
By: Michael Herzog | The American Awakening -

Ferguson Official Story: Michael Brown Jr. was allegedly gunned down by an unnamed police officer August 9, 2014. Un-named Eyewitnesses say Michael Brown was unarmed and had his hands in the air when shot (who are the ‘un-named’ eyewitnesses?).

Michael’s mother was ‘Lesley McSpadden’ and step father was ‘Louis Head.’ An ancestry search of the Ms. McSpadden shows two hits, one in Loiusiana (age 51), the other in Missouri (age 34). The search also depicts one Lesley McSpadden relative; Michael Brown is in neither. The one in Missouri shows ‘Abby Mc Spadden,’ the one in Louisiana a ‘Jeff McSpadden.’ Neither shows an AKA of ‘Brown.’

Regarding Louis Head in Missouri, ancestry search shows no relation to any ‘McSpadden,’ any ‘Michael’ or any ‘Brown’ but does show a relation to a ‘Lela Head’ and a ‘Stephanie Head.’ Oddly, there are two Louis E. Head’s depicted in Missouri, one in Saint Louis and one in Salem, Mo. There is however another Louis Head depicted in Arcadia Mo. and this one lists the same Stephanie Head as a relative as the Louis E. Head. It also lists an address of ‘Scott Air Force Base in Illinois.’

On August 11, Saint Louis police spokesperson Brian Schellman did not identify the person who was shot or what prompted the shooting.

A witness (reported FOX 2now) said that she saw Brown ‘running for his life’ before he was shot. She said he ‘turned around with his hands in the air but was shot twice more, resulting in his death. Police spokesperson Brian Schellman declined to give any information about the male who was shot, including his age or race because police were still trying to notify relatives. (All relatives at the time were unidentified.)

When one does a ‘Grave search form’ for a ‘Michael Brown’ in Missouri who died in 2014, there is one hit. It is for a Michael Hadley Brown Sr. (age 57) who died Feb. 4, 2014. Other than this, in Missouri there is no other match and no known burial. When you do a Social Security death index search for an 18 year old Michael Brown, there is nothing .

NBC news reported Brown’s autopsy confirmed that he died of gunshot wounds but refused to say how many and Saint Louis County police wouldn’t release any other details of the autopsy. (Was there a real autopsy or….are these more Sandy Hook type actions?). There are no hits anywhere in Missouri on ‘Obituaries and Guest books.’

If one goes into and type in the particulars on Michael Brown Jr. there are no hits. There is a makeshift obituary at legacy.com from ‘DelawareOnline’ (a Gannett company) in Wilmington Delaware, that looks highly suspicious as there are only 16 entries in the guest book. Of those 16, seven are from Delaware and there is only one from Missouri. One would think in light of this event and its national attention, there would literally be thousands, if not tens of thousands and many would be from Missouri. More than a little odd…wouldn’t you say?

Now…here’s where it really starts to get weird. There is a Michael E. Brown Jr. that passed away this year but it was on July 28th, 2014. Funeral services were held at St Ignacious Catholic Church on–guess what date? August 9th, the same day as our alleged Ferguson, Missouri ‘Michael Brown Jr’ was gunned down. [Michael E. Brown Jr.’s obituary.] There are also photo comparisons of both Michael Brown Jr’s in a youtube video : [The account hosting this video has since been deleted by YouTube.-JFT].

They look like they could indeed be the same guy. Michael E. Brown Jr. was 29 years old and, interestingly enough, the photos of the younger Michael Brown not only strongly resemble the older, but they look to be ‘dated’ as well as one or two ‘Photoshopped’ images (similar to Sandy Hook photos).

There is strong evidence to indicate that Michael E. Brown Jr’s obituary was hijacked. There are only 16 entries on the guest page of Delaware Online’s version of the Obituary, seven of which were residents of Wilmington, Delaware and only one in Saint Louis. In contrast, the older Michael E. Brown’s Obituary from legacy.com depicts about 50% of the entries to be from residents of California, the latter making much more sense than from the former.

In conclusion, was there really a shooting in Ferguson, or was it staged? Did any of those unnamed’ witnesses see a shooting at all or were they simply part of a psy-op and paid to ‘say’ they witnessed a shooting? Did the victim really die or was he a crisis actor? If there was a ‘victim,’ who was he? Was the whole story simply fabricated as a test for police/military Martial Law?

Remember the phony CNN story where the reporter was pushed by a police officer and told to ‘move back,’ along with a crowd behind him, while we were all scratching our heads wondering why his cameraman was left unmolested and allowed to film the entire incident?

A week prior of my return to RBN I watched an hour+ video of a Sgt Major Dan Page giving a seminar to a group of people claiming himself to be a 35 year military veteran and a ‘hired killer’ for the military. This man is one in the same as the Police officer who directed the CNN Reporter and the subsequent crowd backward as he conveniently left the reporter’s cameraman unmolested allowing him to film the action for public consumption.

Because of this deliberate ignorance of this cameraman, it is my contention that Officer Page a.k.a. Sgt Major Page was instructed to leave the cameraman alone (affirming the entire CNN report as a fakery) and when Page’s video surfaced, CNN had to then ‘cover their arse’s’ by pretending they knew nothing of Page’s video or background.

[The above video did not appear in the original version of this article.-JFT]

Michael Herzog is a former private investigator. Additional information and articles are available at his website, The American Awakening. Mr. Herzog also hosts a weekly program, The American Awakening, on Republic Broadcasting Network.

Article was republished from MemoryHoleBlog.

The article Ferguson Killing: Real Death, Or Staged Agitation Propaganda? published by TheSleuthJournal - Real News Without Synthetics

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