
Here is the latest US News from National Public Radio.

Olympic Athletes Still Use Some Rx Drugs As A Path To ‘Legal Doping’

Hundreds of elite endurance athletes were taking the prescription heart drug meldonium until it was banned in January. But a similar heart drug, telmisartan, is still allowed.

Anita Hill: ‘We’ve Come A Long Way Since Then’

Nearly 25 years after Anita Hill accused her former boss of making lewd advances, America is again dealing with high-profile cases of sexual harassment. Hill tells NPR what’s changed and what hasn’t.

Counterterror Chief Sees Gains On The Battlefield, Stubborn Threats At Home

Nick Rasmussen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, says progress against the Islamic State may be slow to affect the terror attacks plaguing the West.

OSHA Injury Reporting Rule Sheds Light On Meat Packing Accidents

Slaughterhouse and meat processing plant workers have some of the most dangerous jobs. One of the most common injury is musculoskeletal disorders, brought on by thousands of daily repetitive motions.

University Employees Sue Yale, MIT And NYU Over Retirement Plan Fees

Three of the nation’s most prestigious universities face class-action lawsuits alleging the schools allowed financial firms to prey on employees by charging high fees in retirement accounts.

Justice Department Issues Scathing Report On Baltimore Police Department

The report finds that Baltimore police disproportionately targeted African-Americans for stops and arrests and police retaliated against citizens for exercising their right to free speech.

Utility Giant PG&E Convicted of Violating Gas Pipeline Safety Laws

Prosecutors had argued that in prioritizing profits, the company neglected to adequately maintain its pipelines, leading to the deaths of eight people in an explosion in San Bruno, Calif., in 2010.

Michael Phelps And Katie Ledecky Add To Gold Medal Totals With Close Wins In Rio

Katie Ledecky won a gold medal in the women’s 200-meter freestyle at the Summer Olympics Tuesday, in a race that was close — but not as close as the one Michael Phelps swam.

Rio Highlights: U.S. Megastars Shine Bright — Phelps, Ledecky, Biles

At 31, Michael Phelps became the oldest swimmer to win an individual event. Katie Ledecky won her second race in Rio. And Simone Biles led the U.S. gymnastics team to a win of historic proportions.

U.S. Women’s Gymnastics Team Wins Gold Medal

The U.S. women’s gymnastics team won a gold medal on Tuesday in Rio. The team won convincingly by posting the highest combined score in vault, uneven bars, balance beam and floor exercise.

Why The Airline Industry Could Keep Suffering System Failures Like Delta’s

Delta’s massive outage wasn’t the first malfunction to wreak havoc on an airline. The industry’s systems are complex and require high security, which can make them more prone to shutdowns.

Trump Appears To Suggest ‘Second Amendment People’ Could Stop Clinton

Falsely charging that Hillary Clinton wanted to “abolish the Second Amendment,” the GOP nominee then appeared to many observers to suggest taking up arms against his Democratic rival.

Republican Sen. Susan Collins Decides Not To Endorse Donald Trump

NPR’s Ari Shapiro interviews Maine Sen. Susan Collins about her decision not to endorse Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Rod Blagojevich Gets No Break In Sentence

Blagojevich, formerly governor of Illinois, had argued his 14-year prison term for corruption should be cut since five of the 18 counts he’d been convicted on were thrown out on appeal.

3 Girls Injured In Fall From Ferris Wheel At Tennessee Fair

The girls fell “between 35 and 45 feet,” according to officials. One girl sustained a traumatic brain injury. The incident comes a day after a boy died while riding a waterslide in Kansas.

LISTEN: GOP Sen. Susan Collins On Why She Can’t Support Trump

The Maine politician talks to NPR’s Ari Shapiro about her decision to not support her party’s nominee for president, Donald Trump.

Justice Department To Release Investigation Into Baltimore Police

The Justice Department is preparing to release the findings of a year-long investigation into the Baltimore Police Department.

After Years Of Sweat, Fencer Jason Pryor Makes His Olympic Debut

In the days before his competition, Pryor said he had never been more ready for anything in his life. With his family watching, he faced a tough Swiss opponent in his opening match.

Texas Town’s Fortunes Rise And Fall With Pump Jacks And Oil Prices

The middle class has shrunk faster in Midland, Texas, than nearly anywhere else in the U.S. Overall, more people are getting rich than falling behind. But extreme booms and busts make life precarious.

