
Dates to watch out for.

Retrogrades galore.

A challenging Saturn-Neptune aspect.

Horoscopes and tarot cards (oh my!).

2016 is coming and I’ve got your astro-back with my Ultra-Deluxe Superfly Astrology Guide for the year ahead.

Confession: I’m a bit of a control freak.  I like to know what’s coming so that I can keep surprises in my life to a minimum (the only kind of surprises I like are the gift certificate for a massage kind).  Knowing what’s up with the cosmos helps me to glide through the year with a minimum of drama and a whole lotta Zen.

I’ve created this mini-Astro Guide to give you the high fives and red flags you need to know so that you can be alert to the times when you need to amp up your awesome or kick back and wait it out.

How to use this astrology guide

Remember, the planetary action shows tendencies and potentials for opportunity… or problems.  Awareness of what’s going on in the stars will give you an astro-edge because when you know what’s up, you can strategize how to work that energy to your advantage (even if the stars are grouchy!).  Mark down the dates of caution and action in your calendar.  Read your yearly scope + special tarot card wisdom to see  the bigger picture  for your sign.  (You may also want to read the forecast for your rising sign as well.)  Then: make 2016 your BFF.  Bada bing!

Need more help?  I have a list of trusted astrologers at the end of this post who will be more than happy to give you a full-on personalized forecast (a personal report will give you major details so that you can be well-armed).

Read on, astro-playas:

Let’s start off with the Mercury retrograde action for 2016.  We have FOUR Mercury retrogrades, people.  FOUR.  Mercury the trickster is going to hammer home this lesson: slow the hell down and be mindful.  When Mercury goes retrograde, communication, travel and technology can be affected.  But it doesn’t need to be a drag!  Best course of action: back up your computer, give yourself extra time to get where you need to go, think before you speak, avoid signing contracts or buying new technology if you can, and be patient.  (Check out my detailed post for more information: How To Have A Happy and Productive Mercury Retrograde.)

Mercury Retrograde dates:

January 5 – January 25 begins in Aquarius moves into Capricorn

April 28 – May 22 in Taurus

August 30 – September 22 in Virgo

December 19 2016 – January 8, 2017 in Capricorn moves into Sagittarius

Pay attention to Mars this year as it’s going retrograde for a few months in the fiery sign of Sagittarius.  Mars is the planet of drive, ambition, and energy.  Think of this as your fuel that keeps your engine running.  Mars enjoys being in fiery Sagittarius – this brings out an optimistic “can do” vibe.  The energy is independent, freedom-loving, and philosophical.  When Mars goes retrograde in Sagittarius, it can bring out self-righteous attitudes, bluntness that borders on cruelty, and scattered energy.  During a Mars retrograde, it is always best to keep your anger in check. This is also not a good period for starting a new business, launching a new product, or getting surgery.

Mars will move back into Scorpio on May 27th, which could bring out obsessive tendencies or a desire to get what you want, no matter what the consequences.  Emotions will be extra-volatile during this period, which will come to a close on June 29th.  By August 2nd, Mars is back on track and things roll full speed ahead.

Mars Retrograde dates:

April 17, 2016 to June 29 in Sagittarius moves into Scorpio

Eclipses bear mentioning because they can signal major changes afoot.  You’ll need to check your chart to see where these changes might take place (if you don’t have a copy of your chart, you can get one free at alabe.com).

Eclipse dates:

March 8th: Solar eclipse 18 degrees Pisces

March 23rd: Lunar eclipse 3 degrees Libra

August 18th: Lunar eclipse 25 degrees Aquarius

September 1st: Solar eclipse 9 degrees Virgo

September 16th: Lunar eclipse 24 degrees Pisces

New Moons/Full Moons

Moon cycles are GREAT for planning.

New Moons are perfect for starting something new, whether that be a relationship, a job,  a diet, writing that novel you’ve been talking about, or even a whole new chapter of your life!

Full Moons are about letting go.  Cut out that toxic lover, quit that draining job, give up your three pack a day cigarette habit, and release anything that is old, outworn, or annoying (that crappy old sweater taking up space in your closet – begone!)

