reviewed in the video above which was taken from his website SurvivalBlog.com. In the blog post referenced that is dated August 1st, James very accurately predictrs that Hillary and her campaign would do exactly what we’re already seeing from them… exceot Hillary isn’t even in the White House yet!
For those who don’t know, James Wesley, Rawles is an American author, best known for his survivalist-genre Patriots novel series. Rawles is a former U.S. Army Intelligence officer, and he is the founder and Senior Editor of SurvivalBlog.com, which covers survival and preparedness topics, and has published collected material from this in two books. Rawles writes:
Now that Hillary (“Hitlery”) Rodham Clinton (HRC) has received the Democratic Party nomination for president, there is a strong likelihood that she will win the election in November and then be enthroned as president in January of 2017. I predict that she will waste no time in launching an onslaught of punitive new policies via executive orders, presidential memoranda, and policy directives promulgated through her cabinet and Federal agencies to eviscerate our Constitutional rights (most notably the 1st and 2nd Amendments).
A key goal this campaign will be silencing dissent in the alternative press and the American blogosphere. Given HRC’s history in government “service”, her outlook on life, her socialist agenda, and her vindictiveness, I anticipate that any or all of the following measures will be undertaken by the HRC Administration:
The Department of Justice (DOJ) will be used to selectively prosecute dissenters for “hate speech”. For instance, simply objecting to illegal immigration or state sponsored relocation of Muslims will be called “evidence of hate.” They will also declare blogs, news sites, and podcasts to be “public accommodations” and hence saddle them with a long list of new restrictions that would effectively muzzle them from making any comments opposed to HRC’s agenda and “protected” classes. Even the use of “trigger words” could be restricted.
The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) will be used to target dissenters who make any comments about any corporations, mutual funds, or banks, for “operating as unregistered investment advisors”.
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) will be used to target Libertarians and other dissenters for “unlawful campaigning”.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will use their newly-assumed powers over the Internet to enforce a new radicalized version of the moribund Fairness Doctrine upon bloggers, vloggers (video bloggers), podcasters, as well as newspapermen, magazine writers, and talk radio hosts. Under this new and improved fairness policy, any media outlet that is deemed a public accommodation will be forced to free of charge provide equal space to assorted perverts, leftists, and Social Justice Warriors. Failure to do so will open up these news outlets to both criminal prosecution and costly civil lawsuits.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will be used to selectively audit tax filings, levy bank accounts, garnish wages, and refer criminal prosecution of anyone who voices dissent of HRC’s statist/collectivist agenda. Lois Lerner’s group was just the precursor!
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be used to target dissenters who own property with seasonal puddles that could be deemed “wetlands” or creeks that could be arbitrarily declared “navigable waters”.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency will be used to target dissenters living within 50 miles of the Mexican or Canadian borders for harassment and intimidation, searching their homes without warrants.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and associated Tribal Police will be used to target dissenters living within 100 miles of any Tribal Reservation for harassment and intimidation.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will crack down on any bloggers who make posts that might be construed as a product review or product endorsement.
The Transportation Security Agency (TSA) will be used to limit the travel of anyone deemed by HRC’s cronies to be an Enemy of the State (through expansion of the No Fly List, Terror Watch List, and Selectee List).
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will crack down on producers of raw milk and nutritional supplements (and also on the bloggers who promote them).
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will prosecute anyone operating unlicensed drones weighing more than just a few ounces.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will use both its own agents and paid (or coerced) surrogate agent provocateurs to infiltrate militias, patriot groups, and secessionist organizations. There, they will foment schemes that can be prosecuted under loosely-worded Federal conspiracy laws. (This is precisely what was done with the Bundy Ranch and Malheur Wildlife Refuge protestors.)
Working in conjunction with the FCC, the U.S. Coast Guard will board any ship within Territorial Waters that they suspect of operating an unlicensed transmitter.
I can see all of this coming, and I refuse to be muzzled. I aim to misbehave. If need be, I will relocate so that I can still blog freely. In anticipation of HRC’s possible upcoming coronation, here are some possible countermeasures for my fellow bloggers to seriously consider:
Contract for the use of an offshore server in a country that has minimal influence from the United States government, and move your web pages there.
Get set up for encrypted e-mail. (The free GPG software installed on your local PC works quite well. And for those who are less tech savvy, the paid Unseen.is service in Iceland works fine.)
Post provisos on your web site that are similar to my own. (Most importantly, these provisos must declare that you do not operate a “public accommodation.”)
Buy an Iridium satellite telephone and a set of Iridium international power adapters. (Unlike cell phones or other sat phones, calls made from Iridium constellation phones can be traced only to a particular oval satellite “footprint” that measures hundreds of miles across.)
Buy several inexpensive prepaid “burner” cell phones. Pay greenback cash for these phones, and use an assumed name when you eventually activate them.
Buy a nondescript camping trailer or RV and quietly (via face-to-face contacts only) develop a “hospitality list” of like-minded families who own parcels of land that you can bounce between, in the event that you need to take refuge.
Buy a spare laptop computer (preferably one that is ultra-reliable, such as a Panasonic Toughbook), a 12 VDC car adapter, and a set of international power adapters.
Buy a USB external long range Yagi wireless antenna to use with your
laptops. (The standoff distance that these provide will make it harder to pinpoint your location when using a public wi-fi hotspot.)
Buy a batch of at least 40 inexpensive 2 GB USB memory sticks that you can use to physically mail (or courier) digital content, to keep your locale secret.
Make sure that your passport is updated.
Do some research to develop a short list of countries where you would consider relocating. Ideally, a country should have respect for the freedom of speech, minimal taxation, minimal influence from the United States government, and NO rendition (extradition) treaty with the United States.
Establish an offshore bank account.
Beyond just offshore residency, if you can afford it, then buy a second passport. (Typically, this is done with a “Citizenship Through Investment” program.)
Via encrypted e-mail, develop contacts with foreign bloggers, and get their tentative agreement to post your ghost-written articles, if circumstances change.
Pray hard.
I don’t mean for the foregoing to sound alarmist. Consider me a realist. – JWR
Article posted with permission from The Last Great Stand. Article by Michael DePinto.
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The post Hillary Vows To Shut Down Dissenting Internet Sites if She Wins Presidency appeared first on The Washington Standard.