
This post was sponsored by ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape. Thank you for supporting the sponsors that so generously help The Sweetest Occasion keep on keepin’ on!


I’ve been wanting to tackle a gallery wall in my office ever since we moved in as a way to showcase my art print collection. I have a huge collection of letterpress prints that I’ve been building on for the last several years and I typically frame them in the same simple blonde wood frames and just add new sizes when necessary. I love how the clean lines of the frames allow the artwork to pop, but lately I’ve been thinking they could use a little bit of a makeover. So when ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape contacted me about teaming up to bring you a fun DIY project, I knew I had my inspiration!

Unfinished wood frames of your choice

Various paints and/or stains

ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape

Craft paint brushes

Sand paper or sanding sponge

Clean cloth or wood cleaning wipes

Kraft paper

Picture frame hangers



Start by lightly sanding the entire surface of the frame to give it a nice smooth finish. I personally like the ease of sanding sponges, this time opting for the 3M Pro Grade Sanding Sponge in extra fine. I usually keep a stash on hand for quick little projects like this. You don’t need to sand it down much, just a quick pass or two on all the sides of the frame will do. Just be sure you’re sanding in the direction of the wood grain!

Next up, use a damp lint-free cloth or a wood cleaning wipe to clean down the surface of the frame to remove any dust or fine particles. This step just helps to prep the surface for your paint or stain. Allow it to dry for a few minutes and then you’re ready to paint!


Before taking your brush to paint, think about how you want your finished frames to look. I personally chose two colors of paint – Beach Glass in High Gloss by Martha Stewart Crafts and my trusty Rust-Oleum Specialty Metallic Gold spray paint. I knew I wanted a mix of the two paint colors and the existing natural finish of the wood. So I kind of played with it as I went along, mixing and matching and layering different coats of paint to achieve the look I wanted. To get started smooth your tape over any area you don’t want painted. Apply the paint you’re working with, remove the tape and then retape over the part you just painted before adding your second color.


Once your frames are painted and completely dry, it’s time to hang up your gallery of frames! I like to start by first using a piece of chalk to trace each frame onto kraft paper. The chalk isn’t absolutely necessary, but what I like is that it will wipe right off the edge of your frame whereas pen or marker might be permanent. Then cut out your kraft paper to correspond with each frame and arrange them on your wall to determine how you’d like your gallery to look. Once you have a layout you like, tack each piece to the wall with a low-tack tape like washi tape.



Next up, tap a picture hanger in place for each of the corresponding frames, using your kraft paper layout as a guideline. I personally love and always use the kind that come with the little pin because they’re a cinch to hang up. (Like these ones.)


Once you have all the picture hangers in place, hang your frames up (without removing the kraft paper) to check for placement and spacing. If everything looks agreeable, pull the frames back down, tear away the kraft paper and then rehang all your frames. Voila! You have a gallery wall.



[Design + styling by Cyd Converse for The Sweetest Occasion. | Photos by Alice G. Patterson.]

Sources -

Natural wood frames purchased at The Art Store

You Are  My Sunshine print by May Day Studio

Live What You Love print by Heartfish Press

Things That Are Round print by 1Canoe2

The fine print: Please link with love! As with all of our posts, DIY projects featured on The Sweetest Occasion may not be copied, distributed or reproduced without express written permission. Love and links are always appreciated! If you’d like to share this post, please link to this post directly for the DIY tutorial and do not include the instructions in your own post. Thanks so much! xoxo

This post is a collaboration with ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape Brand. Join the community at Facebook.com/scotchblue or visit scotchblue.com to learn more.

© The Sweetest Occasion, 2013. |
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