In Chiropractic school I always tried to buddy up for practice sessions with my friend Bo because he had a terrible skin condition that made it so every Chiropractic table he laid on left flakes.
He was a great guy and friend but I knew that others didn’t want to be his practice buddy because of his skin condition. He had horrible patches all over his back, legs and head. His dad had the condition too earlier in life but Bo’s seemed to get worse with stress and with poor diet. His plight would lead me to learn more about this skin condition called Psoriasis and I would end up seeing more than a dozen patients like Bo over the next 10 years.
Through the years of working with patients I have come up with a theory about the cause and treatment of Psoriasis that goes beyond genetics into food and nutrition, toxin exposure, colon health, liver health and the acidity of the body. I think I am right because we see clinical results and now scientific peer reviewed research is starting to back me up.
Although I can’t diagnose and prescribe, I can share my ideas and some of what I saw in practice as well as some stories from about results clients have gotten with Natural Wellness for Psoriasis.
Please share this blog with your friends and family that are suffering or looking for answers. It might make a world of difference in their skin and life.
For your Total Wellness,
Mary Starr Carter
the Total Wellness Doc and Mom
Natural Remedies for Psoriasis
What exactly is psoriasis? Are there natural remedies for psoriasis?
The National Psoriasis Foundation reported that 7.5 million (2.2%) Americans are affected by psoriasis. Psoriasis requires constant medical attention and Americans spent $11.25 billion in 2008 on the treatment of psoriasis.
Some people with psoriasis suffer in silence, either because of the lack of funds or giving up on treatments that didn’t work. Insurance companies sometimes view it as a normal skin problem because of the lack of proper hygiene or it may be deemed as a cosmetic issue.
Psoriasis is a skin condition characterized by patches of red, scaly skin. Some may bleed. The most commonly affected areas are the elbows, knees, scalp, back, face, palms and feet. There is no cure though some medications and creams can lessen the symptoms. (Source: Reference Guide for Essential Oils)
Studies show that long time psoriasis sufferers may experience physical, mental and emotional problems like
• Depression
• Behavioral disorders
• Liver disease
• Obesity
• Elevated risk for other serious, chronic or life-threatening diseases like diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular diseases and cancer
• 30% will eventually be diagnosed with psoriasis arthritis, a type of joint pain
What causes or triggers psoriasis?
The causes are not fully known but here is a list of causes given by Mayo Clinic-
• Related to an immune system problem with cells in your body
• T cells travel throughout your body and attack healthy skin cells thinking it is the enemy and they crowd around the area (foreign substances)
• Inflammation occurs when the skin cells pile up quicker than the rest of the body. Read more here.
The following may trigger psoriasis-
• Food allergies
• Acidity in the body
• Harsh chemicals in shampoo, soap, detergent, household cleaning products
• Gluten sensitivity
• Toxic body
• Stress
• Cold weather
• Smoking
• Alcohol
• Strep throat and other infections
• Medications – example -high blood pressure, bipolar disorder and more
Natural remedies for psoriasis:
(This is a compilation of my list of theorized Natural Remedies for Psoriasis based on what I have seen in practice. I base it on both literature and what I saw in my patients for positive results.)
My List of Health Steps to Help Reduce and Eliminate Psoriasis
1) Alkalize the Body
2) Provide Nutrition to Heal the Skin
3) Improve Gut Health
4) Support the Liver
5) Cleanse the Colon
6) Apply Pure Essential Oils Topically
One: Alkalize the Body
In 2007 I met Tim who struggled with psoriasis on his hands, arms and legs. He had been exposed to a lot of chemicals and pesticides in his work and although not overweight he did have a tendency to eat poorly. His tests showed some liver congestion and toxicity. Through some radical food changes and alkalizing his body, his patches were almost gone.
Alkalize with AlkaLime – it is formulated to neutralize acidity and maintain desirable pH levels in the body. I believe this is an excellent supplement to help alkalize the body. A powder dropped in water to create a delicious fuzzy drink first thing in the morning and in the evening… and those who are really toxic or acidic I have seen take it several times throughout the day to be best for them.
Two: Provide Nutrition to heal the skin with Ningxia Red
In 2005 I met Bobbi, an overweight female with a history of prescription medication who struggled with a few patches on her legs. Through food changes and supplementation she got off almost all her medications but still had the psoriasis. She started taking NingXia Red 2-3 oz. a day, using Young Living’s Lavender on her patches sealed with Animal Scents ointment. In about 9 months her patches had significantly improved and shrunk.
Ningxia Red- is an antioxidant drink that contains whole Ningxia wolfberry puree and essential oils that fortifies the body and provides key nutrients for the whole body. I see a huge difference in my husband, my kids and my own health with and without NingXia Red. My husband notices a difference in his skin with dry patches when he doesn’t take his NingXia.
From Inge V. in Florida
For over two years my Mom had tried everything to get relief from Psoriasis, from prescription medication to specially formulated creams and special diets without success. We were intrigued by learning about the many beneficial properties of NingXia Red Wolfberry juice. She’s been drinking 1 oz. of NingXia Red daily now for two months and happily reports that her skin looks and feels much healthier. It does not itch and flake anymore!
I believe Ningxia Red gives the body the nutrition it needs to heal, it cleans the liver, provides lots of antioxidants and alkalizes the body.
Three: Improve Gut Health – Probiotics
Recently I was in my local health food store Body B Healthy talking to the owner when a customer came in and said, “look at my hands look at my hands”. I looked down to see her hands looked like they were in a healing stage of Paresis. She said just 6 weeks I have been taking my Probiotic and my hands are healing.
