
By: The Voice of Reason |

When it comes to the federal government as of late, there is bad news, and then there is really really really bad news, and this falls under the second category I mentioned… the really really really bad kind. This is a head scratcher to end all political head scratchers if you will… OR… if you look at this more cynically, does it make perfect sense considering the sick individuals we have in Congress?

As you’ll learn in the second video below, late Wednesday night, while the nation’s capital braced for a once in a century type snow storm, RHINO’s in the United States Senate were brewing up a storm of their own, a megastorm set to be unleashed on the American people. In a very sneaky, almost Dingy Harry type way, Republicans like Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mc­Connell and Lindsey Graham were busy invoking Senate Rule 14, somewhat of an unknown Rule to anyone in Congress still possessing any ethics or morals, to craft a bill invoking Martial Law.

The same Republican establishment that knows full well it’s hated by both its opponents, and those within its base alike, wrote the Authorization for the Use of Military Force to fight the Islamic State group, but they did so in such a way as to make it a living nightmare for the American people. First, the new U.S. ISIS War Powers Act for the use of military force against ISIS allows the President to deploy U.S. military troops on U.S. soil without restrictions, meaning no limits on the number of ground troops deployed, no limitations on geographical areas, and no limits on the time frames for troop deployments, all under the “guise” of fighting terror.

Please recall that just last week, Navy Seals Were Told To Treat the American Public As Enemies or “Potential Terrorists” Amid a Two Year Long ”Training Exercise” Beginning in January. Do I even need to discuss how ridiculous this new bill sounds? Under Senate Rule 14, McConnell can spring a vote on this at any time without warning, and if passed by the Senate (you know every Democrat would be on board), that means that Congress is willing to give the same Barack Obama who was Caught Smuggling In Up To 100,000 Refugees Per Year on UPS Cargo Planes, and the same Barack Obama who cared so little about potential terrorism from Muslim refugees that he Promised to Veto Any Bill Increasing the Screening Measures for Said Refugees, the raw power to suspend the rule of law, and become judge, jury, and executioner himself.

The ISIS War Powers Act will allow that, all while giving Obama full use of the U.S. military (Or Don’t Forget the United Nations Multinational Forces Already on U.S. Soil) to do as he pleases! Try not to forget, during times the military is being used in a policing capacity, an act formerly outlawed domestically for the last 138 years “pre-Obama,” federal statute 10 U.S. Code § 332 now says “unlawful obstructions or rebellion against the authority of the United States, use of the militia or Armed Forces is authorized,” permits the federal government from being demonstrated against. An act of demonstration, or the most benign demonstrations of civil disobedience gives the government the authority to take “deadly action” against the public  because there are no clear distinctions on when the use of lethal and nonlethal force is appropriate.

Yell “Conspiracy Theorist” all you want. The actual law can be read with your own two eyes. Unites States Code 332 (10 U.S. Code § 332)

There have also been changes at the Pentagon that give the Army the authority to Classify Journalists as ‘Belligerents’ Who Can Be Shot on Sight If Need Be. When might that be necessary? Oh, I don’t know… maybe when people are spreading truth via alternative forms of media, because the mainstream media is so in bed with the government… As a classic example, right now the FBI Is Attempting to Shut Down Alternative Forms of Media With Regard to the Oregon Standoff (Listen to a Recorded Call).

So, what in God’s name are McConnell and Graham thinking? I think I have an idea…

One thing is clear: That they are NOT thinking of the American people. Recall what I said over and over two weeks ago leading up to the January 13th vote by the RNC about whether or not they were going to take up a Resolution Drafted For Obama’s Impeachment Consisting of 48 Separate Criminal and Treasonous Charges.

At the time, Committeeman Dave Agema was spearheading the effort, and he made it clear, as did I, that without pressure from We the People, the RNC would never take up the articles that detailed Obama’s “malfeasance, misconduct and abuse of the Oval Office,” including the IRS targeting of conservative organizations, and bypassing Congress with the use of executive action on key issues, as well as “aiding and abetting known enemies of the United States,” citing the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas and the Taliban among others. Why wouldn’t they take up the Articles of Impeachment because it was the right thing to do, and without pressure from We the People making their phones ring until they broke?

