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A friendly reminder that CicLAvia is scheduled for this Sunday with a nice course covering the different corners of downtown while stretching from MacArthur Park (Red/Purple Line) to Mariachi Plaza (Gold Line).

In fact, as the map shows the route is accessible by all Metro Rail’s downtown lines, as well as Metrolink.

There are, of course, many bus detours in order to accommodate the downtown route. Please see the entire list after the jump.

Also, don’t forget to show your TAP card at the Mariachi Plaza CicLAvia merchandise tent to get a 15 percent discount! More info

Affected Bus Lines: 002, 004, 010, 014, 016, 018, 020, 028, 030, 037, 040, 045, 048, 051, 052, 053, 055, 060, 066, 068, 070, 071, 076, 078/079/378, 083, 084, 092, 460, 487/489, 620, 720, 733, 745, Silver Line (910)

Effective Dates: Sunday, Oct. 6, 2013 — Sunday, Oct. 6, 2013


Lines: 2, 4, 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 28, 30, 33, 37, 40, 48, 51, 52, 53,  55, 60, 62, 66, 68, 70, 71, 76, 78, 79, 83, 84, 92, 96, 460, 487, 603, 620, 720 733, 745 & Silver Line

In effect: Sunday October 6, 2013 during the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Location: Spring St. between 1st St. and 9th St., Broadway between 1st. and Ave. 18, Central Ave. between 1st St. and 4th St., Boyle Ave. between 5th St. and 1st St. 1st St. between Hill St. and Alameda St. 4th St. between Mateo St. and State St., 4th St. between Hill St. and Main St., 7th St. between Parkview and Main St., 9th St.- Olympic Blvd. between Broadway and Naomi Sts.

Reason: CicLAvia – October 2013

Lines 2 & 4

Westbound Only: Regular route to Broadway and 9th St. to (L) 8th St., (R) Hill St., (L) Temple St., (R) Grand Ave., (L) Sunset Blvd. and regular route.

Lines 10 & 48

Eastbound/Southbound: Regular route to Hill St. and 8th St. then continue via Hill St. to (L) Olympic Blvd., (R) Main St. and regular route.

Westbound/Northbound: Regular route to Main & 11th St. then continue via Main St. to (L) Olympic Blvd., (R) Hill St. then regular route.

Lines 14 & 37

Northbound Only: Regular route to Olive St. and Olympic Blvd. then (R) 9th St., (L) Hill St., (L) 5th St. (R) Olive St., and regular route.

Line 16, 18, 62, 720

Westbound Only: Regular route to 5h St. and Wall St., then via 5th St., (R) Los Angeles St., (L) 3rd St., (L) Broadway, (R) 5th St. and regular route.

Line 20

Eastbound: Regular route to Wilshire Blvd. and Flower St., then continue via Wilshire Blvd. to (L) Hope St., (R) 6th St., (R) Maple Ave., then (L) into Maple Lot Terminal

Westbound: Regular route to Wall and 7th Streets, then (R) 7th St., (R) Los Angeles St., (L) 3rd St., (L) Broadway, (R) 5th St., (L) Grand Ave., (R) Wilshire Blvd. to regular route.

Line 28

Westbound Only: Regular route to 7th and Wall Street, then continue via 7th St. to (R) Los Angeles St., (L) 3rd St., (L) Grand Ave., (R) Olympic Blvd. and regular route.

 Line 30 (Downtown LA)

Eastbound: Regular route Broadway and 9th St. to (L) 8th St., (R) Hill St., (R) Temple St., to Judge John Aiso and regular route to 1st St. and Vignes St. then continue via 1stSt. to (L) Mission St., (R) Cesar Chavez Ave., (R) State St., (L) 1st St. and Regular route.

Westbound: Regular route to 1st St. and Cummings St. then via 1st St. (R) State St., (L) Cesar Chavez Ave., (L) Mission St., (R) 1st St., and regular route to Temple St. and Alameda St. Then continue via Temple St. to (L) Hill St., (L) Olympic Blvd., (R) Main St. and regular route.

