
The Verge store has been up and running now for just over two months, and we’re only getting started. Today we’ve having our first big update to the store — let’s call it version 1.1 — which includes new shirt designs, a sticker pack, and fitted versions of all our original shirts!

The biggest thing about this update is that the two new shirt designs are our first seasonal shirts. This season’s designs, the Gradient Square and Color Palette, are only going be offered for a limited time — more specifically, until the end of May, at which point we’ll have a new season of wares to share. (And before you ask, the original lineup of shirts will continue to be in the store indefinitely, so no need to worry about them going away anytime soon.)

Also! The Verge stickers are now available! Each pack comes with five stickers, one of each design. They are quite large with most being about 3.5 to 4 inches square, while the wordmark is about 10.75 inches by 2 inches. They look great on the back of a laptop!

Be sure to leave comments below about what you’d like to see on the store in the future.

General Updates:

New Shirts added

Gradient Square shirt now available in Unisex and Fitted sizes.

Color Palette shirt now available in Unisex and Fitted sizes.

Verge Sticker Pack added

Includes: New Classic logo, Wireframe logo, Ctrl-Walt-Delete logo, Circuit Breaker logo, and Namesake logo.

International Shipping

Improved Tracking.

Shirt Updates:

New shirt designs added in both Unisex and Fitted styles.

Gradient Square

Color Palette

Existing shirt designs now available in Fitted style.

Black on Black on Black

Circuit Breaker


The Namesake

The New Classic


Shipping Updates:

Improved international shipment tracking on orders to:




Great Britain



New Zealand

South Korea

Special thanks to our designers who worked on the new shirts — specifically Alex Medina, Georgia Cowley, Victor Ware, and Krystal Stevens. As well as to Mariya Abdulkaf, James Bareham, Angela Chen, William Joel, Kimberly Mas, Paul Miller, Alessandra Potenza, and Rosy Warren for their work on the photos.

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