Simply put: Because no member of Congress, not from either party, cares about ANYTHING more than they care about there own seat at the table. Period. Trying to impeach the first black President, when they weren’t getting any pressure from We the People? That would have been political suicide, so it’s no surprise they did nothing.

NOW, when you look at who the GOP presidential nominee is likely to be: either Ted Cruz or Donald Trump, perhaps BOTH, the “establishment” knows their preverbal seat with either will be at the “Kids” table moving forward, so I submit to you that this underhanded sneaky Senate Rule 14 INSANE bill, is their “break open glass in case of emergency plan” if our absurdly corrupt electoral process doesn’t somehow end up with Bush winning the nomination despite all odds.


Conservative Tribune Reports:

While parts of the nation braced for Winter Storm Jonas, Senate Ma­Majority­ Lead­er Mitch Mc­Connell was busy preparing the way for a proposal on the floor that had many concerned.

The Authorization for the Use of Military Force, written by Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., is packaged as a proposal to fight the Islamic State group — but it would also allow the president to deploy military forces anywhere he chooses and for as long as he wants.

Simply put, the AUMF “would not re­strict the pres­id­ent’s use of ground troops, nor have any lim­its re­lated to time or geo­graphy,” according to Defense One.

Graham, who has been critical of President Barack Obama’s handling of Syria and Islamic State group, said the AUMF is designed not to put limitations on where, when or how the United States military pursued the group.

Not surprisingly, some Republicans found issues with the proposal. Sen­ate For­eign Re­la­tions Chair­man Bob Cork­er said there were still a wide range of opinions on the matter.

It’s been a difficult measure to pass, as Senate members argue over how to put restrictions on the use of force. Even as Obama tried to pass his own version of the bill last year, members said that before they could support such a measure, they would need additional restrictions on troop levels and geographic boundaries.

This proposal is quite a turn for McConnell, who has stayed away from the issue in the past. Clearly, something has changed his RINO mind.

It’s also surprising that he would clear a path for a proposal that would give Obama virtually unlimited war powers — something no president should ever be given.

H/T Right Wing News

Your News Wire reports:

Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists (AUMF) permits a state of martial law to exist throughout the United States, as U.S. military personnel will, for the first time, patrol the streets of America.

The new AUMF was slipped in by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who invoked Rule 14, surprising the Senate.

Sarah Mimms for Defense One noted that invoking “Rule 14″ sets up the authorization for a future vote, but does not put it on the calendar, meaning a vote could come at any time. The resolution already has four Republican cosponsors: Senators Lindsey Graham, Daniel Coats, Joni Ernst, and Orrin Hatch.

The AUMF put forward by McConnell would not restrict the president’s use of ground troops, nor have any limits related to time or geography.

Defenseone.com reports:

Sen­ate Ma­jor­ity Lead­er Mitch Mc­Con­nell offered mem­bers a snow-week­end sur­prise late Wed­nes­day night: Quietly tee­ing up a de­bate on the leg­al un­der­pin­ning for the fight against IS­IS.

After months of wor­ry­ing that such a res­ol­u­tion—known as an au­thor­iz­a­tion for the use of mil­it­ary force—would tie the next pres­id­ent’s hands, Mc­Con­nell’s move to fast-track the meas­ure sur­prised even his top deputy, Sen­ate Ma­jor­ity Whip John Cornyn, who was un­aware that Mc­Con­nell had set up the au­thor­iz­a­tion.

“He did?” Cornyn asked Na­tion­al Journ­al on Thursday morn­ing.

The AUMF put for­ward by Mc­Con­nell would not re­strict the pres­id­ent’s use of ground troops, nor have any lim­its re­lated to time or geo­graphy. Nor would it touch on the is­sue of what to do with the 2001 AUMF, which the Obama ad­min­is­tra­tion has used to at­tack IS­IS des­pite that au­thor­iz­a­tion’s in­struc­tions to use force against those who planned the 9/11 ter­ror­ist at­tacks. By con­trast, the leg­al au­thor­ity put for­ward by the ad­min­is­tra­tion last Feb­ru­ary wouldn’t au­thor­ize “en­dur­ing of­fens­ive ground com­bat op­er­a­tions” and would have ended three years after en­act­ment, un­less reau­thor­ized.

