
At the end of a long day of sight-seeing, all you really want is a good cup of tea and a big slice of cake, right? You can only imagine how happy we were to spot this amazing spot during our weekend break in Scotland. And what a name: Once Upon a Tart in Glasgow. This can only be good.

Once Upon a Tart in Glasgow, Scotland

The Entree

From the street, this place is hard to miss! Bright colours knock on the window, inviting you in :)

The Interior

Once inside, you almost don’t need any more cake, as the whole interior is just so super sweet! But who are we kidding? Get. The. Cake.

Our table had some incredible flowers as well!

The Food

Head straight to the back as this is where the magic happens: The cakes are on display and they all look gorgeous. Hard to choose!

I went for the Red Velvet Cake and Nick for something with caramel (he ate it too fast to write it down, really) Of course we also got a big pot of Rooibos Tea, our favourite! Check that tea pot out below though, wow!

The Verdict

Once Upon a Tart doesn’t just have a name from a fairy tale, the cakes are unreal as well! Be sure to arrive well before closing time, because we got there half past 5 and they were closing at 5 -and we had trouble trying to finish the rich, rich cake in time. This is not a place you want to rush in, just picking the cake or cupcake you want could easily take 20 minutes :) This place is a perfect pit stop and if we ever get back to Glasgow, this place will sure be worth a second visit!

Name: Once Upon a Tart

Address: 45 King St, Glasgow G1 5RA

Phone: 0141 552 0305

Website: onceuponatart.co.uk

Order: Anything is probably good, but I LOVED the red velvet cake and the Rooibos Tea

Disclaimer: Everything paid from our own pocket.

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