
Bryce Edwards had his go at a list of the top 100 tweeters to follow this election, but with only 24 women making the cut he faced terrible accusations of “a perceived lack” of gender balance. The silver lining is that his follow-up post was chock-full of the women who complained! Pesky, pesky women, as ColeyTangerina put it.

I thought I’d try my hand at a list – with a lot of women, an entirely obvious leftwing bias, and a big disclaimer right up front that these are just people who I think have interesting things to say about the election and NZ politics. Please suggest your own faves in the comments!

In the interests of deflecting criticism, tweeps are listed alphabetically by username. Click on their name to see their Twitter feed and give them a follow!

Mainstream media

Get the inside scoop on the night’s top stories/the front page/the stuff that gets bumped because an All Black has a career-threatening injury.

.@Jackalblog @RadioLIVENZ @JudithCollinsMP you're wrong. I said I have OIAs quickly when the info was released to other media.

— Andrea Vance (@avancenz) August 23, 2014

What is all this rugby talk? Doesn't anyone know the election opening broadcasts are on? Priorities people, priorities.

— Claire Trevett (@CTrevettNZH) August 23, 2014

Desperately waiting for it to snow in Dunedin. Every drop of rain sees me tell like a child "is THAT snow?" It's definitely cold enough.

— Katie Bradford (@katieabradford) August 21, 2014

46 total badasses who refused to fill in their census forms have been convicted – Stats NZ

— Laura McQuillan (@mcquillanatorz) August 20, 2014

Jamie Whyte Act Leader doesn't know what Whanau Ora is. You'll need to know if you go into a coalition with @PaatiMaori @TeUruroaFlavell

— Mihingarangi Forbes (@Mihi_Forbes) August 4, 2014

So after promising to answer the media's questions on #Dirtypolitics, the PM's answer is "we've had a good chew on it, time to move on".

— Jessica Williams (@mizjwilliams) August 24, 2014

A whooooole lot of people still aren't enrolled and I like leaving things 'til last minute too but maybe get onto it http://t.co/OxCu3PTvSE

— Elle Hunt (@mlle_elle) August 19, 2014

PM says we are spending less than we earn. But Govt not yet in surplus, public debt still rising and country's current account in the red.

— Brent Edwards (@rnzgallerybrent) August 21, 2014

Rules are starting to slip – heckling, head shaking, eye rolling and counter-arguments #hellensville #outtacontrol

— Tova O'Brien (@TovaOBrien) August 11, 2014


The good, the weird and the always-interesting-even-if-I-disagree-with-them.

Perverts at Swimming pools – Why don't they just check the STREET PROSTITUTES.

— Asenati LoleTaylor (@asenatitaylor) August 19, 2014

(Editor’s note: I am, like, 95% sure this isn’t the parody Asenati account. But who can tell?)

I really, really mean it this time Judith. This is your last, last warning. #weak

— Grant Robertson (@grantrobertson1) August 19, 2014

You know your past times r confusing when u jump in taxi post door knocking with mass of clipboards &drivers asks if you work for office max

— Jacinda Ardern (@jacindaardern) August 23, 2014

I should have brought some Green Party Akl transport plan leaflets on this bus. 15 people now standing.

— Julie Anne Genter (@JulieAnneGenter) August 23, 2014

Judith Collins finally gives an interview and it's too Rachel Glucina of The Diary. Wonder how the newsroom at NZ Herald feels abt that?

— Julie Fairey (@juliefairey) August 22, 2014

Fire your advisors John Key. That whole "Most NZers won't care" line is such an insult. Why you want insult NZers? #dirtypolitics

— Marama Davidson (@MaramaDavidson) August 21, 2014

heres a question from today @JohnKeyPM why is your govt cutting $3.8b from health, education and environmental spending? #askJohnKey

— Metiria Turei (@metiria) August 19, 2014

Hey @AliIkram .. I want you to come and do a lolly poll in Rotorua!!

— Tāmati Coffey (@tamaticoffey) August 19, 2014

#If and it's a big #if I was a lefty and was looking for a progressive, innovative #LeftParty to vote for, I would #VoteGreenParty 20/09

— West Side Tory (@tauhenare) August 22, 2014

Does ur family all vote for the same party? My mum is nats, 1 sis NZFirst, 1 sis Labour, 2 bro dont vote, me and 1 sis vote @NZGreens #nzpol

— Trish Tupou (@TrishTupou) August 17, 2014

This so-called surplus is achieved by all sorts of manipulation & creative accounting. No improvement is forecast on employment.

— Winston Peters (@winstonpeters) August 19, 2014

Nerds and h4xx0rs

Knowledge is power, innit?

Brownlee's staffer took part in blog, commented 'well done' about Simon Pleasant's leaked public service info http://t.co/X93r0NcC96

— Dirty Politics (@DirtyPoliticsNZ) August 22, 2014

What if we just printed money for first home buyers? #QEburn

— Keith Ng (@keith_ng) August 24, 2014

On Polity: Steven Joyce vs the facts on export breadth; reliance on dairy. Facts 2, Joyce 0. http://t.co/HjZM1ur1Pb

— Rob Salmond (@rsalmond) August 5, 2014

Thinking folk, self-serving trade unionists and party hacks

My people. And me. It’s my list, dammit.

LOL at right wingers defending an income tax because the other team want to get rid of it.

— Katpiss Neverclean (@AceMcWicked) August 23, 2014

The NZ National Front are endorsing Colin Craig for the party vote & Social Credit for the electorate vote – http://t.co/bjCU1NXPul #nzpol

— Asher Goldman (@AsherGoldman) August 23, 2014

OIA needs teeth. #DirtyPolitcs shows @NZNationalParty flagrantly breaching Act. That should be an offence. Currently done with impunity.

