
A Message From Lucianne

Secret Service Expenses for Obama’s
2013 Hawaii Christmas Vacation Cost
Taxpayers $316,698.03*
Judicial Watch, by Staff

Original Article

Posted By:Toledo, 12/30/2015 8:16:44 AM

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it recently received expense records from the Department of Homeland Security revealing that Secret Service expenses for the Obama family vacation to Honolulu during December 2013-January 2014 cost taxpayers at least $316,698.03. These new expenses bring the total for the Hawaii Christmas vacation trip to $8,098,060.33. The Secret Service waited nearly two years to produce the requested numbers to Judicial Watch. The heavily redacted records were obtained on December 28 in response to a January 6, 2014, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. According to the records: $91,751.78 in car rental expenses

* Taxpayers Paid Over $8 Million for 17-Day Vacation


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Secret Service Expenses for Obama’s
2013 Hawaii Christmas Vacation Cost
Taxpayers $316,698.03*

Judicial Watch, by Staff
Original Article

Posted By: Toledo– 12/30/2015 8:16:44
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(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it recently received expense records from the Department of Homeland Security revealing that Secret Service expenses for the Obama family vacation to Honolulu during December 2013-January 2014 cost taxpayers at least $316,698.03. These new expenses bring the total for the Hawaii Christmas vacation trip to $8,098,060.33. The Secret Service waited nearly two years to produce the requested numbers to Judicial Watch. The heavily redacted records were obtained on December 28 in response to a January 6, 2014, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. According to the records: $91,751.78 in car rental expenses

We Lost Too Many Conservative
Luminaries in 2015 — R.I.P.

National Review Online, by Tevi Troy
Original Article

Posted By: Toledo– 12/29/2015 8:46:04
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For the conservative movement, 2015 started out poorly and continued to be tough all year long. It wasn’t a legislative defeat. It wasn’t political tumult. It was the deaths of too many conservative luminaries who helped build the movement. As conservatives, we need to remember and honor these scholars, because it is all too easy to fall into the fallacy that the movement is defined by what current political candidates say it is. We cannot forget that the conservative movement predates politicians and was, in fact, built by great thinkers. The conservative movement was built by intellectuals who developed not

Country singer Craig Strickland
missing, friend found dead

Fox News, by Staff
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Posted By: Toledo– 12/29/2015 8:04:00
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The Oklahoma Highway Patrol says the body of a 22-year-old man has been recovered and a second man is missing after the two went duck hunting and their boat capsized. Patrol Capt. Paul Timmons confirmed Monday that rescuers discovered the body of Chase Marland from Kaw Lake in northern Oklahoma. A second man, 29-year-old Craig Strickland of Springdale, Arkansas, was still missing. Rescue workers found the boat shortly after midnight Monday, after the two were reported missing. Strickland is the lead singer of the Arkansas-based country-rock band Backroad Anthem, which posted on its Facebook page that he and another man were missing. Sheriff Joel

WashPost Columnist Whines
Black Character Isn’t Main Hero in
Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Newsbusters, by Curtis Houck
Original Article

Posted By: Toledo– 12/28/2015 9:03:19
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READER WARNING: The following post contains spoilers pertaining to Star Wars: The Force Awakens. ——————————————————————— Writing in the December 24 print edition of The Washington Post, Style section columnist Lonnae O’Neal expressed her disdain for the hit film Star Wars: The Force Awakens due to it’s decision to have Daisy Ridley’s character Rey emerge as the lead heroine of the film who saves the day instead of black British actor John Boyeda’s Finn. O’Neal maintained at the onset that she fondly remembered seeing the original trilogy as a young girl and was very much looking forward to this seventh installment,

Russian Defense Ministry accuses Pentagon
of imitating fight against Islamic State

