
Suspended Oakland Raider Aldon Smith recently posted this Periscope video to his (alleged) account’s 33 Periscope followers. In the video, a voice recognized as Smith’s clearly holds what looks like a lit blunt and asks his female friend if she’d like a toke.

For his part, Smith denies its him:

Good try, not me

— Aldon Smith (@AldonSmith) July 25, 2016

The replies from fans have been a mixture of cruel and hilarious:

@AldonSmith "There he is!!" pic.twitter.com/tJ9mvTwXKB

— DashMan (@DashMan18) July 25, 2016

.@AldonSmith pic.twitter.com/G7doL9PQ0D

— Adam Klug (@Adam_Klug) July 25, 2016

@AldonSmith pic.twitter.com/CKz1ThzRVb

— Sean (@S_Kantor95) July 25, 2016

In the video, there’s no firm indication that Smith was smoking a marijuana blunt and not, say, a cigarillo or a Black & Mild. But I don’t think anyone calls a cigarillo smoke a “fire up session” and asks “you trying to smoke fam” about a skinny cigar. And a woman does say “Aldon Smith” right when the video cuts off.

Plus, based on looks, it’s clearly a (kinda loose) blunt–just look at that clean ash!:

But you know what? There’s not any physical or verbal proof that this is definitely Aldon Smith (besides a woman’s word). And that means this shouldn’t hold up as a legit proof for the NFL to actually end Smith’s career.

While this man may very well be Aldon and this man was clearly smoking a blunt, he might (and should) very well skate free from this incident.

Smith has been suspended for a year since last November for violating the league’s substance abuse policy. So yeah, you’ve got to be a special kind of dumb to think posting this nonsense to a Periscope account that you’ve used in the past is a strong play.

And all the NFL writers and sports outlets are saying Smith’s career could be going “Up in Smoke” (ha that’s so original).

If so, the players union will have a field day with. Moreover, the league’s PR thanks to its insane weed policy.

Smith would join Martavis Bryant, Josh Gordon, Le’veon Bell, and countless other star NFL players sitting out the entire (or part of) the 2016 NFL season. When you keep this kind of transcendent God-given talent off the field you’re not only ruining grown men’s lives and finances–you’re hurting your on field product for the fans.

Here’s the full admittedly cringe-worthy transcript via CSN Bay Area

Female: (Expletive deleted), I’m not (messing) with you.

Male: I don’t give a (care). Ain’t nobody (messing) with us. We’ve got zero followers. Where is the ashtray at?( to audience)

Female: (Expletive deleted), you shouldn’t even be posting that.

Male: (coughing) (Expletive deleted), do you see my face?

Female: No, but what if…

Male: They don’t have my name. This is just a fire up session.

Female: So, if you just put it on there…it’s just doing it? It’s live? That’s hella stupid.

Male: Shut up. You hella stupid. You trying to smoke, fam? Is this the ashtray?

Female: Yeah. You ain’t using it no more, right?

Male: I’m using it.

Female: Oh, that’s a (expletive deleted) (inaudible)? Oh, a (inaudible)?

Male: You’re stupid. You’re tripping. (Expletive deleted), they don’t know it’s me. It’s not like I put “Aldon Smith”…

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