New Moon/Full Moon dates for 2016 (EST/EDT time)

Jan 9th, 2016: New Moon at 19 degrees Capricorn, 8:30 PM

Jan 23rd, 2016: Full Moon at 3 degrees Leo, 8:45 PM

Feb 8th, 2016: New Moon at 19 degrees Aquarius, 9:38 AM

Feb 22nd, 2016: Full Moon at 3 degrees Virgo, 1:19 PM

Mar 8th, 2016: New Moon Solar Eclipse at 18 degrees Pisces, 8:54 PM

Mar 23rd, 2016: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 3 degrees Libra, 8:00 AM

Apr 7th, 2016: New Moon at 18 degrees Aries, 7:23 AM

Apr 22nd, 2016: Full Moon at 2 degrees Scorpio, 1:23 AM

May 6th, 2016: New Moon at 16 degrees Taurus, 3:29 PM

May 21st, 2016: Full Moon at 1 degree Sagittarius, 5:14 PM

Jun 4th, 2016: New Moon at 14 degree Gemini, 10:59 PM

Jun 20th, 2016: Full Moon at 29 degrees Sagittarius, 7:02 AM

Jul 4th, 2016: New Moon at 12 degrees Cancer, 7:00 AM

Jul 19th, 2016: Full Moon at 27 degrees Capricorn, 6:56 PM

Aug 2nd, 2016: New Moon at 10 degrees Leo, 4:44 PM

Aug 18th, 2016: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees Aquarius, 5:26 AM

Sep 1st, 2016: New Moon Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Virgo, 5:03 AM

Sep 16th, 2016: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 24 degrees Pisces, 3:05 PM

Sep 30th, 2016: New Moon at 8 degrees Libra, 8:11 PM

Oct 16th, 2016: Full Moon at 23 degrees Aries, 12:23 AM

Oct 30th, 2016: New Moon at 7 degrees Scorpio, 1:38 PM

Nov 14th, 2016: Full Moon at 22 degrees Taurus, 8:51 AM

Nov 29th, 2016: New Moon at 7 degrees Sagittarius, 7:18 AM

Dec 13th, 2016: Full Moon at 22 degrees Gemini, 7:05 PM

Dec 29th, 2016: New Moon at 7 degrees Capricorn, 1:53 AM

Saturn square Neptune

2016 finds transiting Saturn in a square with transiting Neptune for the entire year.  This aspect is going to help you see if your dreams can become reality or if you’re fooling yourself.  Some disappointments are possible, especially if you invest your time and energy into get rich quick schemes, dubious spiritual practices, or questionable relationships.  It’s time to take the rose colored glasses off and get to work.  That work may involve reexamining your goals and perhaps shifting them to something completely different and more meaningful.  This aspect is also about facing the music regarding our addictions: not just drugs or alcohol but other addictions such as gambling, materialism, toxic relationships, overspending, overeating, fear of failure or the need for approval (yes, fear can be addictive too).  Look at what situations are keeping you in bondage and begin planning your exit. The more work you do around addictive behaviors and mindsets in the next year, the healthier you become.  Liberation is possible if you are willing to address the issues and take responsibility. This is going to be especially potent for mutable signs or those who have a lot of mutable signs in their chart: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.

I love this post by Dena DeCastro on how to use this square for your spiritual life: Saturn Square Neptune – Creating A Spiritual Practice

Outer planets

Most of the outer planets will remain in the signs they’ve been in for a while. Remember: the outer planets take longer to move through a sign!  Only Jupiter will change signs in 2016

Currently we have:

Jupiter in Virgo – the planet of luck and expansion, Jupiter is more restrained in earthy Virgo.  This transit favors service, work, and details.  While here, it’s a great time to clear the clutter in your life and seek new ways to serve humanity.

Jupiter will be retrograde from January 8th through May 9th.  This is a good time to go back to school, reboot that diet, or to examine the details in your plans.

Saturn in Sagittarius – Saturn is the hard taskmaster and in philosophical, worldly Sagittarius, it’s the right time to examine our beliefs and how we are relating to the world at large. Are your beliefs serving or harming?  Guard against bigotry, dogma, and self-righteousness.  This aspect is great for refining your big visions as well as for reforming spiritual and educational systems (pay attention to what is happening on campuses this year for this may influence the larger political landscape).