Hospital Units Tailored To Older Patients Can Help Prevent Decline

Elderly hospital patients often arrive sick and leave worse off. But some hospitals are preventing these sharp declines by treating the elderly in units that minimize bedrest and spur mobility.

Live Blog: U.S. Women’s Gymnastics Team Goes For Gold

Simone Biles leads a talented American women’s gymnastics squad into team competition at Rio’s Summer Olympics Tuesday afternoon.

Young Inventors Work On Secret Proteins To Thwart Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

Many of the most powerful antibiotics have lost their punch. Some Stanford students think they’ve found a different way to attack bacteria that the germs can’t overcome.

U.S. Rugby Team Defends Its Gold — From 1924

The American rugby squad was mostly made up of football players and were big underdogs against the French. But the Americans took gold in 1924, and have been the reigning Olympic champions ever since.

In Oklahoma, A National Park That Got Demoted

National parks are a big source of local pride, but about half the U.S. states don’t have one. Oklahoma is among the park-less, but it wasn’t always that way.

The New Middle: What Material Objects Define The Middle Class In America?

As part of the series, “The New Middle,” All Things Considered is asking listeners to tell us what material things are part of a middle class lifestyle in America today using the hashtag #TheNewMiddle.

‘The Atlantic’ Investigates Whether America Is Any Safer Since 9/11

Journalist-entrepreneur Steven Brill carried out a year-long investigation for The Atlantic looking at security in the U.S. in the 15 years since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. NPR’s Ari Shapiro talks with Brill about his investigation into the question of whether the U.S. is any safer.

Parents Join Schools In Starting Early Dialogue On Sexual Assault

Many parents are starting a dialogue on sexual assault well before their kids’ teenage years, joining schools in early lessons to help prevent it.

New Lucille Ball Statue Replaces ‘Scary Lucy’

Lucille Ball’s hometown of Celoron, N.Y., honored her with a statue in 2009, 20 years after death. But the statue was terrifying. The story of “Scary Lucy” went viral last year. Last weekend, Celeron unveiled a new, less scary Lucy statue.

Trump Implies ‘Second Amendment People’ Could Stop Clinton

Donald Trump warned supporters Tuesday about the implications of Hillary Clinton being elected and her ability to choose Supreme Court justices. Trump is now denying he suggested she be shot.

Politics Still Prevalent In The Pulpit, Survey Shows

Churchgoing Americans say their preachers often speak out on hot social and political issues and occasionally back or oppose particular candidates in defiance of U.S. law prohibiting endorsements.

Clinton Campaign Says It Didn’t Know Orlando Shooter’s Father Was At Her Rally

Seddique Mateen, the father of Pulse nightclub shooter Omar Mateen, was seated behind Hillary Clinton at her Kissimmee, Fla., rally.

Productive, Protein-Rich Breadfruit Could Help The World’s Hungry Tropics

Packed with nutrients, easy to grow and adaptable to local cuisines, this tropical superfood could bring more food and cash to poor farmers around the world.

Delta Air Lines Cancels Nearly 300 Additional Flights

Delta said it was still in “recovery mode” a day after a system outage scuttled about 1,000 flights. It announced $200 vouchers for people whose flights were canceled or delayed more than three hours.

Parents Of 2 Benghazi Victims Sue Hillary Clinton For Wrongful Death

They allege the attack “was directly and proximately caused” by the then-secretary of state’s mishandling of government secrets. Legal experts say the lawsuit would have to meet a high bar to proceed.

Child Care Plan Is A Change In Rhetoric For Donald Trump

Last year, the candidate was dismissive of child care questions. But his daughter Ivanka has pressed for the issues and had a major role in his new proposals.

Vail Resorts To Buy Canada’s Whistler Blackcomb For $1.06 Billion

They are among North America’s largest ski industry companies. Ski venues have been looking for ways to share revenue and spread vulnerability to declining snowfall and season pass sales.

WATCH: Lessons In Wound Healing From Our Favorite Fly

You may know the caddis fly as a fishing lure. But bioengineers hunting a better way to seal wounds and set bones say the larvae of these insects have a few tricks we should try to mimic.

Diversity In Book Publishing Isn’t Just About Writers — Marketing Matters Too

For writers of color, the lack of diversity in book publicity departments can feel like a death knell.

You Can Eat It Here And There: Green Eggs And Ham Are Everywhere (On Menus)

The Dr. Seuss book that made the dish famous turns 56 this month. But what does this meal taste like in real life? Chefs across the U.S. are tackling the question.

Verizon’s Metamorphosis: Can You See Me As A Tech Giant Now?

