
By: The Voice of Reason |

There is no question that this is a story that just won’t die, even if 72 bankers in it’s path had to die before the story could get to this point. Hopefully no more will die before the wizard behind the curtain is finally revealed and brought to justice for his or her crimes… however that seems rather distant at the moment.

Jay Syrmopoulos is the original author of this particular article at Humans are Free, however, since I’ve been following this story since 2014 as well, I have supplemented his original article with previous findings of mine and the end result almost tripled the size of the article. At the bottom of this post, you’ll see several sections containing relevant and supporting links, the first section having seven stories I did on the mysterious banker “suicides.” My website has undergone multiple revisions during the 2+ years that have passed, so if some of the articles are poorly formatted, I apologize in advance. The link sections included for support at the bottom include:

OTHER STORIES ABOUT THE MYSTERIOUS DEATHS: Links to the seven sorties I did on the “suicides”

JUST A BRIEF LOOK AT SOME POSTS COVERING THE COMING COLLAPSE: A small sample of financial posts dealing with the coming collapse

HERE ARE SOME ITEMS YOU MIGHT FIND USEFUL AS WELL: Items that will be very useful when the next financial collapse hits

OTHER STRANGE CONSPIRATORIAL STORIES: Other very strange and conspiratorial stories you can thank our twisted government for

Naturally throughout all of 2014 and 2015, anyone trying to make sense of how 72 high profile banking professionals all died in “mysterious suicides,” was labeled a “conspiracy theorist,” because after all… there’s nothing suspicious about that at all right?  It’s nice to see that what some were once ignorant enough to say looked like wild speculation, is now beginning to resemble a vast criminal conspiracy connected to the Libor, interest-rigging scandal as you can read in Jay’s article below. First though, in the following video, Dahboo77 discusses an article by Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Show about the banker death phenomena. In addition to the banker deaths, Dahboo77 brings up the unexpected and sudden deaths of men like Andrew Breitbart, Tom Clancy, and Andrew Hastings (who’s covered more in detail below).

In the video you just saw, Dahboo77 claims all of those men went to their graves with stories untold. Was that by design? The next video titled, “Why Andrew Breitbart, Michael Hastings and Tom Clancy were Murdered” certainly makes the case that they were killed because they knew too much.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that anyone reading an article about 72 high level bankers all dead from “mysterious suicides” is open to the idea that Dahboo77 mentions in the first video when he talks about how this is “all tied together,” and how, “it’s so obvious.” There probably was a time when hearing about the global elites’ (also known as the Illuminati) master plan to enslave every man women and child on earth might have sounded like lunacy to you, but no more loony than 72 dead bankers, right? The skeptics can read some of my links at the bottom about HOW some of the dead bankers died.  That will erase any doubt. Dahboo77 also talks about moving toward the ultimate goal: One World Government with One World Currency, and he even mentions underground bunkers.

For those ready to open their eyes, Dahboo77 is correct… Every ounce of all of this ties together. There are many pieces we don’t know, however the pieces that we have been able to put together are very frightening. Much of it is detailed in the links that follow my video below (to the extent possible). My video explains what to expect both in the links that follow and the remainder of this crazy post.  To anyone out there rolling their eyes:

1. The families of the 72 dead aren’t rolling their eyes… This is VERY real for them…

2. John F. Kennedy himself said he was aware of a plan to enslave every man, woman, and child, but before leaving office he planned to expose that plan. He was referring to the plan of the Illuminati. You see how well that worked out for him right?

Understand something: The bogeymen ARE real, they DO have a plan for humanity, and it’s NOT good. There is so much information available to anyone willing to break free from the very same corporate media the bogeymen control, nut you have to unplug from the Matrix. I explain below:


Time the US Starts Seriously Paying Attention To the Illuminati Agenda



What Lost Pieces of Human History are the Illuminati Hiding and Why?



People Don’t Realize How Twisted the “Religion” of the Illuminati Is (Videos)





Secret ID of Georgia Guide Stones Creator Revealed; Any Other Secrets (Videos)?




“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.” ~ Rothschild

“We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” ~ Rothschild

Jay Syrmopoulos at Humans are Free Writes:

What once looked like wild speculation is now beginning to resemble a vast criminal conspiracy connected to the Libor, interest-rigging scandal.