Saturn will be retrograde from March 25th through August 13th.  Be very mindful that you are not shoving your beliefs down people’s throats during this time.  Instead, listen more and talk less.  Examine your opinions and seek truth. (PS tact will serve you well.)

Uranus in Aries – Unpredictable Uranus loves to shake things up.  In pioneering Aries, we’re blazing new trails in science, and humanitarianism.  Look at all the advances we have been making in technology and social reform (ex: legalization of same-sex marriage).  We’ve still got a long way to go on the latter and we’ve also got Pluto in Capricorn, which  tends to hold on to the old with a death grip until it finally releases and welcomes the new.

Uranus will be retrograde from July 29th through December 29th.  Pay very close attention to politics – arguments could become volatile…or certain political issues that seemed to be making progress may hit a wall now.  The energy is restless and people want change but no one is sure how to do that.

Neptune in Pisces – Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces, so it’s pretty happy here.  This period is fantastic for artists, musicians, and mystics.  Whether you’re navel gazing or tuning in and turning out, be sure to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground.  This dreamy transit can produce escapism so watch out for spaciness, drug/alcohol abuse, or other clever ways of avoiding responsibilities and other unpleasant things.

Neptune is retrograde from June 13th through November 20th, perfect for taking a spiritual retreat or getting in touch with your intuition.  Make sure you are not ducking out on the world, even if the nightly news is making you drained.

Pluto in Capricorn – Pluto has been in Capricorn for a number of years and it’s got a few more to go.  Pluto is the planet of transformation and Capricorn represents the status quo, the old way.  This transit is perfect for revolution – tearing down the old structures to make way for the new.  The last time we had this transit was during the American Revolution!  Watch politics carefully the next few years.  The times they are ‘a changing.

Pluto will be retrograde from April 18th through September 26th. This retrograde is righteous for inner transformation and releasing old thought patterns and judgments.  Clear out your stinkin’ thinking and any bad habits that might be infringing on your bossness.  Speaking of boss – this is not the time to try to control others.  Keep your eyes on your own inner work.

Jupiter changes signs

Jupiter moves into Libra on September 9th, putting the focus on justice, fairness, balance, art, and beauty.  This transit is great for settling karmic debts and restoring law + order. Diplomacy is king now – settling issues through compromise or legal methods can bring greater harmony.  Matters of equality will be important in the year ahead so keep an eye on the next election as class war and women’s rights may be front and center.  This transit can bring incredible advances in art.  It’s also fabulous for partnerships of all kinds – whether you’re forming a business relationship or finally tying the knot, Jupiter says I do!

Mark September 26th on your calendar: Jupiter will be conjunct the Sun, making it a universally “lucky day”.  This is a fabulous date and auspicious as hell!  Make your big wishes, big proposals, hot dates, or killer dance moves happen on this day.  Bada bing!


Now – on to some mini 2016 personal-scopes with tarot advice!

Aries: You’re a lucky duck with your career this year, dear Aries.  With expansive Jupiter sitting in your 6th house until September 9th, you may just blast past your coworkers and land in the top spot.  You’ve got oodles of energy and ambition to match, making you unstoppable.  With hardworking Saturn in your 9th house of travel and transformative Pluto gracing your 10th sector of honors and recognition, you’re at your peak.  This is your year to hustle hard and if you do, you’ll be richly rewarded and so proud of all you’ve accomplished.  While travel may be an important part of your year, be aware that you may experience more than your share of problems.  If you are going anywhere, be as patient as possible, especially during these times: March through the end of May and then from August 2nd through September 27th when intense Mars also sits in your 9th house.  You’ll also want to guard against narrow-mindedness and fanatical beliefs.  If you find yourself leaning towards offensive, check yourself before you turn everyone off.  In September, Jupiter will move into your 7th house of relationships, giving you a full year to improve your partnerships – or find a new love if you’re single.  You’ll have no shortage of potential suitors so don’t be a wallflower – get your ass on the dance floor and strike a pose!

Three of Swords – Feeling overly-sensitive or heartbroken?  Make 2016 the year you finally forgive those who have hurt you.  Heal those wounds and your heart will thank you very much.

