
By Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) America is rapidly devolving into the oppressive police state  we’ve been warning readers about. Right now, cops are exhibiting thuggish,  out-of-control “mafia” behavior as they run loose across America, terrorizing  innocent citizens, shooting  up the vehicles of people who are merely driving cars on public roadways,  taking warrantless  blood draws from drivers, shooting pet  dogs of people who are merely filming police, raiding  farmers at gunpoint over raw milk and terrorizing  young women for buying bottled water and cookie dough.

All of these  are real and happening right now in America. The cause behind them? Police are  being “militarized” through federal training while being given weapons of war  through federal grants. Police departments across the country are now being handed  armored assault vehicles, surveillance drones and full-auto assault rifles.  Along with this equipment comes a training and engagement posture that is increasingly  aggressive and militaristic, subjecting more and more Americans to the kind  of “theater of war” engagement tactics that the U.S. military would typically  use at a roadblock in Afghanistan, for example. (See latest example, below.)

Military tactics and equipment now used by your local police

“In recent years, police departments have widely adopted military tactics,  military equipment (armored personnel carriers, flash-bang grenades) — and,  sometimes, the mindset of military conquerors rather than domestic  peacekeepers,” writes TimesDispatch.com.

President Obama famously said, during the gun control  debate of 2012, that, “AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not on the  streets of America.” Yet it is his administration that’s putting weapons of war  on the streets of America via local police departments. By arming police and  training police in the hardware and tactics of military warfare, the Obama  administrations is doing an end-run around Posse Comitatus and  effectively putting wartime troops on the streets of America.

As  part of all this, federal law enforcement have been training with so-called “no  hesitation targets” that train them to instinctively  shoot pregnant women, children, young moms and old men. These targets –  whose existence was first denied, and then downplayed when the denials didn’t  work — offer irrefutable proof that the corrupt, criminal government  currently running the USA is actively planning to engage women, children and  senior citizens with weapons of war.

This is, of course, on top of the  long-confirmed two  billion rounds of ammunition the Department of Homeland Security has ordered  (and partially acquired) in an attempt to stockpile enough ammunition for a  twenty-year war with the American people. Once again, this stockpiling of  hollow-point ammo by DHS was first denied, then downplayed, and now has been  called a “conspiracy theory” even thought it is confirmed  by the federal government iself which says it needs the ammo for “training  purposes.”

The IRS  is now being trained with AR-15 rifles, and DHS has also purchased thousands  of armored assault vehicles that are mine resistant and  bulletproof.

Meanwhile, the Boston marathon bombing proved that local  police will now act completely outside of law and initiate  Martial Law in a manhunt for a teenager. It wasn’t declared Martial  Law, of course… it was called “shelter in place,” meaning you could not leave  your homes. Once the lockdown was in place, Boston police went door to door,  yanking citizens out of their homes at gunpoint, screaming at them to put  their hands up or be shot on sight. This was all done completely without  any warrant or any suspicion of wrongdoing on the part of homeowners.

It later turned out that the entire Boston marathon  bombing was meticulously  planned in advanced by the Boston police and was run as a “terror drill” to  terrorize Boston and give the police some much-needed practice in running a  police state oppression scenario. This is all 100% confirmed and openly  admitted. Even the Boston Globe reported, on June 8th:

The  scenario had been carefully planned: A terrorist group prepared to hurt vast  numbers of people around Boston would leave backpacks filled with explosives at  Faneuil Hall, the Seaport District, and in other towns, spreading waves of panic  and fear. Detectives would have to catch the culprits. … But two months before  the training exercise was to take place, the city was hit with a real terrorist  attack executed in a frighteningly similar fashion.

Now, apparently, local law enforcement can simply utter  the word “manhunt!” and completely ignore all citizens’ rights, the Bill of  Rights, due process and state and federal law. Police have become rogue gangs  with complete immunity from all crimes even while they are the ones  committing crimes on a massive scale. They can pull you over for no crime  whatsoever, stick their fingers inside your anus and call it a “roadside search”  while using the same glove on you that they just used on somebody else’s anus.  (True  story. Click here for source.)