After sit­ting on the pres­id­ent’s pro­posed AUMF for nearly a year, amid deep in­fight­ing in the Sen­ate over the meas­ure, Mc­Con­nell’s move came as a sur­prise to many mem­bers. Just in Decem­ber, Mc­Con­nell dis­missed the idea of bring­ing up a new au­thor­iz­a­tion, telling re­port­ers: “It’s clear the pres­id­ent does not have a strategy in place, so it would be hard to fig­ure out how to au­thor­ize a non-strategy.”

Don Stew­art, Mc­Con­nell’s spokes­man, said Thursday in an email that the new AUMF “is not the one the [p]res­id­ent asked for” and “not one that would tie the [p]res­id­ent’s hands.”

Stew­art ad­ded that the pro­cess Mc­Con­nell used to set up the AUMF, known as “Rule XIV,” merely sets up the au­thor­iz­a­tion for a fu­ture vote, but does not put it on the cal­en­dar—mean­ing a vote could come at any time, or not at all. The res­ol­u­tion already has four Re­pub­lic­an co­spon­sors: Senators. Lind­sey Gra­ham, Daniel Coats, Joni Ernst, and Or­rin Hatch.

That came as news to many mem­bers Thursday. Sev­er­al sen­at­ors said they were un­aware that Mc­Con­nell had moved to fast-track an au­thor­iz­a­tion and some Re­pub­lic­ans im­me­di­ately poin­ted out is­sues with the pro­pos­al. Sen. Jeff Flake, who in­tro­duced a more lim­ited AUMF with Vir­gin­ia Demo­crat Tim Kaine last June, said: “We need to pass one—we don’t need to just make a polit­ic­al state­ment.”

“I just know that it’ll be dif­fi­cult to get Demo­crat­ic sup­port on this,” he ad­ded.

Sen­ate For­eign Re­la­tions Chair­man Bob Cork­er said that there is still a “wide di­versity” of opin­ions on the is­sue. Some Demo­crats were crit­ic­al of even the pres­id­ent’s own draft AUMF, warn­ing that they’d need ad­di­tion­al re­stric­tions from the ad­min­is­tra­tion on troop levels and geo­graph­ic bound­ar­ies be­fore they could sup­port any au­thor­iz­a­tion. Re­pub­lic­ans, mean­while, wor­ried deeply about re­strict­ing the pres­id­ent as this ad­min­is­tra­tion, and the next one, work to com­bat IS­IS.

Cork­er’s com­mit­tee—and the Sen­ate at large—was so deeply di­vided over the pres­id­ent’s AUMF pro­pos­al in Feb­ru­ary that the pan­el ul­ti­mately dropped the is­sue, with Cork­er ar­guing with the ad­min­is­tra­tion that no new au­thor­iz­a­tion was needed. “I don’t think it changes any­thing,” he said, of the new res­ol­u­tion.

“I’m in the same place that I’ve been—and that is I be­lieve the ad­min­is­tra­tion has the au­thor­ity to do what they’re do­ing,” he ad­ded. “They be­lieve they have the au­thor­ity to do what they’re do­ing. If a con­sensus de­vel­ops and I be­lieve that something con­struct­ive re­l­at­ive to us deal­ing with IS­IS might come out of it then cer­tainly I’d be glad to con­sider it.”

Still, sev­er­al long-time ad­voc­ates for passing a new meas­ure au­thor­iz­ing the ad­min­is­tra­tion’s war against IS­IS were pleased to see an AUMF mov­ing, however slightly, for­ward.

“This is the right thing,” said Gra­ham, a co­spon­sor on the new AUMF res­ol­u­tion. “This is the right in­fra­struc­ture to have.”