Line 33

Westbound: Regular route to 5th St. and Wall St. then via 5th St. to (R) Los Angeles St., (L) 3rd St., (L) Hill St., (L) Olympic Blvd., (R) Main St. and regular route.

Eastbound: Regular route to Main St. and 11th St., then via Main St., (L) Olympic Blvd., (R) Hill St., (R) 6th St. to Main St. and regular route.

Line  40

Northbound: Regular route to Broadway and 9th St., then continue via Broadway to (L) 8th St., (R) Hill St., (R) Temple St. to Judge John Aiso and regular route.

Southbound: Regular route to Temple St. and Alameda St., then continue Temple St. to (L) Hill St., (L) Olympic Blvd., (R) Main St. and regular route.

Line 45

Northbound: Regular Route to Broadway and 9th St., then via Broadway to (L) 8th St., (R) Hill St., (R) Bernard St., (L) Broadway and regular route.

Southbound: Regular route to Broadway and Ave 19 then via Broadway to Spring St - Alameda St., (R) Alpine St., (L) Hill St., (L) 9th St., (R) Broadway to regular route.

Line 45 (Chinatown Shortline)

Northbound: Regular Route to Broadway and 9th St., then via Broadway to (L) 8th St., (R) Hill St., (R) Alpine St., (L) Alameda St. to layover zone.

Southbound: Depart layover zone, (R) College St., (R) Main St., (R) Alpine St., (L) Hill St., (L) 9th St., (R) Broadway to regular route.

Line 51 & 52

Northbound: Regular route to 7th St. and Maple Ave. then via 7th St., (R) Los Angeles St., (L) 3rd St., (L) Broadway, (R) 5th St., (L) Grand Ave., (R) Wilshire Blvd. (L) Park View St., (R) 7th St. and regular route.

Southbound: Regular route to 7th St. and Magnolia Ave., then via 7th St., (L) Hoover St. (R) Wilshire Blvd., (L) Bixel St., (R) 6th St., (R) Los Angeles St., (L) 7th St., and regular route.

Line 53

Southbound: Regular route Central Ave. and 7th St., then via Central Ave. (R) 8th St., (L) San Pedro St., (L) Washington Blvd. (R) Central Ave. and regular route.

Northbound: Regular route to Central Ave. and 20th St., then via Central Ave. (L) Washington Blvd., (R) San Pedro St., (R) 8th St. (L) Central Ave. and regular route.

Line 55

Southbound: Regular route to 6th St. and Flower St. then via 6th St., (R) Grand Ave., (L) Olympic Blvd, (R) Main St. and regular route.

Northbound: Regular route to Main St. and 11th St. then via Main St., (L) Olympic Blvd., (R) Figueroa St. and regular route.

Line 60

Northbound: Regular route to 7th and Wall St. then (R) Los Angeles St.,(L) 3rd St,(L) Broadway (R) 5th St., (R) Figueroa St. and regular route.

Southbound: Regular route to Flower St. and 5th St. then continue via Flower St. to (L) 6th St., (R) Los Angeles St., (L) 7th St. and regular route.

Line 66

Eastbound: Regular route to 8th St. and Beacon Ave. then continue 8th - 9th St., (L) Figueroa St., (R) 6th St, (R) Los Angeles St., (L) 7th St., (R) Alameda St., (L) Olympic Blvd., and regular route.

Westbound: Regular route to Olympic Blvd. and Mateo St., then via Olympic Blvd. to (R) Alameda St., (L) 7th St., (R) Los Angeles St., (L) 3rd St., (L) Broadway, (R) 5th St., (L) Grand Ave., (R) 8th St., and regular route.

Lines 70, 71, 76, 78, 79

Eastbound: Regular route to Olive St. and Olympic Blvd., then (R) 9th St., (L) Hill St., (L) 5th St., (R) Olive St., (L) 1st St., (R) Grand Ave., (R) Temple St.(L) Spring St. (Contra-flow) and regular route.