Verizon has transformed from a child of the Bell monopoly to parent of tech legends AOL and Yahoo. It wants to play with Google and Facebook — but don’t expect a full transformation just yet.

To Prevent Sexual Assault, Schools And Parents Start Lessons Early

While most college students go through courses aimed at preventing campus sexual assault, advocates say it’s too little, too late. Some are pushing for similar efforts as early as elementary school.

Trump Adviser Says One Of The GOP Nominee’s Signature Plans Is ‘Not Workable’

On a key Trump priority — banning travel to the U.S. from areas affected by terrorism — retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn says “a blanket [ban] is not workable.”

2 Sheriff’s Deputies Won’t Be Prosecuted In Idaho Rancher’s Death

The attorney general declined to prosecute 2 deputies for shooting and killing a rancher last fall. The case is a rallying point for those who say excessive police force is a problem outside cities.

Trump Unveils His Proposal To Reshape America’s Tax System

Steve Inskeep talks to economist and syndicated columnist Peter Morici and Jared Bernstein of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities about Donald Trump’s economic vision.

A Day In The Life Of A Homeless Woman At A Skid Row Shelter

In Los Angeles, the number of homeless women has gone up 55 percent over the last three years. Many of those women patch together their days between the streets and shelters.

The Best Schools In The World Do This, Why Don’t We?

A group of lawmakers and staff with the bipartisan National Conference of State Legislatures spent a year and a half studying the best school systems in the world. Here’s what they learned.

Lilly King Puts Exclamation Mark On Big Day For U.S. Swimming

“I’m proud to be competing clean and doing what is right,” Lilly King said after the race. Over the weekend, her top rival, Yulia Efimova, was reinstated.

An Alabama Museum You Can Enjoy From The Driver’s Seat

Artist Butch Anthony has created a drive-thru museum in Seale, Ala. On display is a collection of odd items, decorated and displayed inside shipping containers that vehicles drive between.

GOP Sen. Susan Collins Says She Can’t Support Donald Trump

“Donald Trump does not reflect historical Republican values nor the inclusive approach to governing that is critical to healing the divisions in our country,” the Maine centrist writes in an op-ed.

Why Taylor Swift Is Asking Congress To Update Copyright Laws

It’s an ongoing standoff between musicians and Google’s YouTube: Who should be responsible for removing unauthorized copies of songs posted online?

Donald Trump Outlines Economic Policy In Detroit

Donald Trump laid out his economic policies during a speech in Detroit Monday.

Wal-Mart Acquires Jet.Com For $3.3 Billion To Challenge Amazon

Wal-Mart is buying the discount e-commerce startup, Jet.com. With the $3.3 billion acquisition, Wal-Mart hopes to become more formidable in online shopping and mount a challenge to Amazon, the top online retailer.

Delta Operations Resume After Power Outage Left Travelers Stranded

Thousands of travelers were stranded at airports around the country Monday morning when a computer system outage grounded all Delta Air Lines flights. Operations have now resumed, but hundreds of flights are still delayed and many more were cancelled. It may take several days before Delta’s flight operations return to normal.

Veteran Authors Look To Reclaim The Story Of War

A new generation of veteran novelists are trying to navigate the pressure to be spokesmen for all veterans while simply trying to write good literature.

N.H. Attorney General Accuses Drug Companies Of Blocking Opioid Probe

New Hampshire’s attorney general claims five drug companies are stifling an investigation into how they market opioids. The allegations are the latest in a string of legal actions that aim to hold drug companies accountable for a spike in opioid abuse.

Hillary Clinton Kicks Off 2-Day Campaign Visit To Florida

Hillary Clinton began a two-day campaign visit to the key battleground state of Florida on Monday.

‘Forbes’ Editor: Trump Continues ‘Common Rhetorical Line’ On Trade Deals

NPR’s Audie Cornish talks to Avik Roy, opinion editor at Forbes, for an analysis of the political ideologies Donald Trump espoused Monday in his economic speech.

The Roca Brothers, Famous For Fusing Food And Tech, Hit The Road

To international foodies, the Rocas are rock stars of haute cuisine. This summer, they’ve bolted their restaurant in Spain to cook gourmet pop-up meals in five cities over five weeks.

Meet Evan McMullin, The #NeverTrump Movement’s Last Hope

A chief policy director for Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives is launching an independent bid for the White House in what may be a last ditch effort to stop Trump.