Police terrorize 20-year-old girl for buying bottled water and cookie dough

The latest example of the terror being dished out by local police operations is  found in the story of Ann Downey, a young girl whose vehicle  was assaulted by plain clothed “undercover” police who she thought were  trying to carjack her.

It is very important to listen to the audio of  Ann’s 911 call begging for help as she and her friend were rushed by six men  with guns:

It turns out Ann Downey was  being terrorized by members of Virginia’s Department of Alcoholic Beverage  Control (ABC), which apparently consists of trigger-happy police who are so  bored out of their minds that they can think of nothing more useful to do than  terrorize young women for buying cookie dough.

Imagine the scene: You’re  getting into your car after buying some cookie dough, then suddenly six  non-uniformed men rush your car and start screaming at you while wielding  guns. At least one of the undercover officers drew his weapon, according to media  reports.

Am I the only one here who might have pulled out my own gun  and started shooting in self defense, believing my life to be in extreme danger  by a rogue gang of armed criminals who were aggressively rushing my  vehicle?

As far as I’m concerned, these ABC goons are lucky they  didn’t get shot, and if they had been shot, it would be hard to argue that  the woman wasn’t exercising her right to self defense in shooting  them.

It’s important to note here that the driver of the vehicle,  named Elizabeth Daly, was charged with three felonies. In a  statement posted online, Daly said:

“This has been an extremely  trying experience and one that has called into question what I value most: my  integrity, honor and character. …Cookie dough and ice cream for a fundraiser  should not put you through an extremely degrading night and afternoon in jail,  appearing in court, posting bond, having to pay an attorney …not allowed to  leave the state, causing you endless nights of no sleep, [a]ffecting your school  work and final exams, wondering if you would be dismissed from school, wondering  how this would damage your reputation and ability to get a job, all while  waiting on pins and needles to see what the Commonwealth is going to offer  you.”

See the interactive map of paramilitary police raids taking place across America

Here’s a map showing just some of the paramilitary police raids and attacks on  American citizens:

To see the full map with interactive pop-ups,  visit:


As you view the map  above, keep in mind how widespread these events really are. Just last week in  Nevada, a couple filed suit against local police there, claiming they were  raided and shot with “pepperball rounds” by police that wanted to use their home  as a stakeout location. For refusing this demand, the couple were shot at and  then arrested for “obstructing justice.”

As the  lawsuit reads:

[Police officers] conspired among themselves to  force Anthony Mitchell out of his residence and to occupy his home for their own  use. It was determined to move to [the home address] and attempt to contact  Mitchell. If Mitchell answered the door he would be asked to leave. If he  refused to leave he would be arrested for Obstructing a Police Officer. If  Mitchell refused to answer the door, force entry would be made and Mitchell  would be arrested.

Seconds later, officers, including Officer Rockwell,  smashed open plaintiff Anthony Mitchell’s front door with a metal ram as  plaintiff stood in his living room. As plaintiff Anthony Mitchell stood in  shock, the officers aimed their weapons at Anthony Mitchell and shouted  obscenities at him and ordered him to lie down on the floor. Officers, including  Officer David Cawthorn, then fired multiple pepperball rounds at plaintiff as he  lay defenseless on the floor of his living room. Anthony Mitchell was struck at  least three times by shots fired from close range, injuring him and causing him  severe pain. Officers then arrested him for obstructing a police officer,  searched the house and moved furniture without his permission and set up a place  in his home for a lookout.

This is America? Think again…

When do Americans stand up and say, “Enough!”

So here’s the question: At what point will Americans  realize their country has become a Stasi-inspired police state tyranny? When  will they march on their state capitols and demand to be treated with dignity  and respect rather than being beaten, shot, arrested, intimidated and censored  by police?

