
By  Commmon Sense Prepper

Today we’re checking out several articles from around the web and including some commentary to assist you in gaining some additional survival knowledge.

From bioprepper.com: 6 Uncommon Items for Your Usual Survival Kit This article stirs up the imagination a bit and offers several off-the-wall suggestions for helpful items that you may have overlooked. Although I love the list and think that the items suggested are great, I will caution you that the author suggests potential uses for a few items that could be dangerous, such as applying WD-40 to an insect sting. Even so, the author does suggest several items that are usually forgotten or dismissed and includes some suggestions for their use that are equally interesting. Just make sure you check to be sure that whatever is suggested is safe before you follow the advice!

From thebackyardpioneer: How I Preserve Food, Fermentation Fermenting is typically a process we think of for alcohol, not lettuce, but the author makes a good case for using this preservation method. This article offers a few of the primary benefits of fermenting foods and then is quick to provide a helpful recipe for sauerkraut to get you started. This would be a good article to check out, since you can ferment many, many, many, food items by fermenting them and it’s a skill that can still be used even when the power is out. Give this article a look and jump into the world of old-timey food preservation.

From crisissurvivortips.com: How to Make a Fishing Spear the Old Fashioned Way  This is a great DIY article with simple and clear instructions on making your own fishing spear. With both written instructions and a great step-by-step photo record of the author’s own attempt at a spear, this post makes it easy even for novices to try. All you’ll need is a few sticks, a suitable log for the spear, a bit of cordage and a knife for slicing and splitting and you’ll be on your way! A fishing spear can easily be adapted to other uses, ranging from self defense (either personal or trap related) to hunting, so give this post a look.

From theprepperjournal.com: Is Cotton Really the Worst Clothing for Preppers?  The idea of cotton being deadly in extreme situations is fairly well established in the hiking and prepping communities, but this article injects a little reality into the absolute statement. Sure, cotton isn’t great for several prepping situations (long distance bugout, harsh weather etc) but other alternatives also have their problems which need to be taken into account. Furthermore, cotton can be used for lighter duty stuff, or in other situations highlighted by the article. Give this a look and see what you think!

This article first appeared at Prepared For That – Check it out here: Uncommon Items for Your Survival Kit: Josh’s Take on Survival Knowledge

Filed under: Emergency Survival Tips, How To Prepare, Prepping

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