
“Ticket please?”

Juuuust kidding

Today, we are going to take a break from food, and delve into how I write my posts!

I had never heard of the Writing Process Blog Tour until Pamela’s post.  She emailed me asking if I would be willing to continue this tour on and after reading her post, I was hooked!  With food blogging, I get to see the recipes and often, the stories, but very rarely, the process.

Ready?   Here we go!

What am I working on?

For the blog: I am using up the coconut and almond flour samples I was sent by Hodgson Mills, which has been really fun.  For specific recipes, I want to try a fun flavor of cinnamon rolls … in a custard pie.  We’ll see if it happens!  After several weekends and weeks of being gone this summer, it has been hard getting back into the swing of things (commenting, posting, social media (UGH)) so instead of focusing on a certain part of the blog, at this time, it is just keeping up.  I would like to do some things with the layout and recipe page at some point.

In life: College; ‘nough said!

How does my work differ from others of its genre?

Haha, this is easy.  My quick answer is I’m random and I don’t always get things done professionally.  But if you let me think about (which you did, thanks ) my blog is more personal and although older posts are no longer applicable (because I’m no longer working on algebra, etc.) it documents what I’ve been doing the last couple years in addition to what I’ve been baking.  I think my blog is also different because I lean towards the healthy/allergy friendly dessert recipes, but I’m only dairy free.  I can still cook with wheat and eggs and peanuts, even though I don’t always.  Usually, healthy dessert blogs are completely allergy friendly, vegan, or something like that.  I still throw in some guacamole recipes and I still whip up cheesecake because 1) I can’t live on doughnuts alone and 2) my family can eat anything and I like making things they enjoy.  Basically, I’m not a traditional food blogger, but I’m not an allergy friendly, health food blogger either.  I try to be confusing

Why do I write what I do?

I write because I love the power of words.  I love the concreteness of a sentence, I love the emotions involved in a well written paragraph, and I love the joy in reading other people’s stories.  A picture can say a thousand words, but that picture is open to opinion.  I know what you are thinking when you write things down.  I can guess what you are thinking when you send me a picture, you know?  I write because this was an assignment where the focus was writing but I write now because I think it is important to learn how to write well and to find a place you enjoy to write.  I enjoy writing blog posts.  Sure, the recipes are fun, but the posts are what challenge me.  It isn’t always easy to tie in life with food.  Sometimes it just doesn’t have a pretty transition.  But that’s ok!  There is something very rewarding about a well written post and those kinds of posts are what draw me to other bloggers and I want my blog to do the same.

How does your writing process work?

Well.  Let’s see.  I write like I talk, which is often in fragments and often dramatic.  So I’ll type my post out, leave it alone for a day (or a couple hours, depends on how behind schedule I am ) and then come back and read it out loud again.  Usually, I will find that I have way too many question sentences (y’all are going to love this recipe, yes? *facepalm*) or I have to add clarification to places, like elaborate on the baking process.  I try to jot down the recipe as I make it and any substitutions or notes, so that I can add it to the post.  My goal is always to have some sort of intro that catches your attention, a little story or tidbit, something about the recipe, and then a fantabulously stunning conclusion (which … has never happened)  I’m very organized, but I don’t always feel like my thoughts are, so my writing “process” per se is usually just typing what is on my mind and then doing some editing afterwards.  It kills me, but sometimes I have this fantastic idea for how something that has been going on in life can tie in with a recipe, but I just can’t seem to get it all together.  And you get a post with just the recipe.  I’m getting better, but for a while, there were a lot of “recipe posts” and not a lot of “life posts” but I began to purpose to always include something outside of food.

There you go!  Thank you Pamela for the nomination, I had to think about some of these questions, but they were really fun!  Because we don’t want the fun to stop here, I’m nominating three of my blogging friends to continue it on!  Both Marcie and Nora have guest posted for me before so you should be familiar with their beautiful faces and incredible food!

Marcie @ Flavor the Moments.  Marcie’s recipes run the gamut, from light and healthy to traditional comfort food, from desserts to main dishes, and a few granola bars in between.  She attended culinary school and has so much cooking and baking knowledge!  I love her genuineness and willingness to help out whenever.  She balances mom and blogger so well and is a joy!

Nora @ A Clean Bake.  Nora is such a sweet blogger who creates amazing allergy friendly food.  She also specializes in healthy desserts, but her main dishes are nothing to joke about.  She always leaves me with my jaw on the floor, a smile on my face, and my taste buds in love.

Thank you ladies for being willing to be the next stop on the Writing Process Blog Tour!  Make sure to check their sites to see their answers to the four questions!

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The post The Writing Process Blog Tour … all aboard! appeared first on The Sweet {Tooth} Life.

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