And I ask this question as a supporter of local law  enforcement. I’ve worked with police, trained with police and volunteered with  police. I know that most police officers across the country are honorable men  and women who are trying their best to keep the peace. But the number of “good”  police seems to be shrinking while the number of “rogue” cops is on the  rise.

This highly disturbing trend is an intentional one put in place by  the Obama administration that’s trying to militarize police all across the  nation in a run-up to something very, very big: an event that is expected to  cause nationwide rioting and social unrest.

Why else would DHS buy 2+  billion rounds of ammunition, bulletproof roadside checkpoint booths, armored  assault vehicles and full-auto assault rifles? Why else would police be trained  to shoot pregnant women, children and senior citizens on sight? Why else would  the government be spying on every phone call, email and text of every U.S.  citizen right now?
We are living under a nightmare Big Brother police  state right now, and it’s not an accident. This has all been brought in for  a specific purpose: to first acclimate the public to a police state presence  (hence the TSA security pat-downs), and then to activate that police  infrastructure to engage in the mass-arrest or mass-murder of Americans.

The American people are asleep at the wheel while tyranny encircles them

This will happen as long as Americans allow it to happen.  Every day that the American people spend distracted by gay marriage, sports  celebrities, TV programs and the Kardashians is another day that the criminal  elite running this country build up their infrastructure of terror and  oppression against the People.

While Americans are hypnotized into a  state of delusional denial by CNN and the New York Times, the Obama  administration is strangling freedom to death with a determined rollout of total  surveillance, actual death squads that target journalists, the criminalization  of whistleblowing, the targeting of reporters in the mainstream media, the  intimidation of patriot groups by the IRS and a hundred other forms of  oppression, intimidation and blackmail.

What we are witnessing here is  a government gone completely criminal. This is a government that now  openly kidnapped the President of Bolivia on the off chance that his airplane  might have been carrying Ed Snowden. This is the government that openly admits  to the existence of secret kill lists that target American citizens for  assassination. This is the government that runs the world’s largest surveillance  spy program which even spies on ally nations like Germany and France.

Trickle-down tyranny

The U.S. government abides by no law and respects  no limits whatsoever to its power. It is a rogue, out-of-control criminal mafia  that has taken over positions of government in order to grant itself the  appearance of authority.

It is this mafia mentality that’s trickling down  to local police departments in the form of aggressive tactical training, armored  assault vehicles and even police uniforms which now look like something torn  right out of a dystopian, Orwellian sci-fi flick depicting a dark  future.

I coined the term “Trickle-Down  Tyranny” in 2011. The phrase was later picked up by Michael Savage and  became the  title of his book by the same name.

Since 2011, Savage himself has  become increasingly outspoken about the rise of tyrannical government, the  oppression of freedom in America, and the dangerous tactics of intimidation and  oppression being practiced by police nationwide.
Everyone can see  what’s happening: America is turning into an occupied police state.  Individual freedoms are bring crushed. All the rights guaranteed under the Bill  of Rights are being systematically destroyed by design. The Obama administration  is rapidly becoming the Orwellian dictator we all feared might one day rise up  in America, yet half of America remains too far gone to open their eyes and  realize what’s happening.

And so the injustices are allowed to accelerate  to the point where innocent Americans are being routinely terrorized by law  enforcement. While the guilty run free, the innocent are targeted for  shakedowns, arrest or beatings.

This is the death of freedom in America.  You are watching the destruction of the Land of the Free and the rise of Obama’s  tyrannical regime.

If you and millions of others do not rise up against  this, you may one day find yourself collapsed on your knees, looking over a  large ditch of fresh bodies while a “police officer” holds a pistol to the back  of your head and pulls the trigger.

You, like hundreds of millions before  you, are about to become another statistical victim of government gone  bad. Throughout history, rogue governments have murdered at least 260  million people. And it all began with precisely the same process we are seeing  unfold in America today.

Rise up or be exterminated. – Natural News

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