
Christmas is easily and undoubtedly my favorite excuse to craft. Hands down, no contest. Every year as we pull our boxes and bins of Christmas decorations down from the attic and set to decking the halls, I feel the same joy that I felt as a kid as my parents started unraveling long strands of lights. My mom isn’t exactly the craftiest lady, but most years she had some kind of crafty pursuit for us, whether it be ornaments for the tree or cute gift boxes loaded with cookies and good cheese for our bus driver and teachers. This little Christmas craft is the easiest thing you’ll ever make. In fact, it’s so easy it’s almost belittling to call this a tutorial. That said, I always try to throw out a few ideas that everyone of all crafting levels can make and this year, this one is it! We’re talking DIY terrarium winter scenes with the cutest little bottle brushes and a big handful of snow. You know, the fake kind. Naturally.


Glass cylinder vases or similar

Fake snow (I used two varieties)

Bottle brush trees

Florist moss

I found all of these materials at Michaels and each terrarium took just about five minutes to make. (And that might even be a stretch, honestly.) I kept mine simple with just moss, snow and trees, but you could deck out your vignette with more detail if you’d like. A little house, perhaps, or even a tiny light pole or two. All of these things are readily available at craft stores this time of year. I began with simple, modern wide-mouthed cylinder vases and added a bit of green florist moss to the bottom to provide a base.

Next up, it’s all about those trees! I loved how cute my terrariums looked with just trees and I used a couple of different sizes to keep it looking somewhat natural. Then I sprinkled a whole bunch of snow all over everything! I used a combination of the plain white fluffy snow (which you’ll also find in the Christmas village type section in craft stores) and topped everything off with a dose of the sparkling snow. The combination of the two makes things look pretty and festive without being too fake or glittery looking. (Because clearly we’re going for realism here.) It’s as simple as that, friends! Both of mine have had a prime spot in our dining room since I made them and they’ve gotten a lot of compliments already. For being so easy to make, they sure are cute! Remember, if you give this or any of my other Christmas DIY ideas or recipes a try, share with me on Instagram using #thesweetestholidays!

[Art direction + styling by Cyd Converse | Photos by Alice G. Patterson for The Sweetest Occasion.]

© The Sweetest Occasion, 2016. |
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