“If our Demo­crat­ic friends don’t want to give this pres­id­ent and oth­er pres­id­ents the abil­ity to go after IS­IS without lim­it­a­tion to geo­graphy, time and means—be on the re­cord,” he ad­ded.

Kaine, a Demo­crat who has ag­gress­ively ad­voc­ated for an AUMF, was thrilled Thursday that the Sen­ate could soon take up de­bate, though he ad­ded that he hasn’t yet seen the de­tails. “After 18 months, I feel like the in­sti­tu­tion might be fi­nally wak­ing up that this is a threat,” Kaine said. “So we’ll see what the plan is on it, but the no­tion that we may be fi­nally tak­ing our job ser­i­ously on it is something I’m hope­ful about.”

Kaine said that al­though he and the vast ma­jor­ity of Con­gress sup­port com­batting IS­IS, he dis­agrees with the ad­min­is­tra­tion that the pres­id­ent is with­in his au­thor­ity to do so. “I be­lieve the war is il­leg­al,” Kaine said Thursday. “I don’t think there’s a leg­al jus­ti­fic­a­tion for it. And I think the greatest danger we end up do­ing is al­low­ing the pres­id­ent to wage a war without Con­gress weigh­ing in.”

Kaine ad­ded that the pres­id­ent ac­ted ini­tially “to pro­tect Amer­ic­an lives” and cred­ited the White House for send­ing over anAUMF last year. “We haven’t done any­thing. So just the no­tion that maybe fi­nally there’s some in­terest in this, I find grat­i­fy­ing. But we’ll have to work through the de­tails,” he said.

Sev­er­al Demo­crats said they were un­aware of or hadn’t read the new AUMF lan­guage, but some greeted the op­por­tun­ity to open de­bate on the is­sue.

Sen. Robert Men­en­dez, who helped to get a Demo­crat­ic draftAUMF through the For­eign Re­la­tions Com­mit­tee as chair­man in Decem­ber 2014, said that the new au­thor­iz­a­tion was news to him, but that he sup­por­ted bring­ing up the is­sue.

“I’m for the Con­gress vot­ing on an AUMF; of course it de­pends what the AUMF looks like,” Men­en­dez said Thursday. “I don’t want a blank check,” he said.

Cornyn, who in Decem­ber said that Re­pub­lic­ans would not present an AUMF of their own un­til the pres­id­ent out­lined a strategy, said that he non­ethe­less wel­comed de­bate on the is­sue.

“I don’t think we should be afraid of that de­bate, but we need a co­her­ent strategy from the pres­id­ent which we still don’t have and we also don’t need to tie the hands of the next pres­id­ent by re­strict­ing what the pres­id­ent can do,” Cornyn said.

“What I find kind of iron­ic about this is the pres­id­ent ap­par­ently thinks he has all the au­thor­ity he needs to do what he’s do­ing,” he ad­ded. “But I’m not afraid of the de­bate, I think it’s an im­port­ant de­bate to have, and cer­tainly the people we send in harm’s way need to know that the coun­try is be­hind them. So, thanks for telling me.”

THE VOICE OF REASON is the pen name of Michael DePinto, a graduate of Capital University Law School, and an attorney in Florida. Having worked in the World Trade Center, along with other family and friends, Michael was baptized by fire into the world of politics on September 11, 2001. Michael’s political journey began with tuning in religiously to whatever the talking heads on television had to say, then Michael became a “Tea-Bagging” activist as his liberal friends on the Left would say, volunteering within the Jacksonville local Tea Party, and most recently Michael completed law school. Today, Michael is a major contributor to www.BeforeItsNews.com, he owns and operates www.thelastgreatstand.com, where Michael provides what is often very ‘colorful’ political commentary, ripe with sarcasm, no doubt the result of Michael’s frustration as he feels we are witnessing the end of the American Empire. The topics Michael most often weighs in on are: Martial Law, FEMA Camps, Jade Helm, Economic Issues, Government Corruption, and Government Conspiracy.

The article Red Alert: Secret ISIS War Powers Act Covertly Allows Martial Law On US Streets (VIDEOS) published by TheSleuthJournal - Real News Without Synthetics

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