Over forty international bankers allegedly killed themselves over a two-year period in the wake of a major international scandal that implicated financial firms across the globe.

However, three of these seemingly unrelated suicides seem to share common threads related to their connections to Deutsche Bank.

These three banker suicides, in New York, London, and Siena, Italy, took place within 17 months of each other in 2013/14 in what investigators labeled as a series of unrelated suicides.

“In each case, the victim had a connection to a burgeoning global banking scandal, leaving more questions than answers as to the circumstances surrounding their deaths,” according to the New York Post.

“But all three men worked for, or did business with, Deutsche Bank.”

Financial regulators in both Europe and the U.S. in 2013 began a probe that would ultimately become known as the Libor scandal, in which London bankers conspired to rig the London Interbank Offered Rate, which determines the interest banks charged on mortgages, personal and auto loans.

The scandal rocked the financial world and cost a consortium of international banks, including Deutsche Bank, about $20 billion in fines.

David Rossi, a 51-year-old communications director at the world’s oldest bank, Italian Monte dei Paschi di Siena, which was on the brink of collapse due to heavy losses in the derivatives market in the 2008 financial crisis, fell to his death on March 6, 2013.

At the time of his death, Monte Paschi was being investigated for its handling of billions in these risky derivative bets involving Deutsche Bank and Merrill Lynch.

According to a report in the NY Post:

“A devastating security video shows Rossi landing on the pavement on his back, facing the building — an odd position more likely to occur when a body is pushed from a window.

“The footage shows the three-story fall didn’t kill Rossi instantly. For almost 20 minutes, the banker lay on the dimly lit cobblestones, occasionally moving an arm and leg.

“As he lay dying, two murky figures appear. Two men appear and one walks over to gaze at the banker. He offers no aid or comfort and doesn’t call for help before turning around and calmly walking out of the alley.”

About an hour later, a co-worker discovered Rossi’s body. The arms were bruised and he sustained a head wound that, according to the local medical examiner’s report, suggested there might have been a struggle prior to his fall.

Ultimately Italian authorities ruled Rossi’s death a suicide. Rossi’s widow, Antonella Tognazzi, protested vigorously at the suggestion her husband’s death was a suicide, telling the Italian press that her husband “knew too much.”

Tognazzi pointed to the alleged suicide note from Rossi as a prime example of the suspicious nature of his death. In the note, Rossi refers to Antonella Tognazzi as Toni, but according to Tognazzi, that was not something he ever called her.

In October 2014, two Monte Paschi executives were convicted of obstructing regulators and misleading investigators by Italian authorities over the bailed-out Italian bank’s finances in the wake of the acquisition of Banca Antonveneta – which was heavily financed by Deutsche Bank.

In January of this year, Italian authorities civilly implicated three Deutsche Bank executives, including Michele Faissola, the wealth management director of the German bank — charging them with colluding with Monte Paschi in falsifying accounts, manipulating the market and obstructing justice.

Another of the mysterious deaths being revisited is that of William Broeksmit, 58, a Deutsche Bank exec was found hanging from a dog leash tied to a door at his London home in January 2014.

Broeksmit was found among a mess of financial papers, with a number of notes to friends and family nearby. A Deutsche Bank colleague, Michele Faissola, was called and arrived minutes later and began suspiciously going through the financial documents and reading the suicide notes.

“Yes, he killed himself,” stepson Val Broeksmit told the NY Post.

“But there’s a question: could it be suicide by extortion, could it be suicide by pressure or saying if you don’t do this, we’re going to do this? There’s a couple suspicions I have.”

Broeksmit’s stepson still wonders what his father’s colleague was searching for amongst the mess of financial documents.

Adding to the suspicious nature of his stepfather’s death, Val provided the NY Post email messages revealing that prior to his death, Broeksmit had just messaged friends about his excitement for an upcoming ski vacation scheduled for one week later.

Although a clinical psychologist revealed Broeksmit had been treated due to being “very anxious about authorities investigating areas of the bank at which he worked,” his depression over the Libor scandal had subsided, as his doctor gave him a clean bill of health only a month before his death.

According to the report by the NY Post:

“A month before his death, William Broeksmit wrote — in what his son says shows his anger — to fellow executives, asking why he should take the lead on the sticky matter of the upcoming Federal Reserve-mandated stress test for the bank.