Taurus: 2016 is bound to be one of your favorites ever, dear Taurus. With expansive Jupiter moving through your 5th house, you’ll get more than your fair share of romance and fun!  This is a perfect year for scheduling in time for pleasure – whether that be through hot dates with your honey (or a new paramour) or for a weekend getaway at the beach.  Because the 5th house is also connected to children, it’s a favorable time for hanging with the kidlets, expanding your family, or indulging your inner child. Your creativity is strong and if you are in an artistic field (or one that requires out-of-the-box thinking), you’ll excel.  Somber Saturn in the 8th is a reminder to not overindulge, especially if your fun involves someone else’s money…or your credit card.  This year requires good money management skills, especially around tax time.  With a hard angle to your Neptune in your 11th, you’ll want to careful about bailing out your friends as well.  If your best buddy needs a loan, help them out but make sure you have an agreement in order to avoid hurt feelings later.  Friends may turn out to be unreliable this year so protect your ass. Also keep in mind that impulsive Mars will make a long transit through the 8th house from March through the end of May and then from August 2nd through September 27th – do be careful with your spending during that time – think before you invest or spend! When Jupiter moves into your 6th house on September 9th, the focus is on your career.  Lucky opportunities in the last quarter of the year find you expanding your work like never before.  Big boons are possible so get ready for a happy onslaught.

Two of Pentacles – You’ve got a lot to handle. Not just day-to-day responsibilities but finances.  Try to remain as balanced as possible. Avoid extremes and you’ll be a-okay.  (Psst watch your money carefully if you are traveling.)

Gemini – The year ahead may bring challenging lessons on the relationship front, dear Gemini.  With Saturn gracing your 7th house of partnerships, you can bet that all of your relationships may need a fine tuning this year. Saturn tends to make us work and although you’re the communicator of the zodiac, you may find that at times people just don’t get you…or want to cooperate with you.  You’ll need to be as nimble as can be – and do your part to bring harmony to your relationships.  It’s also possible that boundary issues will be a major theme.  If you’ve got weak boundaries, the energy vamps will be out in full force!  Learn to say no and stick to your guns.  You don’t have to accept shoddy treatment, ever.  A hard angle to Neptune in the 10th adds an extra-icky spin to this.  You may find that people are not what they seem – or they may have unrealistic expectations of you.  Do your best to be clear and clearsighted as this might just affect your reputation in some way.  Whatever you do, watch out for your legendary flakiness during this year – if you don’t honor your commitments, you may get a bad rap for it.  Also, keep in mind that fiery Mars will make a long transit through the 7th house from March through the end of May and then from August 2nd through September 27th.  These periods might bring some aggressive people into your world who may try to push past your boundaries.  You’ll need to be iron-clad during those times.  On to some pleasantness: lucky Jupiter moves through your 4th house of home all the way until September 9th.  This is wonderful energy if you are trying to buy or sell a home – or get your Martha Stewart on!  Decorate, entertain, get project done…it’s all good.  Your home could also be a hub for intellectual gatherings with like minded souls – perhaps you may want to host a salon or a book club?  When Jupiter moves into your 5th house of romance on September 9th, you are about to come into one of the most fabulous years for love!  Whether you are single or partnered, it’s about to get very lovey-dovey in your world as the year winds down!

Queen of Pentacles – Stay grounded and focused on your goals.  You can manifest all the goodies you want provided you keep your eye on the prize.