Federal Officials Seek To Stop Social Media Abuse Of Nursing Home Residents

After ProPublica identified dozens of cases of dehumanizing photos posted on social media sites, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services unveiled a plan to increase oversight.

Ship’s Crew Stuck Off Coast Of Georgia Since April Might Soon Head Home

The Newlead Castellano was stopped near Savannah over unpaid debts — stranding the Filipino crew members, who didn’t have permission to enter the U.S. Their months of waiting may soon be at an end.

In Boston’s ‘Safe Space,’ Surprising Insights Into Drug Highs

As doctors and nurses learn more about what the body goes through during drug use, they are changing the treatment they provide for patients on heroin and other drugs.

For Some Olympic Athletes, The Games Are Already Over

For U.S. weightlifter Morghan King and others, competition began and ended on the first two days of the Olympics.

Who Gets To Be ‘Hapa’?

Many young mixed-raced Asian-Americans embrace the Hawaiian word “hapa” to describe their identity. But are they legitimizing a slur, engaging in appropriation, or just making an old word new?

NFL Hall Of Fame Game Called Off Due To ‘Congealing And Rubberized’ Field Paint

The game between the Green Bay Packers and Indianapolis Colts was canceled after the paint issue raised concerns that players might slip. Fans who bought tickets will reportedly get a full refund.

Pa. Attorney General, Embroiled In Massive Political Scandal, Goes To Trial

Kathleen Kane is charged with, among other things, perjury and obstruction. She is accused of releasing secret grand jury information to hurt a foe.

Donald Trump Looks To Turn The Page On Bad Week With Economic Speech

According to a preview released by the campaign, the GOP nominee is proposing three tax brackets and would limit taxes on all forms of business income as well as end the estate tax.

How A Wave Is Unlike An Armadillo: One Reporter’s Summer Puzzle

“There’s something about waves that can get you into kind of a mental funk,” one philosopher says. For NPR’s summer science series, Joe Palca tries to answer the big question: What is a wave?

#NPRWormWeek: The Scientist Who’s Waging A War On Worms

Scientist Peter Hotez has spent nearly 40 years trying to treat and eliminate the diseases that worms can cause. And he won’t let the “ick” factor stop him.

What It’s Like To Be Undocumented And College-Bound

Two high school seniors made headlines when they told the world they were undocumented immigrants. Here’s what they’re thinking about as they prepare to start college this fall.

When Pregnant Women Need Medicine, They Encounter A Void

Women encounter a dilemma when they get pregnant: Should they continue taking medications that keep them healthy? That question can be scary, because drugs are rarely tested for safety in pregnancy.

Trump, Clinton To Deliver Economic Policy Speeches This Week

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will spell out what they might do to encourage growth and create jobs. Trump will offer his ideas on Monday in Detroit. Clinton will give her speech on Thursday.

What’s It’s Like To Be Undocumented And College-Bound

Two high school seniors made headlines when they told the world they were undocumented immigrants. Here’s what they’re thinking about as they prepare to start college this fall.

Ichiro Suzuki Triples Off The Wall For His 3,000th MLB Career Hit

During the seventh inning, Miami Marlin’s Ichiro Suzuki, 42, become the 30th player to reach the milestone as the Marlins beat the Colorado Rockies 10-7 Sunday.

Congealed Paint Forces Cancellation Of NFL’s Hall Of Fame Game

The game between the Green Bay Packers and the Indianapolis Colts was canceled because of poor field conditions. Tickets will be refunded at a cost to the hall of several million dollars.

The Chimera Quandary: Is It Ethical To Create Hybrid Embryos?

The National Institutes of Health proposed lifting its moratorium on funding for research on part-animal, part-human embryos — which raises a huge dilemma, says bioethicist Insoo Hyun.

Professors Attempt To Halt Texas Law Allowing Guns In Classrooms

A new Texas law allows students with gun licenses to carry on campus. Professor Lisa Moore of the University of Texas at Austin talks about why she’s asking a court to halt the law.

U.S. Releases Procedures For Approving Strikes Against Terror Suspects

The document provides a window into the decision-making process for authorizing drone strikes and other forms of lethal force.

Yankees Release Alex Rodriguez, Announcing His Last Game Is Friday

The Yankees have announced they are releasing the controversial slugger. The club says Rodriguez will serve as a “special adviser and instructor” for the team through 2017.

What Will Clinton and Trump Do About Sexual Assault On College Campuses?

The candidates have discussed in-depth what they would do to combat terrorism, fix stagnated wages and reform our immigration system. But what about sexual assault?