Westbound: Regular route to Spring St. and Aliso St. then continue via Spring St. to (R)Temple St., (L) Grand Ave. and regular route.

Line 83

Northbound:  Regular route to Hill and 2nd St., then continue via Hill St. to (R) Bernard St., (L) Broadway and regular route.

Southbound: Regular route to Pasadena Ave. & Ave. 20, then continue via Pasadena Ave. to (L) Ave. 18, (R) Spring St. – Alameda St., (R) Temple St., (L) Hill St., (L) Olympic Blvd., (R) Main St. and regular route.

Line 84 & 68

Northbound:  Regular route to Spring St. and Aliso St., then via Spring St., (R) Temple St., (R) Hill St., (R) Bernard St., (L) Broadway and regular route.

Southbound: Regular route to Pasadena Ave. & Ave. 19, then continue via Pasadena Ave. to  (L) Ave 18 (R) Spring St.- Alameda St., (L) Cesar Chavez Ave. and regular route.

Line 92

Northbound: Depart the terminal via Main St. to (L) Olympic Blvd., (R) Hill St., (L) Temple St. and regular route.

Southbound: Regular route to Temple and Grand Ave. then continue via Temple St. to (R) Grand Ave., (L) Olympic Blvd. to Main St. and regular route.

Line 96

Southbound: Regular route to Hill St. and Ord St. then continue via Hill St. to (R) 1st. and regular route.

Northbound: Regular route to Olive St. and Olympic Blvd., then continue via Olympic Blvd. to (R) 9thSt., (L) Hill St., and regular route.

Line 460

Eastbound Only: Regular route to 5th St. and Wall St., then continue via 5th St. to (R) Los Angeles St., (L) 3rd St., (L) Broadway, (R) 5th St., (L) Grand Ave., (R) 8th St., (L) Flower St. and regular route.

Line 487

Westbound: Regular route to Spring St. and Aliso St., then via Spring St., (R) Temple St., (L) Grand Ave., and regular route to Wilshire Blvd., and Union St. then continue via Wilshire Blvd. to (R) Westlake St., (L) 6th St., (L) Alvarado St., (L) Wilshire Blvd., to temporary layover zone, nearside of Bonnie Brae St.

Eastbound: Depart temporary layover zone, and regular route to Olive St. and 2nd St., then (L) 1st St., (R) Grand Ave., (R) Temple St., (L) Spring St. (Contra-flow) and Regular route.

Line 603

Northbound: Regular route to Hoover St. and James Wood Blvd., then continue on Hoover St. to (R) 8th St., (L) Alvarado St., (L) 6th St., and regular route.

Southbound: Regular route to 6th St. and Coronado St., then continue via 6th St. to (R) Alvarado St., (R) 8th St., (L) Hoover St. and regular route.

Line 620

Southbound Only:  Regular route to State St. and 1st St. then continue via State St. to (L) 4th St.to Soto St. and regular route.

 Line 733

Eastbound: Regular route to Main and 11th St. then continue Main St. to (L) Olympic Blvd.   (R) Hill St., (R) Temple St. (L) Main St. and regular route.

Westbound: Regular route to Spring St. and Aliso St., then via Spring St. (R) Temple St., (L) Grand Ave., (L) Olympic Blvd., (R) Main St. and regular route.

Line 745

Northbound: Regular route to Broadway and 9th St., then (L) 8th St., (R) Hill St., (R) Temple St. (L) Main St., (R) Cesar Chavez, and regular route.

Southbound: Regular route to Cesar Chavez and Main St., then continue via Cesar Chavez to (L) Grand Ave., (L) Olympic Blvd., (R) Broadway and regular route.

Silver Line

Northbound: Regular route to Olive St., and 2nd St., to (L) 1st St., (R) Grand Ave., (R)Temple St., (L) Spring St. (Contra-flow) and regular route.

Southbound: Regular route to Spring St. and Aliso St. to (R) Temple St., (L) Grand Ave., (R) 8th St., (L) Flower St. and regular route.

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