Cancer – Optimistic Jupiter is hanging around in your 3rd house of mind, communication, neighbors, short journeys and siblings all the way until September 9th, which means you’re going to have a pleasant year ahead in those categories.  This is a wonderful year for indulging in many mini-getaways, whether that be a hike in the woods with your honey or a visit with grandma up north.  Get out and about instead of hunkering down in your home base as you normally like to do.  In matters of communication, you’re spreading positivity wherever you go.  Harmonious interactions with your siblings, neighbors or friends may make you quite the popular one.  Jupiter will settle into your 4th house on September 9th, which means you will be back to focusing on the thing you love the most: your home.  Jupiter will remain here for a year, giving you ample opportunity to get your household set up the you want.  Buying or selling a house is one way Jupiter may affect this sector but it’s also possible that your home may become a lively environment with an expanded family that includes all those people you’ve been connecting with earlier in the year.  Your work life promises to be demanding all year long. That’s because Saturn is kicking your ass in your 6th house of work.  Increased responsibilities may bog you down but don’t despair. With solid routines in place, you’ll get the work done and prove your worth.  Dreamy Neptune is making a square to Saturn, which could lead to confusion in the work environment or on any work travels.  It’s also possible that you may be having trouble communicating with people who work at a distance.  If your work is global, do your best to be ultra-clear on all communications.  Aggressive Mars will make a long transit through the 6th house from March through the end of May and then from August 2nd through September 27th – be mindful of your dealings with others then and don’t let your temper – or someone else’s – cause a situation to blow out of control.  Instead, keep your cool and you’ll continue to impress the top brass.

Five of Pentacles – This year, be charitable.  Welcome other people into your world.  Be inclusive, for many are fighting hard battles out there.

Leo – You’re up for some major improvements when it comes to money this year, dear Leo.  With expansive Jupiter moving through your 2nd house of finances and resources, you’re up for some big gains. Whether that come through a raise, promotion, or a windfall, you can be sure that your fortune is on the upswing.  This is a great period for getting a loan, improving your credit, asking for a raise – or for raising your rates if you are self-employed.  You may also find yourself wanting to spend those reserves as fast as they come in. That’s because Leos do like some luxury!  While there is nothing wrong with a bit of bling, do be careful that you’re not going through the money like a drunken sailor.  A bit of restraint looks good on you, darling.  Your romantic life needs a bit of work this year.  Somber Saturn in the 5th tends to put a damper on your fun, which could lead to a lack of romantic opportunity or challenges in existing relationships (you might also be so damn busy with work that you have less time for snuggling!).  If you want to see an improvement in that arena, you’re going to have to work on it.  With Neptune adding a hard angle to Saturn, reality checks are in order. Prince Charming is not making house calls – you’ll need to make the effort to meet someone or to start taking responsibility for your role in any troubles you may be having with a current partner. This placement can also bring trouble through gambling – or an unexpected pregnancy!  But remember: you are in control.  None of this needs to happen if you are willing to take precautions.  Be especially mindful when aggressive Mars makes a long transit through the 5th house from March through the end of May and then from August 2nd through September 27th – impulsive actions could prove to be disastrous.  Err on the side of extra-careful!  When Jupiter enters your 3rd house on September 9th, it might be time for some long-overdue short jaunts or new forms of mental stimulation.  Hit the ski slopes or the books – or both. You’ll have a whole year ahead for journeys, both physical and mental.

Two of Wands – You’ve got the whole world in your hands so don’t believe for a minute that you have to wait for what you want. Go for it!

Virgo – This is YOUR year, dear Virgo. While some challenges are ahead, know this: you are on FIRE.  That’s because expansive Jupiter is in your sign all the way until September 9th, adding extra sparkle to your image and a bounce in your step.  You’re feeling more confident this year and why not?  You shed some ugly baggage (and perhaps a few not-so-awesome people) and now you’re light.  Carefree.  Ready to knock ‘em dead wherever you go.  This is a new life phase and you can move about as you wish. If there is a goal you want to achieve, the Universe is going to work like a magic elf to make it happen.  Up your awesome and trust that things are going to work out in your favor.  Jupiter will move into your 2nd house of money on September 9th, and that means you’re out from under a period where you may have needed to count your pennies.  This is going to make a full year of financial improvement ahead.  As you move into 2017, money is going to become your new BFF.  This could be a period of windfalls or raises – and, if you’re self employed, you may have some incredible ideas that could up your prosperity to new levels.  Things are definitely looking up!  What to watch out for: hardworking Saturn is continuing it’s transit through your 4th house sector of home.  Last year may have found you making a big move and now this year, you’re defining what home means to you.  It’s possible that 2016 will find you creating a nest you love on your terms.  If you split up from a relationship (or are planning to), or simply are leaving home for the first time, you may be out on your own and starting to learn how to stand on your own two feet.  Neptune and Saturn are making a hard angle which will affect your 4th and 7th houses – this could bring increased responsibilities in the home, plumbing issues, or you may find that a loved one isn’t the person you thought they were.  Also, fiery Mars adds drama to this when it makes a long transit through the 4th house from March through the end of May and then from August 2nd through September 27th – this could bring fireworks with loved ones (both good and not-so-good) or possible fire in your dwelling.  Don’t let any of this dampen your glitter or make you paranoid.  Just keep a wary eye and chalk up any trouble as lessons that will help you maintain control of your orbit as you continue to make your home – and your home in the world. It’s not a bad year to meet someone new but do watch out for needy types.  It may feel attractive to be needed but that’s going to wear on your last nerve quickly.  Seek an equal.

