
Green tea is good, and good for you. Almost everyone knows that, but if you don’t just take a read and see for yourself

I am sure we have all heard it by now, or at least in one version or another, that green tea is good or good for you or good something. Although all these statements are true there is generally not that much provided to back them up other than I think I heard somewhere that, or someone told me that green tea is good. If you want to keep reading you will find out why I think green tea is good as well as a link to a way to make a perfect cup of green tea every time and finally….. Our favorite green teas!

So you are wondering why green tea is good, and good for you. The first thing is that green tea is good for you for a great number of reasons such as:

It comes from the earth, so depending on what your definition is green tea is generally looked upon as natural.

There is no sugar in green tea itself.

It tastes great.

It smells great.

It can be used for other things besides just drinking.

It provides a little boost of caffeine, but not as much as other types of teas.

It blends well with other teas.

It is relaxing.

It can sooth the soul.

It makes me smile

So there are some of my personal reasons why I think green tea is good, and as mentioned before just information provided without any direct medical links or substantial information to back them up :)  There are so many green tea health benefits that the list could go on for a really long time.

The next thing that I will want to point out to you is this article: as it will show you how to brew perfect green tea every time. Although everyone generally knows how to make tea, there are subtle things that are different between the different processed types of tea and knowing these differences can make you change from someone who likes tea to someone who loves tea.

Make sure to take a look around to get the best best green tea prices around as we are sure that our price is far too low for the quality of tea, but that is what we are here for!


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