
A Message From Lucianne

Obama: The Media Needs to ‘Maintain
Perspective’ in Terrorism Coverage
Mediaite, by Josh Feldman

Original Article

Posted By:JoniTx, 11/22/2015 12:08:40 PM

While President Obama was in Malaysia earlier, he held a press conference and addressed the media’s coverage of terrorism issues. As he spoke of America’s response to terrorist attacks, the president said “the media needs to help” because “how we report on this has to maintain perspective.” He expressed concern that more overblown media coverage of terrorism may “empower” terrorists “or elevate them in a way that makes it easier for them to recruit or make them stronger.” (Video) He said of ISIS, “They’re a bunch of killers with good social media.”


Reply 1 – Posted by:
P51DMustang, 11/22/2015 12:21:53 PM     (No. 10539248)

Is that perspective just workplace violence or just another setback?

You knucklehead.

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Dartmouth on track in implementing changes

Associated Press, by Holly Ramer
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Posted By: JoniTx– 11/22/2015 12:20:43 PM
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CONCORD, N.H.— An outside review panel says Dartmouth College is on track in implementing an ambitious plan to overhaul its campus culture, and college officials say students are playing a significant role. President Philip Hanlon announced a series of reforms in January aimed at addressing problems he said were “hijacking” the Ivy League school´s promise: high-risk drinking, sexual assault and a lack of inclusion. The changes, dubbed the “Moving Dartmouth Forward” plan, include a ban on hard liquor, the creation of new residential communities and the development of a mandatory four-year sexual violence prevention curriculum. A panel appointed to hold

Obama: The Media Needs to ‘Maintain
Perspective’ in Terrorism Coverage

Mediaite, by Josh Feldman
Original Article

Posted By: JoniTx– 11/22/2015 12:08:40 PM
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While President Obama was in Malaysia earlier, he held a press conference and addressed the media’s coverage of terrorism issues. As he spoke of America’s response to terrorist attacks, the president said “the media needs to help” because “how we report on this has to maintain perspective.” He expressed concern that more overblown media coverage of terrorism may “empower” terrorists “or elevate them in a way that makes it easier for them to recruit or make them stronger.” (Video) He said of ISIS, “They’re a bunch of killers with good social media.”

Labor Department throws football party,
but bans Redskins jerseys

Washington Times, by John Soloman
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Posted By: JoniTx– 11/22/2015 12:02:53 PM
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When the U.S. Labor Department’s Center for Civil Rights wanted to celebrate its accomplishments last week, its managers threw the staff a football-themed tailgate party in the office parking lot. The invite, distributed across the agency’s official email system, had all the rah-rah of a playoff game. “Celebrate a championship year!” it declared. Even the regular office dress policy was relaxed. “Show your team spirit and wear your favorite sports or club theme gear and come and enjoy tailgating favorites like dips, chili, chicken wings, nachos and more game-day grub,” the invite said. There was only stipulation: no Washington Redskins

´Welcome to the world sweet baby James!´
Lauren Bush Lauren posts adorable picture
of newborn son after giving birth to her first child

Daily Mail (UK), by Staff
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Posted By: JoniTx– 11/22/2015 11:32:26 AM
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Model and designer Lauren Bush Lauren has given birth to her first child. The granddaughter of former president George H W Bush shared an adorable photo of the baby boy on Sunday morning, 24 hours after he arrived. She wrote on Instagram: ´Welcome to the world sweet baby James, born yesterday morning on November 21st at 8:19am! @davidlauren (husband David Lauren) and I are beyond thrilled and in love!´ (Photos) On Friday she shared a beloved clip of the stalks in Disney movie Dumbo as they carry newborn babies to their expectant families. ´Hoping Mr. Stork delivers our bundle soon!´

Trump: I Would Bring Back Waterboarding —
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Breitbart TV, by Pam Key
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Posted By: JoniTx– 11/22/2015 11:26:30 AM
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Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he would bring back waterboarding as an interrogation technique because he said, “I think waterboarding is peanuts compared to what they’re doing us.” When asked about a Muslim database Trump explained, “I want a database for the refugees that if they come into the country. We have no idea who these people are when the Syrian refugees start pouring into this country. We don’t know if it’s ISIS. I definitely want a database and other checks and balances. We have no idea who’s being sent in here. It could

Caution! You May Live In The
Radical Mosque Zone

Daily Caller, by Ethan Barton
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Posted By: JoniTx– 11/22/2015 11:02:42 AM
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French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve called for the “dissolution” of radical mosques following last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris that killed 130 people. Belgium’s Prime Minister, Charles Michel threatened similar action in his country where the attacks were staged. Neither President Obama nor other officials in his administration, however, have spoken of shutting down radical mosques in the U.S. But U.S. reticence about taking actions now being implemented by France and Belgium isn’t for a lack of mosques in this country in which hatred for American values and support for jihad terrorism are regularly heard. There are more than 80

Does Obama´s Half-Brother
George Qualify as a Refugee?

