
A couple months ago I was honored to host a picnic for some of my best girls in collaboration with Martha Stewart. Not unlike a lot of  ladies in general and countless lifestyle bloggers specifically, I’ve been a fan of Martha for decades. Even as a little kid I remember watching her on television and flipping through the magazine knowing full well that someday I would grow up and have the prettiest house, all dutifully organized to perfection, to serve as the backdrop for hosting killer dinner parties. While I don’t exactly have that amazing house just yet, I am pretty crazed about making sure my towels and sheets are folded just right, so I’m on my way, don’t you agree? At any rate, today I am over the moon to share that my work is being featured by Martha Stewart! I don’t have many words that sum up how cool that is to me, but “Look, Ma! I did it!” seems to work pretty well. See the feature here!

Of course, another thank you is owed my amazing mom and also my girls Darlene, Erica, Carolynn and Alice for being a part of the festivities!

[Design + styling by Cyd Converse | Photos by Alice G. Patterson for The Sweetest Occasion.]

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