“He also questioned the ‘generous’ loan-loss numbers being used by the bank, afraid that federal regulators would see the bank was losing more on loans than the books showed. Large losses could lead the feds to slap the bank with restrictions.

“Who is recommending that I do this? I am supposed to be an independent director and this puts me further into a role aligned with management,” he wrote.

New York City attorney, Calogero “Charles” Gambino, 41, was a married father of two, and Deutsche Bank’s in-house lawyer for 11 years at the bank’s downtown headquarters. Gambino primarily worked on defending the Deutsch Bank against Libor charges and other regulatory probes.

In October 2014, Gambino’s was found hanging from an upstairs balcony of his Brooklyn home, with a rope that was snaked through the banister and tied off on the newel post on the first floor. There was no note found and the family has steadfastly refused to comment on his death.

In his work as corporate counsel for Deutsche, Gambino had dealings with many of the bank’s European executives — including Michele Faissola and William Broeksmit and had intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the bank’s operations. Gambino’s death was ruled a suicide.

In the cases of Gambino, Rossi and Broeksmit, authorities seemingly never looked for, nor discovered, the apparent connections that reveal a deadly international criminal conspiracy at work.

However, authorities in Siena, Italy have recently exhumed the body of banker David Rossi, 51, and reopened their investigation into his death. They are expected to release their findings at the end of the month.

The common thread in each of these deaths is that all of the dead bankers had intimate knowledge of the international Libor scandal as it related to Deutsche Bank.

It seems apparent that these men were killed to ensure their silence, thus allowing those responsible for the interest rigging scandal within Deutsche to avoid responsibility.

Must-read on the subject: ‘Suiciding’ Top Bankers and Billionaires — Do You Know Why?

Alexander Light at HumansAreFree writes:

An investment banker jumped to his death from a luxury apartment building in Manhattan. Authorities confirmed Thomas J. Hughes was 29-years-old.

A man leaping from a luxury lower Manhattan apartment building met a grisly end Thursday when he was decapitated after crashing into a railing, horrified witnesses said.

The unidentified man jumped from a West St. building at about 11 a.m., officials said. His body exploded apart after it hit the railing bordering Battery Place and the underpass that leads to FDR Drive — leaving stunned onlookers covered in blood.

“There were body parts all over the floor,” said Hans Peler, 48, manager of the GGMC parking garage, which stands just a few feet from the gory scene. “Blood was all over (my employee’s) shirt. I sent him straight home. He was very upset,” said Peler. “It’s terrible, man.”

Banking Cabal’s Carnival: Israel ~ The Land Of Delusion

Thomas J. Hughes, 29, a former Citigroup and UBS investment banker who joined the boutique shop of Moelis & Company in February, 2014.

Body parts may have also hit or bounced off a Honda CRV that stopped short on the roadway and remained at the scene, witnesses said. “I don’t know where he came from! I don’t know where he came from!” a passenger of the SUV was heard screaming.

Witness Mario Mroczkowski, 37, said the impact was so bad, the man’s body was left in pieces. “I got close, but when I looked, all I saw were body parts … guts everywhere,” Mroczkowski said. “He hit the railing and got his head cut off.”

Taxi driver Tony Santos, 45, was in his SUV in front of the Ritz-Carlton across the street when he was startled by the sound of the body’s impact. “I heard like a boom,” Santos said.

Thomas J Hughes

Hours after the apparent suicide, the man remained unidentified. Body parts were found under the CRV, witnesses said. Blood was found pooled under the car and spattered on both sides of the railing, witnesses said. “He’s a mess,” a police source said. “His face is barely decipherable.”

Witnesses believe the man jumped from the 18th floor of 1 West St., home of Ocean Luxury Residences where one-bedroom apartments go for up to $4,000 a month. At least one witness said he jumped from the roof of the 31-story building. Styled after a 14th-century palace, 1 West St. has a Venetian-look lobby, fitness center and outdoor decks overlooking New York Harbor.

Cops were investigating the man’s death Thursday afternoon.

Police investigate the grisly scene where Thomas J. Hughes leaped from a luxury apartment building near the Battery Tunnel Thursday.