Six of Pentacles – What you give is what you’ll get.  Be generous and spread that glam that you are exuding, boss.

Libra – This year starts out very quiet, dear Libra.  You’re in dormant mode like a beautiful butterfly waiting patiently for the right time to emerge from your cocoon. With expansive Jupiter in your 12th house, your secret power is your ability to expand your consciousness by going within or focusing on helping others. This is not the year to be selfish or self-absorbed but it’s great for introspection, therapy, meditation, and being a do-gooder. Put your energy there and trust that when Jupiter moves into your sign on September 9th, the goodies will begin to show up as you enter a wonderful year of luck then.  You’ll burst out of that cocoon with the biggest, brightest wings of all, for everyone to admire.  Accolades and luck will be your companions but don’t let that drive you.  Just focus on the self-improvement you need to do and stay on your kindness hustle.  Saturn is hanging around in your 3rd house of mind and has been for a year.  You may have felt a bit bummed out or low-energy in 2015.  Saturn is still creating that vibe but with a hard angle to Neptune in the 6th, it may be time for you to do something about it.  This is the right year to see how you are contributing to your own outlook and to start to take real responsibility for changing that.  Rather than indulging in negative thinking, start to see how you have created your own illusions – and get help.  Mars in the 3rd from March through the end of May and then from August 2nd through September 27th may make you angry as a hornet for no reason.  If you find yourself taking out your issues on other people, check yourself before you wreck yourself and remember: you have the power to create the life you want and you can’t assign that to anyone else nor should you be angry if others don’t march to your tune.  If you focus on self-improvement, school, and mindful communication, this year could be truly healing.  You’re a work in progress but by the end of this year, you’ll be very proud of how far you’ve come…and everyone else will be too.

Knight of Cups – You’ve got a big heart.  Let it lead and put the past in your rear view mirror.  Love your life and live with love.

Scorpio – 2016 may find you more popular than ever, dear Scorpio.  With merry Jupiter traveling through your 11th house of friends, group activities, and goals, you can be sure you’re going places and getting a much wider circle of pals. You’ll be on everyone’s invite list and why wouldn’t you be? After all, you’ve got smoldering magnetism that people cannot resist.  Expect your social calendar to be full all the way until September 9th.  This placement of Jupiter is marvelous for networking.  If you run a business or work in sales, be sure to mingle because it WILL pay off.  Don’t hide away from events or places where you can meet new peeps – both online and off.  It will be worth the effort.  When Jupiter moves into your 12th house on September 9th, you can hibernate then.  But don’t skimp on your appearances before then.  GET OUT THERE.  While all that social stuff is sounding pretty jazzy, please keep an eagle eye on your finances this year.  Serious Saturn is sitting in your 2nd house, which could be rough going financially.  Opportunities may be scant or you may have a lot of expenses that deplete your resources.  If you’ve got “poverty consciousness” issues on top of all that, you may have a hard time attracting any abundance.  The cure?  Get disciplined with your money and your money mindset. That means putting away the credit card, paying your damn bills, and creating a strong structure for saving money or conquering debt.  The smart Scorps who do that might just amass a nice chunk of change while paying off some bills.  Be THAT Scorpio.  Keep in mind that Neptune is adding some astro-bull with a hard square to Saturn all year long.  Because it’s in the 5th, you’ll need to stay away from get-rich schemes, extravagant spending, and dubious speculation. This is not a great year for you to invest in stock markets unless you are taking a conservative route.  You could lose a fortune with this aspect. Or, if you are taking the less risky route outlines above, you’ll be safe as can be and laughing all the way to the bank.  Be especially careful from March through the end of May and then from August 2nd through September 27th when impulsive Mars roars through your 2nd house.  These periods could be decent for attracting money but also hellacious for spending sprees.  Throw your credit card in the freezer then and remember to breathe!

