
The STD Project

If you’re seeing this post, you’ve either come to the website on the day of or on some day following our big unveil. So, welcome! After a little over a year and a half since our initial launch, we’ve received some incredible feedback, and we’re ready to invest in the next step.

With the newest, most advanced code, a mobile-friendly design, and some additional bells and whistles, we have prepared for you, we’re sure you’re going to love our new look. Those of you who are website-savvy will realize we haven’t actually launched an entirely new website (you’re so smart), but we have overhauled the entire design, and, to most, that will look like a brand new website.

Please Excuse Our Dust

Depending upon the time of day and which day, in particular, you happen to land at our fabulous new home, you may run across a few glitches, and you might not be seeing everything as it is intended to appear upon completion.

Please be as patient as possible. That said, we’d also like your feedback. Do you love our new design? Do you hate it? Let’s hope not, because this is what it will look like for a while, but if your response is negative, please also don’t be shy. You weren’t the first time around, why hold back now?! It was because of those of you who shared constructive criticism that we’ve launched this new version!

Anyhow, share you thoughts with us. (Probably could have just left it at that.)

Use the comments section below or, if you’re more shy than some, send us a private message via the contact form. Whatever’s clever.

The STD Project Phases 

Did you think this was it? Pssshh. Oh, ye of little faith. We’re no longer doing everything all by our lonesomes. We’ve hired a graphic design firm to help with the rest: Square One Design. They’re fabulous, by the way; I’d highly recommend them!

What, pray tell, are they helping us accomplish!? Well, what fun would I be if I gave everything away at once?!

Let’s just say, we’re launching our changes and professional developments in phases (hiring a graphic design firm is one of a number of professionals we now have on board).

This is phase one.

So, you’ll just have to stay tuned for the rest.

Who’s excited?!

- – - -

What do you think about our new design? Do you have some constructive feedback, or would you like to make us aware of a function that’s not working as you had hoped or just not working at all? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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