New York Daily News

At this point we have lost count of how many bankers have taken their own lives in the past year, despite stocks rising to all time highs and an artificial “wealth effecting” environment which if nobody else, benefits the banker class. We dread to think what happens to New York’s pavements once the central planners finally lose control. Zero Hedge

Astonishing List of 72 Top Bankers Dead and No Natural Causes!

I’ve recently stumbled across a list of top bankers that have been killed in cold blood, died in “accidents” or have allegedly committed suicide.

In some of the cases, their deaths are so suspicious that the ‘suicide’ verdict is simply ridiculous, as you will see.

While searching for news reports documenting their deaths, I’ve managed to find a lot more cases of high ranking bankers that have been found dead in suspect circumstances. I’ve added the cases to the list and included the appropriate reference links.

Head Of The Illuminati Snake ~ Rothschild Estimated Worth: $300-$500 Trillion

The fact that none of the bankers on this list died of natural causes is absolutely stunning. Before proceeding to the list, I suggest you reading the following piece: ‘Suiciding’ the Bankers and Billionaires — Do You Know Why?

1. Nov – Shawn Miller, 42, Citigroup managing director – found dead in bathtub with throat slashed. Murder weapon is missing. – Reference.

2. Oct – Edmund Reilly, 47, a trader at Midtown’s Vertical Group, threw himself in front of a speeding Long Island Rail Road commuter train. – Reference.

3. Jan – William ‘Bill’ Broeksmit, 58, HUNG/POSSIBLE SUICIDE.

4. June – Richard Gravino, 49, Application Team Lead, JP Morgan, SUDDEN DEATH cause unknown/pending

5. June – James McDonald – President & CEO of Rockefeller & Co – apparently self-inflicted, GUNSHOT WOUND

6. May – Thomas Schenkman, 42, Managing Director of Global Infrastructure, JP Morgan, SUDDEN DEATH, cause unknown/pending

7. May – Naseem Mubeen – Assistant Vice President ZBTL Bank, Islamabad, SUICIDE jumped

8. May – Daniel Leaf – senior manager at the Bank of Scotland/Saracen Fund Managers, FELL OFF A CLIFF

9. May – Nigel Sharvin – Senior Relationship Manager Ulster Bank manage portfolio of distressed businesses, ACCIDENTAL DROWNING

10. April – Lydia (no surname given) 52, France’s Bred-Banque-Populaire, SUICIDE jumped – Reference.

11. April – Li Jianhua, 49, Non-bank Financial Institutions Supervision Department of the regulator, HEART ATTACK

12. April – Benedict Philippens, Director/Manager Bank Ans-Saint-Nicolas, SHOT

13. April – Tanji Dewberry – Assistant Vice President, Credit Suisse, HOUSE FIRE

14. April – Amir Kess, co-founder and managing director Markstone Capital Group private equity fund, CYCLIST HIT BY CAR

15. April – Juergen Frick, 48, Bank Frick & Co. AG, SHOT Dead

Rothschild Billionaire Mahafarid Amir Khosravi, executed In Iran For bilking money then buying Iranian property for Agenda 21


16. April – Jan Peter Schmittmann – former CEO of Dutch Bank ABN Amro, (Possibly suicide, SHOT)

17. April – Andrew Jarzyk – Assistant Vice President, Commercial Banking at PNC Financial Services Group, MISSING/DEAD

18. March – Mohamed Hamwi – System Analyst at Trepp, a financial data and analytics firm, SHOT

19. March – Joseph Giampapa – JP Morgan lawyer, CYCLIST HIT BY MINIVAN

20. March – Kenneth Bellando, 28, (youngest) former JP Morgan, SUICIDE, allegedly jumping from his apartment building. – Reference.

21. Feb – John Ruiz Morgan Stanley Municipal Debt Analyst, died suddenly, NO CAUSE GIVEN

22. Feb – Jason Alan Salais, 34, Information Technology specialist at JPMorgan, FOUND DEAD outside a Walgreens pharmacy

23. Feb – Autumn Radtke, CEO of First Meta Bitcoin, a cyber-currency exchange firm, “Suspected SUICIDE” – Reference.

24. Feb – James Stuart Jr., Former National Bank of Commerce CEO, FOUND DEAD.

25. Feb – Edmund (Eddie) Reilly, trader at Midtown’s Vertical Group, SUICIDE Previously Mentioned #2

26. Feb – Li Junjie, JP Morgan, Alleged SUICIDE after jumping from the JP Morgan HQ in Hong Kong – Reference.

27. Feb – Ryan Henry Crane, 37, Executive at JP Morgan, SUDDEN DEATH cause unknown – Reference.

28. Feb – Richard Talley — A coroner’s spokeswoman Thursday said Talley was found in his garage by a family member who called authorities. They said Talley died from seven or eight self-inflicted wounds from a nail gun fired into his torso and head. — Reference.

