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Fat Newbie advice please


3 hours ago
3h ago

Alright, yeah probably a bazillion posts on here similar and some folk probably fed up of the same old crap but i need to put my personal circumstances to you for tailored advice suitable to me.


Ok so i bet you can already guess what im about to ask but let me assure me, im now 100% dedicated and serious about this and your not wasting your time, Im far from an expert, im completely new to this, please be gentle.

So im like 5ft 5", 188lbs, yeah a little fatty. Ive suddenly felt a strong urge to get in shape (not a fad that will pass, just fed up... i really do want to get slim and toned)

Let me be straight with you from what i 'think i know' Im not expecting this to be easy, im not expecting to achieve an insanity styled body, im just a little fat kid that got lazy and the blubber crept up on me, by then i was too much a lazy fat ass to do something about it. Not any more. I own a multi gym and thats it. Ive just bought it and intend on buying another piece of equipment maybe a treadmill?? Cross trainer?? Exercise bike??

Currently im a tad self conscious about jogging (ManBoobs all over the place you know) im also a tad gym shy, atleast until i get rid of a tyre or two.

Massive paragraph but i felt the need to fill you in completely, my diet is also terrible (kebabs, pizzas all the tasty fat ****)

But i have seen the light, im prepared to make a change, so what im asking for is.....

1. Best equipment to invest in

2. what to eat, what not to eat, calorie intake etc

3. What to expect

4. Any other advice you believe i would benefit from.

I understand this is a massive post and if youve read my post, i would sincerely like to thank you for your time. Please believe me when i say i am not wasting your time, 2016 is MY YEAR, i will beat the blubber. I have no set wieght as i do not know enough yet as i know i will probably replace fat with muscle, possibly getting heavier but slimmer and more toned, once again THANK YOU!

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