The Fool – A fool and his money are soon parted.  Wise up and don’t take unnecessary risks.

Sagittarius – This is an astonishingly good year for your career and reputation, dear Sagittarius.  Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is gracing your 10th house sector of honors and recognition all the way until September 9th, which is giving you a whole lotta luck in your career and ample opportunities to pump up your jam to new levels.  It’s very possible that you’ll be seeing some major professional achievements happening during this period.  Advancement is possible and public honors – yep…those too.  You’re the media’s darling so don’t hide your awesome behind an “aw shucks” demeanor.  Grab the limelight and boss up!  When Jupiter moves into your 11th house of social activity and goals, the good stuff keeps on coming.  You’ll be on everyone’s list and should anticipate a full social calendar for all of 2017.  (PS it’s a great twelve month period for hosting big shin-digs too.).  But now…we’re swinging around to a more serious subject.  That subject is you, dear Sagittarius.  Somber Saturn has been in your sign for a full year, which has been making you question your self, your image, your work.  Who am I?  Who do I want to be?  You may have been struggling to define yourself or your work in the last year.  That trend is continuing right as you are getting all those 10th house goodies.  To top it off, dreamy Neptune is hanging around and making an unfriendly angle to that Saturn.  This creates a vibe where you need to work on getting clear on who you want to be when you grow up (or something like that).  It’s time to get real.  What do you REALLY want to be doing? How do you want to leave your mark on the world?  And how do you want to be seen?  Noodle around those questions and trust that the answer will emerge.  What not to do: try to be what you think others want.  This is not about them.  It’s about you being YOU.  And that starts by cutting through the illusions, doing some hard work on defining what’s important to you and then pursuing your life as you see fit.  Thankfully, Mars is helping you out with a nice long stay in your sign from March through the end of May and then from August 2nd through September 27th.  During these periods, you find the courage to set your boundaries and to project your real you like never before.  Everyone around you is blown away and ready to give you the respect you so richly deserve.  Play on, playa.  (PS your motto this year: fortune favors the brave. Be brave.)

Three of Wands – There is a whole world out there waiting to receive your genius.  Make your move…and your mark.

Capricorn – Pluto is continuing a long stay in your sign, dear Capricorn.  This is the planet of transformation and you’ve been feeling it’s presence for a long time now.  You’ve been morphing into a stronger version of you, shedding all the old crud like a beautiful snake.  With hard working Saturn sitting in your 12th house, the need to heal and release is amplified.  You’re going to be doing some major letting go work and the best part? It’s getting easier.  Although dreamy Neptune is making a hard angle to Saturn all year long, it’s going to be for your benefit.  You’re getting a reality check of what work still needs to be done and you’ll find the courage to continue to pay off karmic debts, forgive, and deep dive into those tender spots that need to be mended.  This is a wonderful year for therapy, meditation, or spending time in quiet.  Your soul work is accelerating and you’ll be moving towards a peaceful connection with yourself – and the world. Be mindful from March through the end of May and then from August 2nd through September 27th when Mars comes stomping through your 12th house – this can bring trouble through hidden enemies – or you could be your own worst enemy then with neurotic fears and secret affairs! Jupiter in the 9th is adding a gorgeous spiritual element to this.  This is a year of awakening, rebirth, and spiritual awareness.  If your profession involves hospitals, charities, higher education, or any sort of mystical work, you’ll excel this year.  2016 is also favorable for travel, especially if you are heading to faraway places.  Jupiter in the 9th loves to get off the beaten path and explore.  If you can make time to travel, do so.  When Jupiter moves into your 10th house of honors and recognition on September 9th, you’ll be getting a whole year to advance your career to dizzying levels.  This is your time to shine!  Step into the spotlight and claim your place.  Your ambitions are about to get epic and your rep?  SUPERSTAR status.

King of Cups – You’ve got a heart as big as Texas.  Show your compassion this year – to the world and yourself.  Let love rule.