The Week Ahead In Politics

It’s been a rough week for Donald Trump’s campaign — but his opponent, Hillary Clinton has had her stumbles as well. Ailsa Chang gets a rundown from NPR’s Ron Elving.

Campaign Fundraising Is Close: How Will That Affect The Presidential Race?

NPR’s Ailsa Chang speaks with New York Times political reporter Nick Confessore about the effect of money in the presidential campaigns.

Opening Ceremony Spectacle Resurfaces Debate: Who Was First In Flight?

The opening ceremony of the 2016 Olympic games in Brazil revived a debate that was surprising to many Americans: that a Brazilian man was the first in flight, not the Wright Brothers.

The Future Of Kansas Voter Laws

Last month, a judge struck down part of a voter registration law in Kansas. NPR’s Ailsa Chang talks the law’s future with Wichita Eagle reporter Bryan Lowry and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach.

Piecing Together The Complex Structure Of ISIS

The Islamic State’s attacks in Paris last year brought attention to the group’s terrorism network abroad. The New York Times‘ Rukmini Callimachi talks to Ailsa about the structure of ISIS.

Saving The Tricolored Blackbird

The tricolored blackbird population in California has declined to a point that it’s a candidate for the California Endangered Species List. But efforts are underway to keep the bird from disappearing.

Olympic Runner Brenda Martinez Bounces Back In Time For Rio

Olympic runner Brenda Martinez had an unlikely path to the 2016 games. She grew up running in basketball shoes and nearly missed qualifying. She tells NPR’s Ailsa Chang how she persevered.

Words Of Wisdom From Young Adult Authors: Jason Reynolds

Jason Reynolds writes “slice-of-life stories” for youngsters. For our “Next Chapter” series, he talks about packing up his belongings in trash bags and moving to New York City to become a writer.

‘Doc McStuffins’: The Olivia Pope For Kids?

If you have young children at home, chances are you know Doc McStuffins. If you don’t, comedian W. Kamau Bell will tell you why you should love the 6-year-old cartoon girl with a stethoscope.

Iran Executes Mysterious Nuclear Scientist

Iran says Shahram Amiri had been providing information to the U.S. Amiri’s story, which reads like a spy saga, was called “a wilderness of mirrors” by one former CIA agent.

Questioning If An Election Will Be ‘Rigged’ Strikes At The Heart Of Democracy

The stage appears to be set for many Americans to question the legitimacy of this year’s election results. The consequences of that are unknowable and potentially dangerous.

Trans And Adopted: Exploring Teen Identity

A Boston health clinic that treats transgender kids and teens finds that the percentage of its young patients who are adopted is higher than expected. These kids might need extra support, doctors say.

‘No Magic Bullet’ Against Zika-Carrying Mosquito, CDC Director Says

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Tom Frieden visited Miami, where several people have been infected with Zika. He says the CDC is trying to control the mosquito responsible.

Jill Stein Officially Takes Green Party Nomination

The Green Party is holding its convention in Houston Saturday, the biggest in its history. Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein is hoping to attract disaffected supporters of Bernie Sanders.

A Pivotal For Week For Donald Trump

The presidential race enters the sprint to the general election in November, but already Donald Trump’s fortunes seem to be changing rapidly.

Muslim Voters’ Attitudes Have Shifted ‘Dramatically’ In Past 15 Years

Dalia Mogahed, director of research at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, gives an overview of American Muslims’ political positions both historically and during this election cycle.

‘Utopia Drive’ Chronicles ‘Quiet Revolutionaries’ Who Tried To Live Outside Society

In his new book Utopia Drive, author Erik Reece takes readers on a literary road trip through the history of Utopian communities in the United States.

U.S. Women Edge France, Passing A Tough Test In Olympic Soccer

A tense tone dominated with both offenses repeatedly getting the ball into the penalty area. All shots were turned away but one, by American Carli Lloyd.

Orlando Nightclub Killer Was Shot 8 Times By Law Enforcement, Autopsy Says

Omar Mateen did not have illegal drugs or alcohol in his system, according to an autopsy report released by the medical examiner in Orange County, Fla.

Trump Launches Fundraising Blitz As GOP Donors Wonder Whether He Can Win

The Republican nominee has 21 fundraisers planned in the next 31 days — but amid falling poll numbers and a series of stumbles, some big Republican donors may not contribute to Trump’s campaign.

The post Olympic Athletes Still Use Some Rx Drugs As A Path To ‘Legal Doping’ appeared first on TheTrendler.

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