29. Jan – Gabriel Magee, 39, JP Morgan employee, dead after allegedly jumping from the rooftop of JP Morgan HQ in Europe.

30. July – Julian Knott, 45, JPMorgan Executive Director, Global Tier 3 Network Operations, allegedly shot his wife multiple times, then shot himself dead. – Reference.

31. Jan – Mike Dueker, Suicide — “Suicide” By 13 Meter Embankment (40-50 feet). He may have jumped over a 4-foot (1.2-meter) fence before falling down a 40- to 50-foot embankment.” – Reference.

Dueker worked at Seattle-based Russell for five years, and developed a business-cycle index that forecast economic performance. He was previously an assistant vice president and research economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. – Reference.

China Executes Keynesian Bankers aka; Rothschild Henchmen.


32. Jan – Carl Slym, SUICIDE

33. Jan – Tim Dickenson, Communications Director at Swiss Re AG, SUDDEN DEATH cause unknown

34. Dec 2013 – Robert Wilson, a retired hedge fund founder, apparent SUICIDE leaped to his death from his 16th floor residence

35. Dec 2013 – Joseph . Ambrosio, age 34, Financial Analyst for J.P. Morgan, died suddenly from Acute Respiratory Syndrome

36. Dec 2013 – Benjamin Idim, CAR ACCIDENT

37. Dec 2013 – Susan Hewitt – Deutsche Bank, DROWNING

38. Nov 2013 – Patrick Sheehan, CAR ACCIDENT

39. Nov 2013 – Michael Anthony Turner, Career Banker, CAUSE UNKOWN

40. Nov 2013 – Venera Minakhmetova Former Financial Analyst at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, CYCLIST HIT

41. Oct 2013 – Michael Burdin, SUICIDE

42. Oct 2013 – Ezdehar Husainat – former JP Morgan banker, killed in FREAK ACCIDENT when her SUV crushed her to death

43. Sept 2013 – Guy Ratovondrahona -Madagascar central bank, Sudden death – cause not confirmed

44. Aug 2013 – Pierre Wauthier, SUICIDE

45. Aug 2013 – Moritz Erhardt, SUICIDE

46. July 2013 Hussain Najadi CEO of merchant bank AIAK Group, SHOT

47. July 2013 Carsten Schloter, SUICIDE

48. July 2013 Sascha Schornstein – RBS in its commodity finance, MISSING

49. April 2013 David William Waygood, SUICIDE

50. Mar 2013 – David Rossi – communications director of troubled Italian bank Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS), SUICIDE

Lethal, but not fatal (more than one way to skin a banker)

51. Fang Fang – JP Morgan, China, DISGRACED

52. Nick Bagnall – Director at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, son accidentally killed himself while trying to re-enact a Tudor hanging

53. Robin Clark – RP Martin -Wolf of Shenfield City banker shot, SURVIVED

54. Kevin Bespolka – Citi Capital Advisors, Dresdner Bank, Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley, Seriously injured and son dead

55. Robert Wheeler, 49, a Deutsche Bank financial advisor, DISGRACED

56. Chris Latham – Bank of America, ON TRIAL, Murder for Hire

57. Igor Artamonov – West Siberian Bank of Sberbank, Daughter found dead (POSSIBLE SUICIDE)

58. Hector Sants, Barclays – resigned due to stress and exhaustion, after being told he risked more serious consequences to his health if he continued to work – a remarkable turnaround as the Church reportedly approached him two months later and was told he had made a full recovery.

More suspicious deaths

59. April 21st Bruce A. Schaal, 63, died suddenly Banker in Twin Lakes for 35 years

60. April 20th Keith Barnish 58, Died Suddenly (Still working as Senior Managing Director at Doral Financial Corporation. Previously Bear Stearns, Bank of America Senior Vice President).