Tass (Russia), by Staff
Original Article

Posted By: Toledo– 12/28/2015 10:31:03
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MOSCOW, December 28. . The Pentagon, refusing to transfer the data on terrorist targets in Syria to the Russian military, continues to fight against the Islamic State terrorist group “in word only”, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov told reporters on Monday. He thus commented on a recent statement by the Pentagon spokesperson Michelle Baldanza who confirmed that the US military did not intend to share with Moscow the information on IS targets until Russia changes its policy towards Syrian President Bashar Assad. “We are not going to cooperate with Russia on Syria until they change their strategy of supporting

Bella’s Parents Gave Her a Kiss Goodbye
and Turned Off Her Life Support,
Then She Came Back to Life

Lifenews.com, by Staff
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Posted By: Toledo– 12/25/2015 9:32:52
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Just in time for Christmas comes a story out of London that will move and touch your heart and make people thank God for the good health of their own children. Francesca and Lee Moore-William’s baby was born with a terminal illness. Doctors said she had Mitochondrial disease and would not survive. Just five months ago devastated Francesca, 41, and husband Lee Moore-Williams, 44, watched as their baby daughter took what they thought was her last breath. They took one last photograph, and wept as one-year-old Bella lay sedated in a hospital’s intensive care unit and her life-supporting ventilator was turned off.

Beatles music will be available for
streaming, starting Christmas Eve

Fox News, by Staff
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Posted By: Toledo– 12/23/2015 12:14:03
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After years of avoiding the streaming marketplace, the Fab Four’s music will be available on a host of streaming services starting Christmas Eve. At 12:01 a.m. local time on Dec. 24 around the world, the Beatles´ music will be available for streaming from numerous outlets, a representative announced Wednesday.“Happy Crimble, with love from us to you,” explained a statement accompanying a short video announcing the streaming news on the Beatles website. Rumors had been swirling that the Beatles’ catalog would soon be available via streaming.

IRS sent out $46 million in tax refunds
flagged as potentially fraudulent, watchdog says

Washington Post, by Lisa Rein
Original Article

Posted By: Toledo– 12/23/2015 8:13:33
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The Internal Revenue Service erroneously released more than $46 million in tax refunds in 2013 that had been flagged as potentially fraudulent, the result of poor monitoring and a computer programming error, the agency’s watchdog found. The returns had been identified as questionable by two internal teams and should have been set aside for further review. But the IRS software system did the opposite, accidentally setting things in motion so that refunds were released to taxpayers, an audit by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration disclosed this week.

#NotMyAbuela: Hillary Clinton offends
some with ‘grandma’ pitch to Latinos

Washington Post, by Justin Wm. Moyer
Original Article

Posted By: Toledo– 12/23/2015 8:01:52
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As the world was gripped by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s highly questionable — but, according to the candidate, “not vulgar” — use of the Yiddish-derived word “schlonged,” another perfect storm of language and identity politics was brewing. With little fanfare and using the Spanish word for “grandmother,” Democrat Hillary Clinton rolled out a page on her campaign website apparently intended to firm up Latino support: “7 things Hillary Clinton has in common with your abuela.”

EU gets one million
migrants in 2015, smugglers
seen making $1 billion

Reuters, by Tom Miles
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Posted By: Toledo– 12/22/2015 2:29:15
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More than 1 million refugees and migrants came to the European Union this year, while almost 3,700 died or went missing in perilous journeys which reaped huge profit for smugglers, the International Organization for Migration said on Tuesday. “This is three to four times as many migrants and refugees coming north as we had in 2014, and the deaths have already far surpassed the deaths last year,” IOM chief William Lacy Swing told Reuters. Almost all those arriving came across the Mediterranean or the Aegean Seas, and half were Syrians fleeing the war. Another 20 percent were Afghans, and 7 percent were

Can MSNBC Re-Center Itself?
Andy Lack on Breaking News,
‘Today,’ and Brian Williams

Daily Beast, by Lloyd Grove
Original Article

Posted By: Toledo– 12/22/2015 1:47:10
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When Andy Lack returned to 30 Rock in April after a more than 14-year absence, the former NBC News president confronted a hot mess. The network news division was coping—and not very well—with the brand-damaging Brian Williams scandal. The Today show, the crown jewel and revenue-driver of NBC News, was losing viewers and advertising fees to ABC’s Good Morning America. And MSNBC, the cable news channel that Lack had launched with Microsoft back in 1996 in the midst of his largely successful eight-year reign, was tanking in the ratings after a series of failed programming experiments at being the progressive counterpoint to the

Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)

Bush challenges Trump
to one-on-one debate

The Hill (Washington, DC), by Jonathan Easley
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Posted By: jackson– 12/28/2015 3:35:13 PM
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Jeb Bush on Monday challenged Republican front-runner Donald Trump to a one-on-one debate. Speaking to a gathering at the Forum Club in Palm Beach, Fla., Bush was asked by the moderator what he would say to Trump if he were to walk in the room at that moment.“Donald, I’ll take you on one-on-one in a debate, any time, any place,” Bush said. “You name it and I’ll do it.” Bush has been on the attack against Trump in recent weeks. At the Republican presidential debate in Las Vegas on Dec. 15, he rebuked the business mogul as a “chaos candidate” and declared, “You’re

The Republican Party of Virginia
Trying to Reduce Voter Turnout –
Candidate Donald Trump Responds…

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance
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Posted By: Emerson– 12/28/2015 9:02:21 AM
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A series of tweets from candidate Donald Trump toward the Republican Party of Virginia have many wondering what’s going on. (Snip)It would appear Mr. Trump, and/or the Trump Campaign, has become aware of the RPV intentions to force Virginia voters to swear an loyalty oath (statement of intent) prior to voting in the upcoming primary. We Provided The Leaked Documents In November Virginia is an interesting state when it comes to the Republican Party and conservative voters. Partly due to the vicinity to Washington DC, and party due to many of the professionally republican living in the state, the hierarchy

Lame duck on world tour: Obama to fly
abroad at least six times to ´secure´ his

Daily Mail (UK), by Nikki Schwab
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Posted By: JoniTx– 12/29/2015 12:44:32 PM
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Americans can expect to play a game of ´Where in the World is President Obama?´ all through 2016 as the White House is working to line up at least six trips abroad for the lame duck leader. Politico is reporting that the only continents the president has ruled out are Antarctica and Australia, and while Africa won´t be a solo destination, there´s a chance Obama could swing through his father´s home continent as part of another trip. He´s making the trips to secure his foreign policy legacy – working on issues like the Trans-Pacific Partnership and ridding the world of

I’ll be glad to explain to you why
conservatives are supporting Trump

Canada Free Press, by Herman Cain
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Posted By: snowcloud– 12/28/2015 10:54:26 AM
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I keep reading that Donald Trump is not a serious candidate. I keep reading that he’s not even really a conservative, and that Tea Party activists who are supporting him have lost their minds. I keep reading that his tendency to be a “loose cannon” will surely spell disaster for his candidacy, and would surely doom his presidency were he to have one. That’s what I keep reading. And yet, when I introduced him at a recent Georgia rally, I saw more than 7,000 enthusiastic Trump fans – only to read that he got an even bigger crowd the following

America´s Newest Christmas Tradition:
Black Mob Violence at Malls

American Thinker, by Colin Flaherty
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Posted By: magnante– 12/28/2015 10:35:18 AM
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American has a new Christmas tradition: Black mob violence at malls. In the days before, during, and after Christmas, 15 malls reported large-scale episodes of rioting, shooting, looting, rampaging, fighting, throwing rocks at police, damaging cars and more. Two black people died. A survey of the mayhem from around the country. In Louisville, 2000 black people “rioted” at the Mall St. Matthews. In addition, shoppers report several gunshots. “Riots unfolded at Mall St. Matthews today,” reported WHAS TV news of the day after Christmas mob action. “That violence, beginning around 7, forcing mall officials to close early. It actually spread to multiple locations,” (outside

Donald Trump accuses Bill Clinton
of a ‘terrible record of women abuse’

Washington Post, by Jenna Johnson
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Posted By: LittleHoodedMonk– 12/28/2015 1:19:45 PM
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In his escalating attacks on Hillary Clinton this month, Donald Trump has made one thing clear: He´s not afraid to go, well, anywhere. He has attacked Clinton for lacking his level of “strength” and “stamina,” while describing her as exhausted and accusing her of sleeping too much. He cracked jokes about her late return from a bathroom break during the last Democratic debate. He has brushed off accusations from Clinton supporters of being sexist in his criticism, instead accusing Clinton of “playing the women´s card.” And now Trump is going after Bill Clinton, who plans to soon campaign in Iowa on his wife’s behalf.