American Thinker, by Jeannie DeAngelis
Original Article

Posted By: JoniTx– 11/22/2015 10:46:48 AM
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Once again, Barack Obama is attempting to heap condemnation on Americans for being concerned that ISIS, as promised, will infiltrate the U.S. and do it by exploiting a humanitarian crisis. That kind of blame-the-vulnerable tactic is exactly what the president used when he insisted on bringing thousands of “unaccompanied minors” into America from Central and Latin America. For months, as border agents did double duty as nurses and nannies, at the mere suggestion that the youthful invasion might not be in America’s best interest, Obama responded by bludgeoning the wary with his trusty “that’s not who we are” club until

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Donald Trump Sets Off a Furor With
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New York Times, by Maggie Haberman & Richard Pérez-Peña
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Posted By: FlyRight– 11/21/2015 6:52:36 AM
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Under assault from Democrats and Republicans alike, Donald J. Trump on Friday drew back from his call for a mandatory registry of Muslims in the United States, trying to quell one of the ugliest controversies yet in a presidential campaign like few others.The daylong furor capped a week of one-upmanship among Republican presidential candidates as to who could sound toughest about preventing terrorism after the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris. Polls show the national mood has soured on accepting refugees from Syria amid concerns about potential terrorist attacks within the United States. Mr. Trump’s talk of a national database of

Clinton promises ‘enough clean energy
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The Hill (Washington, DC), by Bradford Richardson
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Posted By: JoniTx– 11/21/2015 7:17:59 PM
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If elected president, Democrat Hillary Clinton says she can create enough green energy to power every home in America by the end of her second term. “By the end of my first term, we will have installed a half a billion more solar panels, and by the end of my second term, enough clean energy to power every home in America,” Clinton said at the Blue Jamboree in Charleston, S.C., on Saturday. The Democratic presidential front-runner said her plan to subsidize alternative sources of energy would not entail a middle-class tax hike. In fact, Clinton said she would reduce taxes

Obama in Malaysia: ‘You’ll See
Oceans Rise…More Drought, More
Flooding, Bigger Hurricanes, Typhoons’

Cybercast News Service, by Staff
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Posted By: KarenJ1– 11/20/2015 8:26:53 PM
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Speaking today at a townhall meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, President Barack Obama warned that if the world does not “stop the amount of carbon that we send up” there will be everything from rising oceans to more droughts and more floods and bigger hurricanes and typhoons. (Snip) “The science is very clear that because of the carbon emissions that we send in, mostly from the use of fossil fuels–oil, gas, coal–the temperatures worldwide, on average, are getting higher,” said Obama. “And that begins to change weather patterns. The oceans begin to get warmer. The ice in the Arctic begins

Barbara Walters´ Wet Kiss to the Donald

Daily Beast, by Lloyd Grove
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Posted By: StormCnter– 11/21/2015 5:04:53 AM
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Despite past insults directed at Walters by Trump, Friday night´s marquee interview could make you lose your dinner. In case anyone didn’t notice that Donald Trump represents the complete celebrification of American politics and policy, Barbara Walters drove the point home Friday night in what amounted to a Trump for President campaign commercial on ABC’s 20/20. The hour-long celebration of all things Trump—his palatial penthouse, his Slovenian-model third wife, his hard-working kids, his adorable grandchildren, his 757, his gold-leafed bathroom fixtures—was so warm, breezy and fuzzy that it almost made one forget that this is the Republican frontrunner, a man who has

U.S. Pilots Confirm: Obama Admin
Blocks 75 Percent of Islamic State Strikes

Washington Free Beacon, by Adam Kredo
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Posted By: KarenJ1– 11/20/2015 1:45:07 PM
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U.S. military pilots who have returned from the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq are confirming that they were blocked from dropping 75 percent of their ordnance on terror targets because they could not get clearance to launch a strike, according to a leading member of Congress. Strikes against the Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL) targets are often blocked due to an Obama administration policy to prevent civilian deaths and collateral damage, according to Rep. Ed Royce (R., Calif.), chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The policy is being blamed for allowing Islamic State militants

‘Nonsense’: Top Scientists Demolish
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Daily Caller, by Michael Bastasch
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Posted By: StormCnter– 11/21/2015 5:08:02 AM
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A panel of prominent scientists debunked one of the most popular global warming arguments ahead of a major United Nations climate summit to take place in Paris later this month. The scientists slammed policies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions as “nonsense,” and they criticized politicians and activists for claiming the world was on the path for catastrophic global warming. “The most important thing to keep in mind is — when you ask ‘is it warming, is it cooling’, etc. — is that we are talking about something tiny (temperature changes) and that is the crucial point,” Dr. Richard Lindzen, a veteran climate

Biden: The ´vast majority´ of Syrian
refugees are women, children, orphans

Investor´s Business Daily, by Andrew Malcolm
Original Article

Posted By: SurferLad– 11/21/2015 8:52:15 AM
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Vice President Joe Biden´s weekly remarks Good morning everyone. This past week we’ve seen the best and the worst of humanity. The heinous terrorist attacks in Paris and Beirut, in Iraq and Nigeria. They showed us once again the depths of the terrorist’s depravity. [Snip] There’s nothing President Obama and I take more seriously though, than keeping the American people safe. In the past few weeks though, we’ve heard an awful lot of people suggest that the best way to keep America safe is to prevent any Syrian refugee from gaining asylum in the United States. So let’s set the

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