The store owner said her hands were the worse possible case of Paresis she had seen cracked, bleeding and painful. She stated that the National Institute of Health was doing testing to validate that Probiotics were indeed affect in helping skin conditions like psoriasis. And an August 13, 2013 report in Medical News Today shows Probiotic’s effectiveness against lower inflammatory markers so much that clients may be considered in remission.
But not all Probiotics are the same. And eating a dose of Activa a day may help your colon some but it not enough of the good bacteria your body needs. Cultured fermented foods are ideal but I recommend that with good supplementation. Including Young Living’s Life 5 Probiotic starting with 2 capsules in AM and PM may help re-establish the good gut flora your body needs for healing.
Body B Healthy here in Crestview Florida has a large selection of Probiotics including Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother… Drinking a tablespoon of this in water, morning or evening or any time of day can help decrease acid and give the body good bacteria. In fact some of my readers said putting this on their skin directly with rags for several hours a day helped eliminate their psoriasis.
Four: Support the Liver with Sulfurzyme
Sulfurzyme- it contains wolfberry and MSM to help maintain the structure of proteins, protect cells and cell membranes, supports the immune system, the liver, circulation and proper intestinal function.
From Candice R in Arizona
…My hands, lower arms and calves were severely affected with some spots on other parts of my body from time to time. Once I stopped using the cortisone cream on an area the itchy, red stuff would re-appear.
Several liver cleanses were done, soaps changed, diet changed, etc. but to no avail. Then Gary Young told me to try Sulfurzyme for my oil sensitivity. I said I had already gone thru a whole bottle (4 to 8 per day) with no effect. (4 pills are mainly for maintenance. 8 pills will get rid of scar tissue both internal and external which I had done years ago.) He said it could take as long as a year or longer. Ok.
I ordered another bottle, took 4 to 6 per day but nothing happened. Midway thru the 2nd bottle things started getting better. Yea. They have continued to improve. Six months later the only places that ever have any problems are my fingers. I expect that to end soon.
In addition to taking Sulfurzyme, I take NingXia Red and True Source. The best topical application for drying it out, relieving itchiness then restoring moisture:
Use Thieves Cleaner diluted 50% with water, allow skin to dry naturally then apply Lavender Hand and Body Lotion. When I need even more moisture I use Cerave Cream. For me this procedure is amazing.
Five: Clean Out the Toxins With the Cleansing Trio
Cleansing Trio Kit- cleansing and detoxifying the body helps to improve health, eliminate waste in the body and support normal liver and colon function. Cleansing Trio Kit consists of ICP, Comfortone and Essentialzyme. You may want to try with the 5-Day Cleanse first.
Here’s an article about cleansing:
Cleansing Trio: A Simple Easy Colon Cleanse
Six: Pure Essential Oils to Help Reduce Psoriasis
Using oils from Young Living’s Everyday Oils Essential Oil kit-
From Michele M in New York
I had received my Everyday Oils kit from Young Living for the first time last month. The lavender oil quickly became my go to oil everyday for my anxiety. I had been on Klonopin for about four years beforehand and never thought I would be able to take myself off it because my anxiety was so bad.
I had heard that lavender was very good for stress, anxiety, and depression amongst all of the other things it can be used for. I began to inhale it everyday, a few times a day and occasionally put it on the bottoms of my feet, neck and wrists. Within one week I took myself off of Klonapin and have not been on it since.
Within three weeks the big round blotches of psoriasis that had been haunting my legs and elbows for years had simply disappeared! I had noticed that it was going away slowly but did not put two and two together that lavender is used to aid in the healing of psoriasis.
My skin is still discolored from the steroid cream I used to apply that was sticky and thick, but at least Young Living’s therapeutic grade essential oil helped me, and to think, I didn’t even apply it to the psoriasis. I just inhaled the oils and put it elsewhere on my body and it still worked!
I am so grateful and I hope my story can help someone else with similar issues!
From Vicky G in North Carolina
My husband had a patch of bumpy skin on the side of his hand for several months. It didn’t seem to fit the description in the Essential Oil Desk Reference of either Psoriasis or Eczema, but both of those conditions recommended Lavender, so that’s what we tried. After he had been putting a drop of Lavender oil on it each night for just a couple of nights it began to shrink, and after about 6 weeks it was gone totally.
And don’t forget my friend Bobbi who used many of the above recommendations used Lavender topically and sealed it with Animal Scents ointment.
Psoriasis may worsen with harsh skin and hair care products. Your shampoo and conditioner may contain formaldehyde, sodium laureth sulfate (SLS) and or cocamide DEA. These chemicals may cause skin rashes, skin irritation and compromise your immune system. That is why for over a decade my family has been using Young Living’s Lavender Shampoo. Amazing for our hair and skin and is healthy for our bodies.
One of the last patients I saw in my Fulton NY office was Randy a 50 plus overweight male who was on very harsh Chemotherapy drugs to deal with his psoriasis and associated Arthritis. These meds reeked havoc on his other body systems and cost his family a lot out of pocket expenses.
What about you? Do you struggle with psoriasis and use harsh chemicals, prescriptions, or even chemotherapy drugs to treat it? How is that working out for you? Consider some natural and safer solutions. Talk with your practitioner or one that is open to helping you get better safely and who knows maybe a year from now you won’t be embarrassed to wear shorts, or short sleeves or show your hands because your skin will be doing so well.
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Disclaimer: This information is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. It’s strictly for informational, educational, or entertainment purposes ONLY. The products I talk about are not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. Any information I give you about them is for informational or entertainment purposes only. They have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. Please seek the qualified health professional of your choice when making health decisions for yourself, your family and your pets.