
Hi friends! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was extra fun with our two girls, and Baby G just turned a year old so she was old enough to actually play with her toys this year. Although, let’s face it, she really just wanted to eat the wrapping paper and bows.

There are 6 kids in my family, so we all got together on Saturday night for Christmas dinner and presents.  And we played this super fun game called Telestrations. It’s now on my list of favorite things, which I’ll be sharing later this week. We laughed SO hard. And we kept saying that “this round will be the last round,” but it was so addicting that we kept playing “just one more time.” It would be a great New Year’s party game, so I’m telling you now so you have time to go get it. Trust me. It’s so hilarious and you don’t need any special skills. Actually, the less skills you have, the better.

Ok, so back to what I came to share today. I love this time of year where we reflect on the past year and prepare for the coming season. I love the new beginning. The feelings of renewal and hope. I love looking back to see what worked and what didn’t, and then making adjustments and setting a new course for the future.

And I always like looking back at my blog to see what the most popular posts were this year. I felt like this past year was a little slow blogging-wise. I mean I did have a brand new baby last January and the year has been marked by mostly … exhaustion. My new normal meant much less sleep and much less time to work on projects. But I’m so excited to be heading into this next year with a new 1-year-old, a little more time to sleep and a little more time to work on my blog and my home!

I did a major project undertaking right before Christmas, which was painting my kitchen cabinets. I can’t wait to share them soon, and all of my goals for the new year, but first, my most popular posts from 2015.

10. Traditional, Yummy Hello Dolly Bars. I can see why these are so popular. Chocolate. Coconut. Graham crackers and butterscotch. YUM! The soft, delicious graham cracker crust, rich chocolate and crunchy coconut drizzled with sweetened condensed milk is so scrumptious that you’ll be making them for every party this coming year.

9. DIY Abstract Art. I was so excited the day I picked up the paintbrush and created this pretty piece of original artwork. I was so cheap, but makes a huge impact. I still need to add a little frame, but I’ll do that soon! If you’ve never tried your hand at painting your own artwork, I highly recommend it.

7. Style Trend: Galvanized Decor on a Budget. This post goes hand in hand with the #5 post. If you’re looking for some industrial, galvanized decor, then this post will be perfect. I own a few pieces and covet the rest.

8. Quick Tip: How to Keep Canvas or Burlap from Fraying. Sometimes the simplest posts can generate some of the best responses from readers. I love that! This is an easy trick that will have you reaching for the most used crafting tools you have, girlfriend.

6. Beautiful Gray Crib Makeover with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. My big room reveal this past year was appropriately my Baby G’s Woodland Creature Nursery. I love the sweet, outdoorsy themed room where I transformed the furniture from Miss A’s room into some more suited for my evolving style. The end look was exactly what I wanted and I still love every detail of her room!

5. 16 Rustic Industrial Decor Ideas and DIY Projects. The rustic industrial trend was hot this year, and I believe it will continue to be quite popular. I plan on implementing a few of these ideas over the new year, as I really love the look! I already started by adding this simple plate rack in my dining room.

4. Pairing Paint Colors with Revere Pewter. One of my top posts of all time on the blog is how I chose my favorite gray color in my house: Revere Pewter. I shared a simple tip, but it helps to not make mistakes when it comes to choosing paint colors. And since then I’ve found that RP is quite the popular paint color. So, since I’ve painted most of my house, I thought I’d share my favorite colors to pair with Revere Pewter.

3. Do-It-Yourself Soft Scrub. Again, something so simple and a natural home solution, and yet everyone loves it! I love it too, so I get it. It’s like a magic trick every time I use it when my sink goes from light brown to sparkling white again!

2. Favorite Sources for Affordable Area Rugs. Who knew favorite affordable rugs were such a huge need out there?? But evidently they are. I just have 3 favorite resources and they are still my favorites. On a blogging note, it’s funny how posts that you can whip together at the last minute can be some of your best material. I’m thinking people are looking for practical solutions to real, everyday problems. You know, like how to not spend eleventy-million dollars on a cute floor covering.

1. Homemade All-Natural Body Butter. Turns out that people really like to make their own home bath, beauty and cleaning products, because I have two in my most popular list this year and I have more from year’s past that STAY in my top posts. This body butter is my family’s go-to lotion. It’s so easy to whip together and it works amazing. My hands don’t dry out and crack during the winter thanks to this stuff. AND I know I’m not putting harmful chemicals on our skin.

That is all folks! I can’t wait to see what the new year holds. I will be blogging more tips, tricks, trends and recipes, so be sure to stick around!

And let me know what YOU want to see more around here. Just shoot me an e-mail (TheTurquoiseHome@Gmail.com) or leave your response in the comments.

Check out the top posts of 2013 and 2014, too!

Best of 2014

Best of 2013

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The post Tops Posts of 2015 appeared first on The Turquoise Home.

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