61. March 12th Jeffrey Corzine, 31, son of MF Global CEO and Chairman Jon Corzine involved in major banking crime was found dead in an apparent suicide.

62. Keiran Toman, 39, former banker who believed he was being stalked by a reality TV crew starved to death in a hotel room, after leaving the “do not disturb” sign on door for TWO weeks.

[Highly suspicious claims, as many of us probably know that the hotel cleaning staff will knock on the door after 24 hours and eventually enter the room if failing to respond].

An inquest was opened after his death in July 2010 but his family asked for a second hearing as they were not informed. Police found all of Mr Toman’s possessions in the room, but despite documents mentioning his family, failed to tell them he had died. — Reference.

63. Nicholas Austin, 49, A former bank manager from Hersden died after drinking antifreeze in an effort to “get high”. was found in a coma by his wife Lynn at their home in Blackthorne Road on October 5. He died the same day. – Reference.

“I took special note of the last one – he died drinking antifreeze in an attempt to “get high”! Funny one that is, as if a banker would be stupid enough to try that.

The list is shocking, I never saw so many suicides and car accidents. No gall bladder stones, cancer deaths, strokes, or simply falling ill, it is just a litany of action.

That pretty much says it all.” – Jim Stone Freelance

The list continues…

64. Melissa Millian, 54, Senior Vice President at MassMutual Financial Group, stabbed in the chest near a jogging alley in Connecticut – Reference.

65. Karl Slym, 51, Tata Motors managing director – not a banker, but a top official that could be connected somehow to the others – discovered dead on the fourth floor of the Shangri-La hotel in Bangkok.

66. Geert Tack was a private banker for ING and managed portfolios of wealthy clients in Blegium. The cause of death was unknown at the time of the report, but he disappeared in mysterious circumstances, after driving his personal car to a garage from which he took a replacement car to an unknown destination. His body was found in November 2014 near the shores of the Ostend coast. – Reference.

67. Thieu Leenen, 64, Relatiemanager ABN/AMRO, Eindhoven, Nederland

68. Calogero Gambino, 41, Associate General Counsel and Managing Director at Deutsche Bank, America – Alleged SUICIDE by hanging – Reference.

69. Thierry Leyne, 48, banker at Anatevka S.A., Israël, “apparent SUICIDE”- Reference.

70. Tod Robert Edward, 51, Vice President of M&T Bank, Lancaster and Harrisburg Offices, and served as President of the Mortgage Banker’s Assn – died on August 31st, 2014, on Grindstone Island, Clayton, NY, from injuries sustained in an accident. – Reference.

71. Therese Brouwer, 50, Managing Director ING, Nederland – Died in MH17 Crash – For me, this is absolutely HUGE, as I’ve spent weeks debunking the official story and, IMO, proving the false flag. – Reference.

72. Michael A. Tabacchi, 27, and his wife, Iran Pars Tabacchi, 41, were found dead Friday about 11:30 p.m. in the bedroom of their Closter home after a 911 call placed by the husband’s father, Bergen County Prosecutor John Molinelli said in an interview. – Reference.

THE VOICE OF REASON is the pen name of Michael DePinto, a graduate of Capital University Law School, and an attorney in Florida. Having worked in the World Trade Center, along with other family and friends, Michael was baptized by fire into the world of politics on September 11, 2001. Michael’s political journey began with tuning in religiously to whatever the talking heads on television had to say, then Michael became a “Tea-Bagging” activist as his liberal friends on the Left would say, volunteering within the Jacksonville local Tea Party, and most recently Michael was sworn in as an attorney. Today, Michael is a major contributor to www.BeforeItsNews.com, he owns and operates www.thelastgreatstand.com, where Michael provides what is often very ‘colorful’ political commentary, ripe with sarcasm, no doubt the result of Michael’s frustration as he feels we are witnessing the end of the American Empire. The topics Michael most often weighs in on are: Martial Law, FEMA Camps, Jade Helm, Economic Issues, Government Corruption, and Government Conspiracy.

The post Mainstream Media Finally Admits 72 Mass Banker ‘Suicides’ Were Likely A Vast Criminal Conspiracy (VIDEO) appeared first on The Sleuth Journal.

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