Obama Poses Question to All 2016
Candidates: ‘Why?’

Mediaite, by Josh Feldman
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Posted By: JoniTx– 12/28/2015 7:04:29 PM
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President Obama has a very simple question for everyone running to be his successor: why? More specifically, “why do you want to do this?” The president explained that the Democratic and Republican candidates need to understand that “if you’re interested just because you like the title or you like the trappings or you like the power or the fame or the celebrity, that side of it wears off pretty quick.” (Video) Obama said what sustains him is the fact that becoming president requires a love of country and a clear vision on how you can get America working. And without

Trump campaign insults
NH voters´ intelligence

New Hampshire Union-Leader, by Joseph W. McQuaid
Original Article

Posted By: Pluperfect– 12/29/2015 4:11:35 AM
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Donald Trump is due in New Hampshire this evening. He will attract a large crowd. The crowds, the media coverage, and the polls have led him and some pundits to believe that he will win the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. That is an insult to the intelligence of Republican voters. Beginning right here in New Hampshire on Feb. 9, a great majority of them will disabuse him of that notion. Much of the news media are lavishly covering Trump, not just because he’s good for ratings, but because he’s good for Hillary Clinton. They very much want Trump to be the Republican

CNN Tackles Question of the Year:
‘Is Bill Clinton Sexist, or Does He
Simply Like Women?’

Mediaite, by Andrew Husband
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Posted By: JoniTx– 12/29/2015 12:49:25 PM
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CNN correspondent Deborah Feyerick just asked the network’s best question of 2015. Sitting on a panel with three other women to discuss Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump‘s recent attacks against former president Bill Clinton as a means of denigrating Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, Feyerick posed a simple either/or scenario. “Please set the record straight,” she began. “Is Bill Clinton sexist, or does he simply like women?” If you’re giggling after reading that, don’t worry. Panel members Scottie Nell Hughes, Amanda Carpenter and Hilary Rosen chuckled uncomfortably at the question, too. However, Feyerick wasn’t done asking her question just yet. “He had

In 2008, Trump Dismissed Clinton
Sex Scandal as ‘Totally Unimportant’

Mediaite, by Josh Feldman
Original Article

Posted By: StormCnter– 12/29/2015 11:33:31 AM
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Considering how tough Donald Trump is talking about Bill Clinton‘s sex scandals now, it might surprise you (or not, because honestly, how many things has he suddenly changed his mind on at this point) to learn that The Donald didn’t always feel this way. Just to review, in the past week, Trump has tweeted out a lot about the former president, saying that it’s not him that has a “penchant for sexism,” it’s Clinton. Trump has tweeted about Clinton’s “terrible record of women abuse” and sent a warning-like “BE CAREFUL!” to Hillary Clinton for calling him a sexist.

From funky florals to over-the-top ruffles:
FEMAIL reveals Hillary Clinton´s 20 WORST
fashion faux pas from the past 50 years

Daily Mail [UK], by Erica Tempesta
Original Article

Posted By: StormCnter– 12/29/2015 5:26:44 AM
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Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton may be the democratic front-runner, but when it comes to the fashion race, she is losing – and has been for years. The 68-year-old stepped out her family in New York City on Sunday wearing a vibrant coat embroidered with flowers. And while Hillary was joined by her husband Bill and their 35-year-old daughter Chelsea, who recently announced she is pregnant with her second child, it was the politician´s fashion faux pas that really stood out. However, the coat, which she bought in Afghanistan in 2003, is just her latest style miss. From her striped pants in the

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