
by Sydney Brownstone

According to the lawsuit, Sean Perryman was the only black person present during the scuffle. SPD

Seattle Police Sued Over 2015 Arrest at Rhino Room: Honor student Sean Perryman spent a weekend in jail after trying to mediate a fight outside the Rhino Room in 2015. Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O'Toole later apologized to Perryman for his arrest. "But Perryman was left with tooth damage, mental trauma and a tainted record," the Seattle PI reports. "Now he and his father — a prominent Eastside reverend — are suing the Seattle Police Department, the city of Seattle and the Rhino Room for what they believe was a racially motivated arrest."

Constituents Are Filing Recall Papers Against MIA State Senator Doug Ericksen: Ericksen has been trying to do two jobs—one with the Trump administration—in addition to his responsibilities at the state legislature.

Inbox: Constituents frustrated w/ GOP Sen. Doug Ericksen's absence in Olympia say they'll file recall papers tom morn in Whatcom Co. #waleg pic.twitter.com/5UBDklI8FO
— Joe O'Sullivan (@OlympiaJoe) February 8, 2017

Davis, California, Votes to Sever Ties with Wells Fargo: Seattle was the first city to end its relationship with Wells Fargo over the bank's financing of the Dakota Access Pipeline, but Davis
became the second. The Davis city council voted to pull $124 million out of the bank when its current contract expires at the end of this year. Philadelphia and Minneapolis are considering similar moves.

Matt Remle, a leader of the Seattle #DefundDAPL movement, said the timing of Seattle's ordinance was a mixed blessing in light of the easement. Seattle Channel

Meanwhile, Dakota Access Pipeline Builders Resume Work: Energy Transfer Partners (ETP), the company behind the pipeline, estimates it'll take 60 days to drill underneath Lake Oahe, the source of drinking water for the Standing Rock Sioux. The Cheyenne River Sioux asked a federal judge this morning for an emergency halt to the work while an existing legal challenge moves forward.
"The sanctity of these waters is a central tenet of their religion and the placement of the pipeline itself, apart from any rupture and oil spill, is a desecration of these waters,” Cheyenne River Sioux attorney Nicole Ducheneaux wrote in a filing to US District Judge James Boasberg.

Standing Rock Sioux Chairman Dave Archambault II Flew to D.C. to Speak with Trump Officials on Tuesday: But when he landed, he found out that the Army Corps of Engineers had granted ETP the easement to drill under the Missouri, as directed by POTUS. Archambault canceled the meeting. "[Trump's] complete disregard for Native Nations and our treaty rights is disrespectful," Archambault said in a statement.

Transit Use Has Jumped Five Percentage Points in Two Years: This is according to a new report from Commute Seattle, which also showed that only 30 percent of downtown Seattle workers are driving to work alone.

The women of the Seattle City Council—including Lorena González and Sally Bagshaw (pictured above)—bore the brunt of abuse after voting against the SoDo Arena street vacation last year. City of Seattle

SoDo Arena Group Re-Files Petition for Street Vacation: Last May, the Seattle City Council voted against the street vacation, which triggered a flood of misogynist hate mail against the women on the council. This year, developer Chris Hansen is trying a slightly different tack by offering to privately finance the whole thing and leave the street untouched until his investment group can find a team to play at the proposed arena.

UW Students Sue Trump: The students—identified anonymously in court filings—are part of a class action lawsuit against the Trump administration filed by the ACLU. The suit claims that both students, who are from Iran, have had their research disrupted because of the travel ban.

Chronicle of Higher Education Goes Long on the Milo Shooting: The piece also profiles Jessie Gamble, the head of the UW College Republicans.

Jeff Sessions Confirmed as US Attorney General: The vote was 52 to 47. Read the letter Coretta Scott King wrote about Sessions—the letter that got Senator Elizabeth Warren silenced on the Senate floor—here.

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