Aquarius – 2016 is going to be testing and changing your friendships, dear Aquarius.  With hard taskmaster Saturn sitting in your 11th house of social activity, you may find yourself interacting with some mighty serious folk this year.  Whether you are involved with professional organizations or simply debating world philosophy with cronies at the bar, this is a year for strengthening bonds – or breaking them, should the relationships turn out to be a burden. That’s the thing with Saturn – it breaks down and then builds up.  Examine your associates.  Are there any people that drag you down?  Are some of your pals a bit immature?  Clear those relationships out and focus on building quality relationships with people of substance.  No one is a more loyal friend than Aquarius and you tend to stick with ‘em through thick and thin. But this year requires discernment.  You’ll want to be especially careful when it comes to mixing business and pleasure. Neptune in your 2nd house of money is squaring Saturn all year long.  It is likely that friends could end up costing you in some way.  For example, if you are in the habit of lending money, you may well get burned. Or you could be picking up the tab after a Las Vegas weekend gone bust.  Try not to get your finances tangled up with your buddy’s if you wish to avoid trouble. Be extra cautious from March through the end of May and then from August 2nd through September 27th when Mars mingles with Saturn in the 11th house.  This could bring fights or reckless activities that prove to be costly – not just in terms of money but the friendships as well.  Mars in the 11th is great for group activities, especially those of a physical nature (think: playing basketball with your besties). Lucky Jupiter is spending a good part of 2016 in your 8th house of joint resources, intuition, and sex.  Ahem.  You’ll be fortunate in all three areas. Which means: windfalls, flashes  of inspiration, and lots ‘o steamy action.  You could find yourself flush with cash or sexual partners.  In a relationship?  Your partner’s finances could be changing for the better and that may lead to some major lovin’.  When Jupiter enters your 9th house of travel on September 9th, you’re ready to begin planning your world tour.  Far away places beckon.  Where to?  The world awaits your imminent arrival.

Four of Pentacles  – The man with the most coins, wins.  As Snoop Dogg says: “Keep your mind on your money and your money on your mind.  Laid back.”

Pisces – Memo to Pisces: this year will be a love-fest.  Expansive Jupiter is riding high in your 7th house of relationships, which means you’ll be surrounded by more love than you ever thought possible. That could be a rash of admirers thinking you’re the hottest babe in the pack, or it could simply be your family and friends, showering you with so much love that your heart feels it might just overflow.  If you need anything, you can be sure that those who love you will make darn sure you get what you need.  Kindness and compassion is the jam and you’re going to groove on this energy all the way until September 9th, when Jupiter will then ease into your 8th house of joint finances and intuition.  That will begin a year long transit where you’ll be able to access your sixth sense like never before.  You’ll be downright spooky, yo.  This transit is very good for money and often favors an inheritance or money from a partner.  (PS it’s also a great placement for sex.  Cue Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s Get It On”.)  Hard working Saturn is still hanging around in your 10th house of recognition, the best place for it to be. Saturn is happy here because it rules this placement.  And you’ll be ruling your career too.  Whether you are the boss or a short order cook, you’re going to be the king of queen of that domain.  Recognition will come and you’ll be getting your just rewards.  With driven Mars joining forces with Saturn from March through the end of May and then from August 2nd through September 27th, you’ll be unstoppable.  In fact, it’s perfectly fine for you to be ambitious this year.  Go full-on and reach for that slippery brass ring.  Be a hot-stepper!  Above all, don’t worry about what others might think.  With Neptune squaring Saturn, you may find yourself doing just that.  Truth: you can be ambitious as hell and still remain that spiritual, far-out, humanitarian we all know you are.  Your superpower this year comes from  your ability to enthusiastically pursue your goals and toot your horn without resorting to selling your soul.  Magic? Yes. No one else is surprised by your brilliance…but you might be.

Strength – You’ve got the power, babe.  Believe in yourself like we believe in you.


Want an in-depth look at your chart?

These are some of my favorite astrologers:


The Midheaven


Dena DeCastro

Sagittarian Mind

Mystic Medusa

Happy 2016!



©  Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2015

images from stock photography

Wanna learn astrology without the confusing astrobabble?  Keep an eye on my world next year.

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