— Felix Geiringer (@BarristerNZ) August 23, 2014

if nothing else, National's campaign has made me want to watch 8 Mile again

— Clint Smith (@ClintVSmith) August 24, 2014

Seriously don't listen to councils on water. Just look at the Ruataniwha Dam nonsense. #StopDestroyingOurAwa #NativeAffairs

— Haututū Fulla (@CmmdrZed) August 4, 2014

Fun new pickup line to people you don't really like but want to do shit for you
"You're the Jordan Williams to my Whale Oil".

— Coley Tangerina (@ColeyTangerina) August 18, 2014

Why is Farrar on @nzqanda? Hey Mr Vampire wld u like to comment on the ethics of bloodsucking?

— Bounder (@DawgBelly) August 23, 2014

God forbid!!!! Is Hekia Parata planning National Standards for preschoolers? http://t.co/NY3GsNICIa via @Dianne_Khan

— SaveOurSchoolsNZ (@Dianne_Khan) August 24, 2014

So this is just your friendly election year reminder that prisoners can no longer vote, courtesy of National and their super urgent bills.

— Cuntess Von ManEater (@DorothySarker) August 21, 2014


— Duckie (@DuckieMcDuck) August 24, 2014

Might go out and steal me some elections tonight #LeftWingAgenda

— Aunty Greeb (@fuck_lupus) August 21, 2014

Key saying he was in Hawaii having a "whale of a time" confirms his contempt 4 those concerned about #dirtypolitics

— Helen Kelly (@helenkellyCTU) August 22, 2014

*sigh* the problem with the housing market is not one of demand, it's one of supply, and how we provide that supply. For crying out loud.

— AnonyMs (@homecomeexpat) August 24, 2014

Support group: People Who Didn't Even Make It Into Bryce's Pass-Ag Article Anonymous (working title).

— Isabelle (@izzyelle) August 23, 2014

National's message to the poor seems to be: "we know you are worse off but look! More spending on rheumatic fever!"

— jo (@jofromgreylynn) August 23, 2014

Opening videos in one word:
@nzlabour – hopeful
@NZGreens – worried
@InternetPartyNZ & Mana – lols
@actparty – bored
@NZNationalParty – MIA

— Lamia (@LI_politico) August 23, 2014

McCaw > Cunliffe > Key

— Morgan Godfery (@MorganGodfery) August 23, 2014

If you want Auckland to become as rental filled & unaffordable to lower & middle incomes as London, vote @NZNationalParty on Sept 20 #nzpol

— Dutton Peabody (@MrDuttonPeabody) August 24, 2014

Encouraging people to vote for Greens mainly so the amazing @MaramaDavidson gets in.

— Nat ☔️ (@NatDudley) August 20, 2014

Someone best be storifying the #johnkeymovietitles so I don't have to retweet them all…

— Jolisa Gracewood (@nzdodo) August 22, 2014

Why do we have Māori Studies anyway? Has it solved poverty? #ChannelingCraig #NativeAffairs

— Michael Tamihere (@RevTamihere) July 14, 2014


— milt ronmey (@someofmybest) August 16, 2014

Suddenly praising Bill English. Nobody's voting for National based on Bill English. Succession signals? #Vote2014 #National

— Unionist Stephanie R (@stephanierodgrs) August 23, 2014


Every housing policy National bring out only serves to increase value of existing landholders' stock and banks' business. When will they, oh

— The Egonomist (@TheEgonomist) August 24, 2014

if you search for information on the 90 day employment trial most of it is legal advice for employers

— not all bears (@thelittlepakeha) August 22, 2014

David Cunliffe wielding a yellow extension cord from the boot of his Mazda is life.

— Chelsea (@tripthestation) August 23, 2014

John Key has a personal worth of $55million. Think about that next time he's slagging off beneficiaries who have to live on $200 a week.

— Nomnomnom De Plume (@verbscape) August 23, 2014

When National liberalises stuff it always goes wrong. Always #thenationtv3

— Vincristine (@vincristine) August 23, 2014

John Key couldn't be more wrong calling NZEI a branch of the Labour Party. He's so out of touch for a so called man of the people.

— Vish On A Mission (@VishOnAMish) August 23, 2014

My politics reflect my deeply held beliefs and ethics. I don't have room in my heart for apathy or economic priority.

— Sarah Wilson (@writehandedgirl) August 19, 2014


It’s a laugh, isn’t it?


That noise you make at the back of your throat.

Oh yeah, that’s a laugh.

I don't understand…PM backing Seymour? But…I'm not even on the list. Is it too late to join the Internet Party reality show?

— Flour Bag 4Epsom (@EpsomFlour) June 9, 2014

"Well Gerry, the All Blacks' leader was sent from the field for a cynical foul last night so I might have to drop the rugby analogies."

— GCSB Intercepts (@GCSBIntercepts) August 23, 2014

comfortable about being relaxed

— John Key's Emotions (@johnkeysemotion) August 20, 2014

Oh awesome the Civillian guy is telling us what's important and what isn't, I look forward to the views of a 13 year old white guy.

— Megapope (@Megapope) August 20, 2014

John Key knows he can lie, hack, spy, deploy surveillance state, cheat, leak, drone bomb, anything but ….. mess with shower head sizes.

— Watershitdown (@watershitdown) August 21, 2014

Token rightwing pundit for “balance”

Hear the National Party’s key messages whole hours before they show up on The Panel!

BREAKING: @DavidCunliffeMP puts English's 21% record at risk. Bye-bye #DavidParker, @jacindaardern & @AndrewLittleMP http://t.co/cltFGjJvu2

— Matthew Hooton (@MatthewHootonNZ) August 14, 2014

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